First Digital Well – LIVe! - KwIDF

First Digital Well – LIVe! - KwIDF

First Digital Well – LIVe! - KwIDF


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GC1S A B R I Y A HorumIssue 1 - AUGUST 2010The Kuwait Integrated<strong>Digital</strong> Field BulletinINSIDE THIS ISSUE:<strong>KwIDF</strong> – A Landmark for Everyone at KOC to Support – Interview with Mr. Khalid Al-Sumaiti – Deputy Managing Director – E&PDStart the <strong>Digital</strong> Journey – Interview with Dr Adel Al-Abassi - Manager Research And Technology GroupLive the Business – Interview with Mr. Emad Mahmoud Sultan – Manager Operations – East KuwaitBenefitting our Business and Our People – Interview with Badria Abdul Rahman – Manager Field Development - South & East KuwaitWhat is an Integrated <strong>Digital</strong> Field?What is the <strong>KwIDF</strong> GC1 Proof of Concept?A Brand New Collaboration Center<strong>First</strong> <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Well</strong> – LIVE!<strong>KwIDF</strong> is our future – Interview with Mr. Ahmad Al-Jasmi - Team Leader - Research & TechnologyStart the <strong>Digital</strong> Journey- see page 3<strong>KwIDF</strong> isa landmarkfor KOC,saysMr. KhalidAl-Sumaiti<strong>KwIDF</strong> is our future.Let’s work together tobuild that future- see back page<strong>First</strong> <strong>Digital</strong><strong>Well</strong> – LIVE!On the 15th August 2010 the first oil well (BG-0136)was successfully installed and commissioned aspart of the <strong>KwIDF</strong> GC1 proof of concept - see page 7

tividade intra célula. O BCube [Guo et al., 2009] é outra arquitetura que se assemelha aoDCell em seu aspecto de uso dos servidores para as tarefas de rede. O BCube foi desenvolvidopara ser embutido em contêineres selados para facilitar o seu deslocamento. OBCube também possui arquitetura modular na qual, diferente do DCell, seus módulos sãointerconectados por comutadores.Até o momento, poucos trabalhos comparam as diferentes arquiteturas sob o pontode vista de falhas de cada um dos seus componentes principais. Nota-se que, dependendoda arquitetura, a rede intra data center é composta apenas por comutadores oupor comutadores e servidores. Essas diferenças tornam a comparação complexa porquedepende da métrica de interesse. Em [Gill et al., 2011] são realizadas medidas em enlacese equipamentos de redes de data centers reais para quantificar falhas nessas redes,não considerando as novas topologias devido à escassez de soluções reais que as utilizematualmente. Popa et al. [Popa et al., 2010] comparam diferentes arquiteturas emtermos de custo e consumo energético. Para isso, é definido um nível alvo para a capacidadee latência da rede que atinjam um desempenho satisfatório. Na comparação,os custos das diferentes arquiteturas são calculados para alcançar o alvo estabelecido.Em [Guo et al., 2009] a robustez das topologias são comparadas considerando um padrãode tráfego específico e o funcionamento dos protocolos das arquiteturas que as empregam.Este trabalho, diferentemente de [Guo et al., 2009], compara a robustez da topologia dasprincipais arquiteturas intra data center existentes (FatTree, DCell e BCube) do ponto devista da teoria dos grafos. Para isso, modela-se todos equipamentos da rede como nós e oscabos como enlaces. A partir do modelo, neste trabalho avalia-se o impacto na topologiaem consequência de falhas em cada um dos componentes principais de rede (servidor, comutadore enlace). Os resultados obtidos permitem verificar o grau de comprometimentode cada uma das arquiteturas com os seus componentes de rede. As métricas utilizadas naavaliação são o tamanho dos componentes conexos da rede e a relação entre o diâmetrode seu maior componente conexo e seu diâmetro original. A análise da robustez considerandoapenas a disposição topológica é importante pois é independente da aplicação edos algoritmos de roteamento e engenharia de tráfego das arquiteturas. Assim, fornece umestudo de base assumindo que novos algoritmos possam ser incorporados às arquiteturasem questão. O estudo deste trabalho considera então que todos os algoritmos de roteamentoe engenharia de tráfego funcionam de forma ótima, reagindo de forma adequadaàs falhas de componentes e possibilitando o uso eficiente dos múltiplos caminhos.Este trabalho está organizado da seguinte forma: a Seção 2 detalha os critérios deformação das topologias de rede intra data center. A Seção 3 apresenta a metodologiautilizada na análise de robustez bem como descreve as métricas empregadas na avaliação.Já a Seção 4 apresenta os resultados obtidos. Por fim, a Seção 5 conclui este trabalho eindica as direções futuras.2. Topologias de redes intra Data CenterNeste trabalho foram consideradas três das topologias mais referenciadas na literatura,e já utilizadas em trabalhos recentes como [Raiciu et al., 2011], e as variaçõesde seus parâmetros, como número de portas de comutadores e servidores. Considera-seainda que os enlaces possuem a mesma capacidade em todas as topologias abordadas.

