Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

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9 1ST ARGYLLSHIRE HIGHLANDERS. 335Golds-worthy, "Walter T. From 8th Hussars. Captain, 28thOctober, 1864. Had previously served in Oude with the VolunteerCavalry of Havelock's column in 1857, and was present at the actionsof Oonao and Busseerutgunje, and re-capture of Busseerutgunje ;forthese services he received a commission in the 8th Hussars ;served inRajpootana and Central India, on the staff and with the 8th Hussarsthroughout the campaign of 1858-59, including the siege of Kotah,re-occupation of Chondeyree, battle of Kotah ke Serai (as aide-decampto Brigadier Smith), capture of Gwalior (as aide-de-camp to SirHugh Rose), siege and capture of Pourie, actions of Koondrye andBoordah, and brigade-major in the Rajpootana Field Force, whichappointment he held from the fall of Gwalior in June, 1858, to the endof the war (several times mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp).Served throughout the Abyssinian Expedition on the staff as brigademajor of cavalry, and was present at the taking of Magdala (twicementioned in despatches, medal, and promoted to major, unattached,without purchase). Major, llth December, 1866. To half-pay, 30thSeptember, 1868. Subsequently assistant-adjutant and quarter-mastergeneralfor Cork District. Sat as member of Parliament for Hammersmith.Gordon, Theodore. Assistant-surgeon, 1804. To half- pay,1809.Gordon, Bertie Edward Murray. Ensign, 26th October,1832 ; lieutenant, 24th July, 1835 ; captain, 23rd April, 1841. Wasin command of troops on board the Abercrorribie Robinson whenwrecked in Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope, for which he was subsequentlygranted 100 per annum pension for meritorious service.Served in the Kaffir War of 1846-47. Major, 13th October, 1848 ;brevet lieutenant-colonel, 30th September, 1855 ; lieutenant-colonel,31st August, 1858. Served in Greece and India with the regiment.Colonel, 31st August, 1860. Retired on half-pay, 28th January, 1870,having commanded the regiment for over twelve years. Died, 27thJuly, 1870.Gordon, Gabriel. Colonel, 19th April, 1837, to 7th August,1855. Had served previously in the 60th, at Martinique and Guadaloupe(medal with clasp).Gordon, John. Quarter-master, 1841 ; ensign, 22nd January,1847; adjutant, 22nd January, 1847; lieutenant, 27th December,1849. Assegaied in action near Fort Hare, December, 1850, whilstsaving the life of Lieutenant Borthwick, who was wounded, byplacing him on his own charger.Gordon, "W". George Conway. Ensign, 9th June, 1849 ;lieutenant,30th December, 1850; adjutant, 30th December, 1850, to 18thMay, 1854 ; captain, 12th May, 1854. Served with the regiment at

336 SERVICES OF OFFICERS OF THEthe Cape (Kaffir War) and in the Ionian Islands. Died, 21st September,1858.Gordon, William. Assistant-surgeon, 1855. Served in Greecewith the regiment. To staff, 1856.Gore, Hon. Charles, K.C.B., K.H., P.W. Had served previouslywith the 43rd ia the Peninsula in July, 1811, and was presentas one of the storming party of Fort San Francisco at the investmentof Ciudad Rodrigo ;also at the siege and storming of thatfortress and of Badajoz, battle of Salamanca, as aide-de-camp to SirAndrew Barnard ;and in a similar capacity to Sir James Kempt inthe battles of Vittoria, the Nivelle, the Nive (9th, 10th, and llthDecember), Orthes, and Toulouse. He was also in the action of SanMilan, capture of Madrid, storming of the heights of Yera, bridge ofYanzi, and all the skirmishes of the light division, from 1812 to theclose of the war in 1814 ;after which he accompanied Sir JamesKempt with the troops sent to Canada under his command returned; to Europe in time for the campaign of 1815, and was first and principalaide-de-camp to Sir James Kempt, and present at the battles ofQuatre Bras (horse shot) and Waterloo (three horses shot), and captureof Paris. Received the war medal with nine clasps. Colonel ofthe 91st, 8th August, 1855, to 8th March, 1861. To 8th Foot, 9thMarch, 1861. Subsequently governor of Chelsea Hospital. Died,4th September, 1869.Gould, Francis Augustus. From half-pay (staff). Captain,8th June, 1826. To half-pay, 7th September, 1832.Gouldon, Francis Attenbury- From 93rd Foot. Lieutenant,5th November, 1836. Retired, 1839.Graeme, Laurence. From half-pay, 33rd Foot. Captain, 16thJanuary, 1826. Retired, 1834.Grant, David MacdowalL Ensign, 2nd March, 1820. Died,1823.Grant, Gregory. Ensign, 4th August, 1837. Died at Nairn, hiScotland, February, 1839.Grant, William. From sergeant-major to ensign, 13th August,1858; lieutenant, 12th November, 1860; adjutant, 20th February,1865, to 28th January, 1870; captain, 1871. Was on board theAbercrombie Robinson when wrecked in Table Bay, Cape of GoodHope, in 1842. Served with the regiment in the Kaffir War of 1846-47, including all the actions hi the Amatola Mountains and TambookielandExpedition beyond the Orange River in 1848, and action withand defeat of the insurgent Boers at Boemplaats. In the Kaffir War of1850 and 1853. Present in every action in the Amatolas and Waterkloofin which the 91st were engaged (medal). Served in the IonianIslands and India with the regiment. Was lieutenant of the guard

