Chapter 4: Activated Sludge Modelling - IqTMA-UVa

Chapter 4: Activated Sludge Modelling - IqTMA-UVa Chapter 4: Activated Sludge Modelling - IqTMA-UVa


Influence of nbVSSAn amount of non biodegradable, also called inert, VSS is introduced intothe reactor in the WW. This amount is not degraded biologically andtherefore, at a steady state, the nbVSS concentrations in the effluentand reactor are similar to the nbVSS concentration in the influent (X 0,i )The total mass of VSS in the Bioreactor includes the biomass produced(r g ), the nbVSS introduced (X 0,i ) and the debris released from theendogenous decay:QX 0S 0VrXrSrQXS14

Influence of nbVSSr VSS = total VSS production rate = r g + QX o,i /V + f d (k d )Xr g = -Yr su – k d X = biomass production from bCOD (-Yr su) minus endogenousdecay (k dX)f d (k d )X = rate of cell debris production with f d= fraction of biomass remainingas cell debris. The cell debris production is directly proportional to thebiomass concentration and k dQX o,i /V = Amount of nbVSS in the influent (Q = influent flow rate, X 0,i= influentnbVSS and V = reactor volume).15

Influence of nbVSSAn amount of non biodegradable, also called inert, VSS is introduced intothe reactor in the WW. This amount is not degraded biologically andtherefore, at a steady state, the nbVSS concentrations in the effluentand reactor are similar to the nbVSS concentration in the influent (X 0,i )The total mass of VSS in the Bioreactor includes the biomass produced(r g ), the nbVSS introduced (X 0,i ) and the debris released from theendogenous decay:QX 0S 0VrXrSrQXS14

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