Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

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9 1ST ARGYLLSHIRE HIGHLANDERS. 329Christian, Ewan John. From 25th Foot. Lieutenant, 14thJuly, 1869. Retired, 1870.Christie, James. Ensign, 24th July, 1835 ; lieutenant, 22ndFebruary, 1839; captain, 13th October, 1843. Served through theearlier part of the Kaffir War of 1846-47 with the battalion, and thelatter in the reserve, with which he served until he retired, in 1849.Clavering, Henry M. From half-pay. Major, 30th July, 1794.To Argyllshire Fencibles, 1795. Was appointed brigadier-generalinSouth America, 1807, where he remained until 1826.Clinch, Charles. From 71st Foot. Lieutenant, 1st January,1799 ; captain, 5th August, 1804 (1806).Cloete, Peter Graham. Ensign, 17th September, 1839 (1840).Cochrane, James Day. Ensign, 31st December, 1841; lieutenant,13th October, 1843 ; captain, 4th May, 1849. Served in theKaffir War of 1846-47, and was severely wounded by a shot throughthe body and left hand, with a contusion in the groin, during theretreat on the 18th April, 1846, of Colonel Somerset's division from theAmatola Mountains to Block Drift. Served with the regiment inGreece in 1855. To half-pay, unattached, 7th September. DiedMarch, 1867.Cole, Richard Sweet. From 6th Foot. Ensign, 12th August,1836 ; lieutenant, 25th December, 1838. Served at the Cape (KaffirWar) with the regiment. Retired, 1851.Collett, Thomas S. Assistant-surgeon, 1803. To 83rd Foot,1804.Collins, George. Ensign, 20th May, 1799; lieutenant, 8thOctober, 1801. To half-pay, 1803.Collings, Godfrey Disney. Sub-lieutenant, 28th February, 1874 ;lieutenant, 28th February, 1876. Served during the Zulu War of1879 ;was present at the battle of Ginginhlovo (medal with clasp).Was invalided home shortly afterwards. Served in Mauritius with adetachment of the regiment.Colls, Edward Cooper. Paymaster, 1831. Died at Grahamstown,30th January, 1840.Cooke, Robert. Quarter-master, 1797 (1804).Cookson, Freville. Sub-lieutenant and lieutenant, 26thFebruary, 1873. Served during the Zulu War of 1879 ;was present atthe battle of Ginginhlovo and relief of Ekowe with the regiment, andduring the subsequent operations served in the Mounted Infantry(medal with clasp).Cooper, John Cole. Ensign, 23rd December, 1795. To 22ndLight Dragoons, 21st September, 1799.Cooper, Samuel. Ensign, 1797 ; lieutenant, 8th August, 1798.Retired, 1802.

330 SERVICES OF OFFICERS OF THECorbett, Patrick. Quarter-master, 1804 to 1807.Crampton, Robert Henry. Ensign, 5th November, 1847. Servedin the Kaffir War, 1847. Dangerously wounded in action with theBoers at Boemplaats, after which he never recovered the use of hisright arm. Lieutenant, 15th August, 1850. Served in Greece with theregiment. To 2nd Foot, 17th November, 1857.Craufurd, James Catlin. From the Independents. Major,1796; lieutenant-colonel, 25th April, 1797; colonel, 30th October,1805. Served with the regiment in the Peninsula, at Roleia, and atCorunna as brigadier. Died, 1810.Craufurd, George Douglas. Ensign, 27th December, 1806;lieutenant, 18th May, 1808. Served in the Peninsular War with theregiment, and afterwards attached to the Portuguese service. Killedat Pyrenees, 28th July, 1813.Craufurd, James Robertson. Colonel 91st, 27th August, 1870,to date. (Received his first commission in 1821. General, 25th October,1871, and was placed on the retired list, 1st October, 1877.)Craufurd, "William Reginald Houison. Ensign, 6th March,1869 ; lieutenant, 14th September, 1870 ; captain, 23rd March, 1879.Served during the Zulu War of 1879 ;was present at the battle ofGinginhlovo, relief of Ekowe, and subsequent operations (medal withclasp).Crawford, W. H. Lieutenant, llth October, 1794. To 98thFoot, 1795.Creighton, Abraham. From 55th Foot. Captain, 21st July,1823. Retired, 1826.Crofton, William Edward. From 50th Foot. Captain, 13thApril, 1826. Retired, 29th November, 1833.Croker, Edward. From 16th Foot. Lieutenant, 24th August,1826. Retired, 1829.Cruickshank, James Alexander. Ensign, 10th October, 1840 ;lieutenant, 29th April, 1842. To 87th Foot, 1844.Culpeper, Charles A. H. Bishop. Ensign, 12th May, 1869 ;lieutenant, 26th July, 1871. Retired, 1874.Curling, Henry. From 25th and 30th Foot. Lieutenant, 6thJannary, 1832. To half-pay, 30th December, 1834.Dalrymple, G. H. Paymaster, 1840 to 1856. Accidentally killedat Piraeus, 12th June, 1856, by the falling of his house. He wasburied outside the town of Piraeus, on the right of the road to Athens.Dashwood, Charles Francis. From 92nd Highlanders. Captain,12th June, 1869. Retired, 1870.Dealtry, Hugh T. C. Ensign, 16th August, 1864. Served withthe regiment in India. Retired, 6th March, 1869.Dewell, Charles Goddard. Ensign, 8th June, 1852; lieu-

