Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

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30 HISTORICAL RECORDS OF THE1808. directed to turn his right, Trant to do the sameto his left, while Hilland Nightingale advancedagainst his front; Craufurd stillremaining inreserve.For some time Laborde held his own, but atlengthhe was forced to retire, which he did byalternate masses, protecting hismovements withshort, vigorous charges of cavalry, retreatingthrough the pass of Euna, and by an all-nightmarch gained the position of Montechique,leaving three guns on the field, and the roadTorres Yedras open.The French casualties were 600 killed andwounded, including Laborde himself; while theEnglish, who had not had more than 4000men actually engaged,lost about 500 killed,missing,or wounded.Sir Arthur, hearing after the action that Loisonwas only five miles distant at Bombaral, took upa positionin an oblique line to that which he hadjust forced, so as to face the fresh army.Next day, the 18th of August, the armymarched to Lourinham, about ten miles south ofRoleia, and took up a position at Yimiero, avillagenear the sea-coast. Here Anstruther'sbrigade joined the allied troops, having beento

9 1ST ARGYLLSHIRE HIGHLANDERS. 31landed on the morning of the 19th at Paymayo. isos.On the 20th the army was still further strengthenedby the arrival of Acland's brigade, whichwas disembarked at Maceira Bay.SirArthur, estimatingthat he had the advantagein numbers over the French, determined tobring Junot, who was now in command,to anaction.This, however, he was stopped doing bythe arrival of Sir Harry Burrard, who was seniorto him, and who determined to await thearrivalof Sir John Moore's troops. In the mean timethe French general had decided to do exactlywhat Sir Arthur proposed forcing him to do, andon the morningof the 21st attacked the allies'position.The English brigadeswere formed along thetop of a line of hills runningnorth-east fromYimiero, which was on the right centre of theirposition, with Hill's brigade on the extreme right.The 5th brigade (in which were the 91st,together with the Portuguese troops)were onthe extreme left, and some distance to the rearof the allied position.Junot had quitted Torres Yedras, which wasabout nine miles distant, on the eveningof the20th, with 14,000 men, intendingto fall on

30 HISTORICAL RECORDS OF THE1808. directed to turn his right, Trant to do <strong>the</strong> sameto his left, while Hilland Nightingale advancedagainst his front; Craufurd stillremaining inreserve.For some time Laborde held his own, but atlengthhe was forced to retire, which he did byalternate masses, protecting hismovements withshort, vigorous charges <strong>of</strong> <strong>ca</strong>valry, retreatingthrough <strong>the</strong> pass <strong>of</strong> Euna, and by an all-nightmarch gained <strong>the</strong> position <strong>of</strong> Montechique,leaving three guns on <strong>the</strong> field, and <strong>the</strong> roadTorres Yedras open.The French <strong>ca</strong>sualties were 600 killed andwounded, including Laborde himself; while <strong>the</strong>English, who had not had more than 4000men actually engaged,lost about 500 killed,missing,or wounded.Sir Arthur, hearing after <strong>the</strong> action that Loisonwas only five miles distant at Bombaral, took upa positionin an oblique line to that which he hadjust forced, so as to face <strong>the</strong> fresh army.Next day, <strong>the</strong> 18th <strong>of</strong> August, <strong>the</strong> armymarched to Lourinham, about ten miles south <strong>of</strong>Roleia, and took up a position at Yimiero, avillagenear <strong>the</strong> sea-coast. Here Anstru<strong>the</strong>r'sbrigade joined <strong>the</strong> allied troops, having beento

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