A Brand NewCollaboration CenterAs part of the <strong>KwIDF</strong> GC1 proof of concept, anew Collaboration Center is being built in thatwill offer users a World Class facility from whichto manage business interests in the BurganField. Located in B6, state of the art shared“Technology Tables” with the ability to pivotwithin the room for optimal collaborationmanagement and ergonomic comfort will beinstalled. The consoles will have internal liftsto raise or lower the monitors and keyboards,allowing a clean table top for collaborationmeetings while visualizing data on the sixscreen overview display wall at the front of theroom.Each console will be equipped withtelepresence cameras and codecs to allowvirtual face to face conversations to occur withany other console in the suite, or at the BurganField GC Support Center. Further access to datais offered through multi-touch monitors withineach Operations Room in the Center and atBurgan Field. Multi-touch screens will provideusers with the ability to apply multiple fingergestures simultaneously onto the electronicvisual display to send complex commands tothe device, interacting and manipulating thedata in a highly gestural and graphical nature.Interfacing with computer data in this mannerwill create a highly effective communicationtool for the User Groups.Human Factors for the new CollaborationCenter have been specially designed. Acousticsof the rooms will be controlledthrough specially selectedand applied materials thatwill help reduce ambientnoise levels, creating a sereneand effective workplaceenvironment, while the roomswill be further enhancedthrough proper lighting tomaximize the experiences in,and stress-free atmosphereof, the Collaboration Center.The overall design is rooted inbest practices of operationalexcellence, ergonomics, andproper human factors that willallow better HSE reporting,job satisfaction, and superioroperational excellence.For occasions when full teamcollaboration between bothAnalysis Room and DecisionRoom is warranted, the centerdividing wall may be collapsedinto a concealed storage area,allowing collaboration tooccur with the participationof both rooms in one largespace. Technology tables aredesigned to pivot into anyarrangement to face whateverdirection desired.<strong>First</strong> <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Well</strong> – LIVE!KOC, working with its strategic partner,Weatherford Petroleum Services in Kuwait,achieved this significant milestone after theculmination of two years intensive activity tocreate and implement best in class digital oilsolutions into the business.The first well, located in Burgan Field – KOC’slargest in Kuwait, is an important landmark forKOC that will ultimately see the roll-out of manyhundreds of wells being installed with the latestdigital equipment and instrumentation over thecoming months.The leading edge technology being introducedwill ensure KOC maintains its position as a globalleader in the oil and gas industry.The new digital technology being installed byWeatherford through the <strong>KwIDF</strong> GC1 pilot willenable KOC to transfer accurate and real-timedata directly from the oil wells in the field to abrand new Collaboration Center in the Ahmadioffices. A new Decision Center will also form partof the new infrastructure being built.Being able to gather and analyze real-timeinformation from the oil wells will enable thebusiness to make decisions much faster andmore efficiently. This will support KOC’s objectiveto remotely control the wells to optimize oilproduction through better management of thereservoir. Automated processes being introducedwill also improve the safety environment foroperators and engineers working in the field.PAGE 7

S A B R I Y A HorINTEVIEW WITH MR AHMAD AL-JASMITEAM LEADER - RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY<strong>KwIDF</strong> is our future.Let’s work together tobuild that futureMr Ahmad Al-Jasmi, Team Leader, Research & TechnologySurface describes why <strong>KwIDF</strong> is an exciting pilot that willultimately impact everyone at KOC.The world is getting smarter all the timeand now is the right time for KOC to fullyadopt the smart field concept. With theenvironment evolving in both Kuwait andKOC, we need to conduct our business ina smarter way. Often we take too muchtime looking and checking for data and<strong>KwIDF</strong> will really help us to grow, evolveand develop the business in a much moreprofessional and practical manner.“My objective for the three existing <strong>KwIDF</strong>pilots is to demonstrate added value – sowe can convert KOC into a much smartercompany. <strong>KwIDF</strong> is not just for productionand reservoir management; it is where we linkproduction, reserves with exports (like sales),quality and economics so we can explore thebest ways to get the estimated productioncost per barrel down.”KOC’s objective is to fully integratereservoir management with facilities(surface and subsurface) and to address anumber of different challenges in the fielde.g. water flood management, productionoptimization and HSE. The next step is tocreate a smarter way that will deliver andmeasure the hydrocarbon exported fromKOC – whether to refineries or to tankersbased on crude quality.“It is the KOC Board’s desire to create anenhanced export model from all the assets –we would like to have the HR database linkedto the system, so we know details aboutour resources and how much manpower isrequired to deliver a task. The finance modelin KOC should also be linked to the systemso we can adjust production output basedon the most effective business areas. SeniorManagement will be ablemake informed decisionsbased on operationalefficiency in order tooptimize the cost perbarrel. We will be in astronger position to closedown or optimize differentareas of the businessby comparing reservoirnumbers against financialdata.”The team has performedvery well to deliverthis first well fullyinstrumented, adheringto all Company policiesand procedures intotality.“It is a significant milestone getting the firstproduct from the factory delivered. Althoughwe have only just embarked on the testing,to date everyone is happy with the progressmade. Now the initial groundwork has beencompleted, the next phase will be to installthe same equipment and instrumentationto all the other wells, adhering to the sameapproved procedures.”“In addition, the IT servers need to beinstalled ASAP so we can really test thenew equipment. Once installed, then we’llbe able to test all workflows related to theinstrumentation and the real added valueof what has been achieved will becomepositively visible.”“Unlike the pilots being conducted in otherKOC fields, the <strong>KwIDF</strong> GC1 project is almost acomplete project covering all wells connectedto a gathering center. As far as productionoptimization is concerned the data will becaptured from all the wells; so the GC1 pilotwill provide a fully holistic view of the surfacefacilities in the field. We have set a target dateto install the same digital technology to anadditional 63 wells by December coincidingwith the Collaboration Center going live. “The most exciting aspect of the projectwill be when we reach full capacityof the gathering center. Overcomingbottlenecks and fixing problems alongthe way could be challenging but we mustretain a resolute sense of determinationto capitalize on the hard work alreadycommitted to the pilot. This is an ongoingjourney and we must work together todeliver <strong>KwIDF</strong> and build the future.S A B

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