Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

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Jt; msivuu'u KiYvMirs PI- nirwith him an army of 70,000 French int'.umv; ho, hovvovor. luul personally to relinquishmnwnd, as his presence was required in Franco,and tho command involved on Soult, who continuedtho pursuitto near Lu^. wluuv, ou thefttl\of January, ho found that Mooro had halted,and jvi'x^vuxHl to ivsist his advance. A ti^liti-v'mmoiuvd with tho Fiviu-h advanced uard andtho Kn^lish r%MT?% who> Cinunuuulovl by Pagvt,maiutaiiuxl tho post until lughtfa)^and then retirtxtto LugvvOn tho 8th tho two armies wore still in frv^ntof *aoh other, ready tv>r Ix&tUe ; on the Frenchlido about 22,000 fighting men, and on theKuglish,1SAH>0 men of all arms,Tho state of tho English armyat this erisiawas desperate; even if th*y iron a battle, theyhad no means of taking advantage of it,as theyHil% withvnit traus^\>rt, having no draught cattle,no magazines, hospitals, provisions,cor secondline ; and if defeated, had nothing but the M*behind. In Lugo, they had only enough breadleft to ttftMM day; the men were, dispirited byfatigu* and bad weather, but still ansxMR to fight*and thereto* each moment of delay increasedtheir diflJMJtil^ Mow, therefore, determined^

9 1ST AftOYLLSHlBB HIOHLAUDBttH. 37as tho onomy did not sown willing to attack, toretire to a position nearer, and covering Corunna;this was attempted on the night of the 8th, withmoat unfortunate results, as the column loit itsway in a fall of gleet, and everything becamedisorganized. The reserve, commanded by Faget,remained in position during the night of the 9th-Inn/on, Urn rent, ol' l.lu>army;i li-w mil.-.: In. in I '>being quartered in that town.Moore now assembled his armymass,the llth.is one solidand moved towards Oorunna, arriving onthree divisions occupied the town andsuburbs, and the reserve waft posted between thevillage of El Burgo and the road of St. Jago de(JoinpoHtolla.For twelve days these hardysoldiers underFaget had covered the retreat, during whichtime they traversed eighty miles of road in twomarches, paused several nights under arm* in thesnow of the mountains, were seven times en*gaged, and now took the outposts, having fewermen missing from the ranks, including thosewho had fallen in battle, than any other divisionin the army ;of good discipline.an admirable instance of the valueMoore caused the land front of the town to

Jt; msivuu'u KiYvMirs PI- nirwith him an army <strong>of</strong> 70,000 French int'.umv; ho, hovvovor. luul personally to relinquishmnwnd, as his presence was required in Franco,and tho command involved on Soult, who continuedtho pursuitto near Lu^. wluuv, ou <strong>the</strong>fttl\<strong>of</strong> January, ho found that Mooro had halted,and jvi'x^vuxHl to ivsist his advance. A ti^liti-v'mmoiuvd with tho Fiviu-h advanced uard andtho Kn^lish r%MT?% who> Cinunuuulovl by Pagvt,maiutaiiuxl tho post until lughtfa)^and <strong>the</strong>n retirtxtto LugvvOn tho 8th tho two armies wore still in frv^nt<strong>of</strong> *aoh o<strong>the</strong>r, ready tv>r Ix&tUe ; on <strong>the</strong> Frenchlido about 22,000 fighting men, and on <strong>the</strong>Kuglish,1SAH>0 men <strong>of</strong> all arms,Tho state <strong>of</strong> tho English armyat this erisiawas desperate; even if th*y iron a battle, <strong>the</strong>yhad no means <strong>of</strong> taking advantage <strong>of</strong> it,as <strong>the</strong>yHil% withvnit traus^\>rt, having no draught <strong>ca</strong>ttle,no magazines, hospitals, provisions,cor secondline ; and if defeated, had nothing but <strong>the</strong> M*behind. In Lugo, <strong>the</strong>y had only enough breadleft to ttftMM day; <strong>the</strong> men were, dispirited byfatigu* and bad wea<strong>the</strong>r, but still ansxMR to fight*and <strong>the</strong>reto* each moment <strong>of</strong> delay increased<strong>the</strong>ir diflJMJtil^ Mow, <strong>the</strong>refore, determined^

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