9 1ST ARGYLLSHIRE HIGHLANDERS. 335Golds-worthy, "Walter T. From 8th Hussars. Captain, 28thOctober, 1864. Had previously served in Oude with <strong>the</strong> VolunteerCavalry <strong>of</strong> Havelock's column in 1857, and was present at <strong>the</strong> actions<strong>of</strong> Oonao and Busseerutgunje, and re-<strong>ca</strong>pture <strong>of</strong> Busseerutgunje ;for<strong>the</strong>se services he received a commission in <strong>the</strong> 8th Hussars ;served inRajpootana and Central India, on <strong>the</strong> staff and with <strong>the</strong> 8th Hussarsthroughout <strong>the</strong> <strong>ca</strong>mpaign <strong>of</strong> 1858-59, including <strong>the</strong> siege <strong>of</strong> Kotah,re-occupation <strong>of</strong> Chondeyree, battle <strong>of</strong> Kotah ke Serai (as aide-de<strong>ca</strong>mpto Brigadier Smith), <strong>ca</strong>pture <strong>of</strong> Gwalior (as aide-de-<strong>ca</strong>mp to SirHugh Rose), siege and <strong>ca</strong>pture <strong>of</strong> Pourie, actions <strong>of</strong> Koondrye andBoordah, and brigade-major in <strong>the</strong> Rajpootana Field Force, whichappointment he held from <strong>the</strong> fall <strong>of</strong> Gwalior in June, 1858, to <strong>the</strong> end<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> war (several times mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp).Served throughout <strong>the</strong> Abyssinian Expedition on <strong>the</strong> staff as brigademajor <strong>of</strong> <strong>ca</strong>valry, and was present at <strong>the</strong> taking <strong>of</strong> Magdala (twicementioned in despatches, medal, and promoted to major, unattached,without purchase). Major, llth December, 1866. To half-pay, 30thSeptember, 1868. Subsequently assistant-adjutant and quarter-mastergeneralfor Cork District. Sat as member <strong>of</strong> Parliament for Hammersmith.Gordon, Theodore. Assistant-surgeon, 1804. To half- pay,1809.Gordon, Bertie Edward Murray. Ensign, 26th October,1832 ; lieutenant, 24th July, 1835 ; <strong>ca</strong>ptain, 23rd April, 1841. Wasin command <strong>of</strong> troops on board <strong>the</strong> Abercrorribie Robinson whenwrecked in Table Bay, Cape <strong>of</strong> Good Hope, for which he was subsequentlygranted 100 per annum pension for meritorious service.Served in <strong>the</strong> Kaffir War <strong>of</strong> 1846-47. Major, 13th October, 1848 ;brevet lieutenant-colonel, 30th September, 1855 ; lieutenant-colonel,31st August, 1858. Served in Greece and India with <strong>the</strong> regiment.Colonel, 31st August, 1860. Retired on half-pay, 28th January, 1870,having commanded <strong>the</strong> regiment for over twelve years. Died, 27thJuly, 1870.Gordon, Gabriel. Colonel, 19th April, 1837, to 7th August,1855. Had served previously in <strong>the</strong> 60th, at Martinique and Guadaloupe(medal with clasp).Gordon, John. Quarter-master, 1841 ; ensign, 22nd January,1847; adjutant, 22nd January, 1847; lieutenant, 27th December,1849. Assegaied in action near Fort Hare, December, 1850, whilstsaving <strong>the</strong> life <strong>of</strong> Lieutenant Borthwick, who was wounded, byplacing him on his own charger.Gordon, "W". George Conway. Ensign, 9th June, 1849 ;lieutenant,30th December, 1850; adjutant, 30th December, 1850, to 18thMay, 1854 ; <strong>ca</strong>ptain, 12th May, 1854. Served with <strong>the</strong> regiment at

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