Chapter 4: Activated Sludge Modelling - IqTMA-UVa

Chapter 4: Activated Sludge Modelling - IqTMA-UVa Chapter 4: Activated Sludge Modelling - IqTMA-UVa


Processes for BiologicalPhosphorous Removal• Modified UCT process offers ahigher protection of theAnaerobic tank against thepernicious effects of Nitrate• More complex operationd) PhoStrip: Combined biological and chemical P removal• No N removal• P is released from Biomass in ananaerobic gravity settler receivingRAS• Overflow from the settler is treatedchemically with alum, lime or Fe salt•The RAS is returned to the aerobicstage62

Processes for BiologicalPhosphorous Removal☺ PhoStrip can be easily incorporated in existing AS plants☺ It can achieve [Ortophosphate] < 1 mg/L☺ Less dependent on bsCOD☻ High operation cost due to chemical use.☻ High maintenance when using LimeSRT 5-20 d; HRT anae8-12 h; HRT aer4-10 hE) Modified Bardenpho• The second anoxic stageprovides additional nitrificationRAS free of Nitrates• 3-5 mg/TN• Less efficient for P removal• Large Tank Volumes63

Processes for BiologicalPhosphorous Removal• Modified UCT process offers ahigher protection of theAnaerobic tank against thepernicious effects of Nitrate• More complex operationd) PhoStrip: Combined biological and chemical P removal• No N removal• P is released from Biomass in ananaerobic gravity settler receivingRAS• Overflow from the settler is treatedchemically with alum, lime or Fe salt•The RAS is returned to the aerobicstage62

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