Chapter 4: Activated Sludge Modelling - IqTMA-UVa

Chapter 4: Activated Sludge Modelling - IqTMA-UVa Chapter 4: Activated Sludge Modelling - IqTMA-UVa


Processes for Biological NitrogenRemoval: Preanoxic TreatmentSDNR is also affected by the internal recirculation (IR, typically 3-4) if F/M bis > 1IR 2 SDNRadjIR 34 SDNRadjSDNRIR1SDNR 0.0166ln( FMIR1 0.029ln( FMb) 0.0078b) 0.01248

Processes for Biological NitrogenRemoval: Preanoxic TreatmentComputational Steps for a correct Design of an Anoxic/Aerobic process:1. Determine wastewater characteristics (emphasis in rbCOD/bCOD ratio)and effluent requirements2. Determine the SRT from the procedure established for nitrification designnX N nmKnN KbQ SRT Y S V 1koDO kDOod S SRT dn1SRT3. Determine the active biomass concentration for the nitrification design4. Determine IR using the NOx concentration previously determined from theN balance in the nitrification design and the desired N-NO 3-in the effluent-kg/d of NO3producedin the aerobic zoneQ NO Ne Q IR Q R Q-- NO 3in the NO3 effluent IRin theNO3in the RAS3-49

Processes for Biological NitrogenRemoval: Preanoxic TreatmentSDNR is also affected by the internal recirculation (IR, typically 3-4) if F/M bis > 1IR 2 SDNRadjIR 34 SDNRadjSDNRIR1SDNR 0.0166ln( FMIR1 0.029ln( FMb) 0.0078b) 0.01248

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