Chapter 4: Activated Sludge Modelling - IqTMA-UVa

Chapter 4: Activated Sludge Modelling - IqTMA-UVa Chapter 4: Activated Sludge Modelling - IqTMA-UVa


Processes for BOD Removal andNitrificationD) Low-Cost Systems: operated at long SRT High Tank VolumesSuitable for Small communities where land is not a limitationSRT 15-40 days / HRT 15-30 hE) Sequential Batch SystemsOnly 1 bioreactor used3 h fill 2 h aeration 0.5 h settling 0.5h withdrawal2 bioreactors operated simultaneouslyNo need for secondary settlerSRT 10-30 days / HRT 15-40 h42

Processes for Biological NitrogenRemoval4 main categories:• Preanoxic configuration: Wastewater and RAS meet in the Preanoxictank. Nitrate is recycled from the aerobic compartment. Electron donor isinfluent BODRate of Denitrification affected by rbCOD, [MLSS], and T• Postanoxic Configuration: Anoxic zone follows aerobic zoneThe electron donor can be either an external Csource (typically methanol) or lysis substratefrom endogenous respiration of activatedsludge (in this last case denitrification is 3-8times slower than preanoxic denitrification43

Processes for Biological NitrogenRemoval4 main categories:• Preanoxic configuration: Wastewater and RAS meet in the Preanoxictank. Nitrate is recycled from the aerobic compartment. Electron donor isinfluent BODRate of Denitrification affected by rbCOD, [MLSS], and T• Postanoxic Configuration: Anoxic zone follows aerobic zoneThe electron donor can be either an external Csource (typically methanol) or lysis substratefrom endogenous respiration of activatedsludge (in this last case denitrification is 3-8times slower than preanoxic denitrification43

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