330 SERVICES OF OFFICERS OF THECorbett, Patrick. Quarter-master, 1804 to 1807.Crampton, Robert Henry. Ensign, 5th November, 1847. Servedin <strong>the</strong> Kaffir War, 1847. Dangerously wounded in action with <strong>the</strong>Boers at Boemplaats, after which he never recovered <strong>the</strong> use <strong>of</strong> hisright arm. Lieutenant, 15th August, 1850. Served in Greece with <strong>the</strong>regiment. To 2nd Foot, 17th November, 1857.Craufurd, James Catlin. From <strong>the</strong> Independents. Major,1796; lieutenant-colonel, 25th April, 1797; colonel, 30th October,1805. Served with <strong>the</strong> regiment in <strong>the</strong> Peninsula, at Roleia, and atCorunna as brigadier. Died, 1810.Craufurd, George Douglas. Ensign, 27th December, 1806;lieutenant, 18th May, 1808. Served in <strong>the</strong> Peninsular War with <strong>the</strong>regiment, and afterwards attached to <strong>the</strong> Portuguese service. Killedat Pyrenees, 28th July, 1813.Craufurd, James Robertson. Colonel <strong>91st</strong>, 27th August, 1870,to date. (Received his first commission in 1821. General, 25th October,1871, and was placed on <strong>the</strong> retired list, 1st October, 1877.)Craufurd, "William Reginald Houison. Ensign, 6th March,1869 ; lieutenant, 14th September, 1870 ; <strong>ca</strong>ptain, 23rd March, 1879.Served during <strong>the</strong> Zulu War <strong>of</strong> 1879 ;was present at <strong>the</strong> battle <strong>of</strong>Ginginhlovo, relief <strong>of</strong> Ekowe, and subsequent operations (medal withclasp).Crawford, W. H. Lieutenant, llth October, 1794. To 98thFoot, 1795.Creighton, Abraham. From 55th Foot. Captain, 21st July,1823. Retired, 1826.Cr<strong>of</strong>ton, William Edward. From 50th Foot. Captain, 13thApril, 1826. Retired, 29th November, 1833.Croker, Edward. From 16th Foot. Lieutenant, 24th August,1826. Retired, 1829.Cruickshank, James Alexander. Ensign, 10th October, 1840 ;lieutenant, 29th April, 1842. To 87th Foot, 1844.Culpeper, Charles A. H. Bishop. Ensign, 12th May, 1869 ;lieutenant, 26th July, 1871. Retired, 1874.Curling, Henry. From 25th and 30th Foot. Lieutenant, 6thJannary, 1832. To half-pay, 30th December, 1834.Dalrymple, G. H. Paymaster, 1840 to 1856. Accidentally killedat Piraeus, 12th June, 1856, by <strong>the</strong> falling <strong>of</strong> his house. He wasburied outside <strong>the</strong> town <strong>of</strong> Piraeus, on <strong>the</strong> right <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> road to A<strong>the</strong>ns.Dashwood, Charles Francis. From 92nd Highlanders. Captain,12th June, 1869. Retired, 1870.Dealtry, Hugh T. C. Ensign, 16th August, 1864. Served with<strong>the</strong> regiment in India. Retired, 6th March, 1869.Dewell, Charles Goddard. Ensign, 8th June, 1852; lieu-

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