Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

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SERVICES OF OFFICERS.COMPILED FROM ANNUAL ARMY LISTS AND OTHERAUTHENTIC SOURCES.[NOTE. The year given in brackets at the close of the record of anofficer's service, refers to the date of the last annual Army List inwhich his name appears.]Aitcheson, William. Ensign, 21st March, 1845. Served withthe regiment in the Kaffir War of 1846;had his horse shot under him,21st May, 1846, while proceeding from Grahamstown to Fort Peddie(medal). To 3rd Guards (Scots Guards), 2nd October, 1846.Alison, Charles German. Ensign, 18th December, 1863 ;lieutenant,9th March, 1867. Served in India with the regiment.Captain, 29th January, 1870. Retired, 23rd July, 1875.Allen, John Michael. Ensign, 2nd October, 1855 ; lieutenant,23rd March, 1858. Served in the Ionian Islands with the regiment.Died, 1st July, 1859.Anderson, Robert, P. W. and K. H. From 14th battalion ofreserve. Lieutenant, 12th October, 1804 ; captain, 30th April, 1812 ;major, 23rd September, 1824 ; lieutenant-colonel, 2nd December,1831. Served in the expedition to Hanover, 1805-1806. In battlesof Roleia, Vimiero, and Corunna ;in the expedition to Walcheren,1809; to Swedish Pomerauia, 1813; Holland in 1814, including theattack of Bergen-op-Zoom. Was present at Waterloo, storming ofof Paris. Commanded the 91st from 2ndCambray, and captureDecember, 1837, to 1st July, 1841. Retired, 1841..Anderson, Ensign, 13th August, 1805 ; lieutenant, 25thAugust, 1807. Died, 1814.Anderson, Matthew. Ensign, llth May, 1808; lieutenant,12th October, 1809. To 52nd Foot, 19th July, 1810, with which heserved at Waterloo (wounded). Retired, 1821.Anderson, Robert. Ensign, llth August, 1808 (1810).Anderson, William. Ensign, 27th August, 1829; lieutenant,

320 SERVICES OF OFFICERS OF THE14th September, 1832. To llth Light Dragoons, 4th October, 1833.Retired, 1838.Antrobus, Philip. From 9th Light Dragoons. Lieutenant,2nd February, 1844. To 2nd Dragoons as paymaster, 1st January,1849. Retired, 1854.Arbuthnot, Honourable Francis. Ensign, 29th August,1801 ; lieutenant, 1802. To 9th Foot, 10th February, 1803.Arbuthnot, Charles George James. Served in the llthLight Dragoons. Colonel of the 91st, 4th July, 1864, to 26th August,1870.Arden, WUliam. Surgeon, 1851. To Military Train, 1856.Armstrong, Daniel. Surgeon, 1850 to 1851.Armstrong, Elliot. Ensign, 8th June, 1855 ; lieutenant, llthDecember, 1857. Served in Greece, Ionian Islands, and India withthe regiment. Retired, 19th July, 1864.Arthur, George. Ensign, 26th August, 1804. To 35th Foot,24th June, 1805.Ayton, Robinson. Surgeon, 1821 to 1827.Baillie, William Hunter. Ensign, llth December, 1857;lieutenant, 2nd July, 1859. Served with the regiment in the IonianIslands and India. To 8th Foot, 30th November, 1860.Bankes, Thomas Holme. Ensign, 8th June, 1867 ; lieutenant,28th May, 1870. Retired, 1st September, 1875.Barfoot, William. Quarter-master, 1836. Retired, 1841.Barker, William Henry. Ensign, 9th July, 1813 ; lieutenant,8th January, 1818. To half-pay, 1st July, 1819.Barnes, George Adam. Ensign, 12th December, 1822; lieutenant,23rd September, 1824. Joined the St. Helena Regiment, 6thNovember, 1835, on the staff as town-major. Captain, 30th October,1840 (1842).Barney, John Edward. From 58th Foot. Lieutenant, 29thSeptember, 1825 ; captain, 7th January, 1842. Served through theKaffir War of 1846-47. Retired, 8th January, 1847.Barrington, Henry. From 87th Foot. Major, 1st April, 1819.To half-pay, 100th Foot, 4th October, 1822.Barton, Henry Charles Benyon. Ensign, 12th July, 1839.Retired, 1842.Battiscombe, William Benjamin. Ensign, 15th March,1850; lieutenant, 21st May, 1852; captain, 10th November, 1854.Served in Malta, Greece, Ionian Islands, and India with the regiment.Major, 12th November, 1860. To half-pay, 27th July, 1869.Baumgardt, John. Ensign, 1st August, 1798 ; lieutenant, 20thMarch, 1801. To 8th Light Dragoons, 9th September, 1801.Bayley, Frederick. Ensign, 30th October, 1838; lieutenant,

320 SERVICES OF OFFICERS OF THE14th September, 1832. To llth Light Dragoons, 4th October, 1833.Retired, 1838.Antrobus, Philip. From 9th Light Dragoons. Lieutenant,2nd February, 1844. To 2nd Dragoons as paymaster, 1st January,1849. Retired, 1854.Arbuthnot, Honourable Francis. Ensign, 29th August,1801 ; lieutenant, 1802. To 9th Foot, 10th February, 1803.Arbuthnot, Charles George James. Served in <strong>the</strong> llthLight Dragoons. Colonel <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>91st</strong>, 4th July, 1864, to 26th August,1870.Arden, WUliam. Surgeon, 1851. To Military Train, 1856.Armstrong, Daniel. Surgeon, 1850 to 1851.Armstrong, Elliot. Ensign, 8th June, 1855 ; lieutenant, llthDecember, 1857. Served in Greece, Ionian Islands, and India with<strong>the</strong> regiment. Retired, 19th July, 1864.Arthur, George. Ensign, 26th August, 1804. To 35th Foot,24th June, 1805.Ayton, Robinson. Surgeon, 1821 to 1827.Baillie, William Hunter. Ensign, llth December, 1857;lieutenant, 2nd July, 1859. Served with <strong>the</strong> regiment in <strong>the</strong> IonianIslands and India. To 8th Foot, 30th November, 1860.Bankes, Thomas Holme. Ensign, 8th June, 1867 ; lieutenant,28th May, 1870. Retired, 1st September, 1875.Barfoot, William. Quarter-master, 1836. Retired, 1841.Barker, William Henry. Ensign, 9th July, 1813 ; lieutenant,8th January, 1818. To half-pay, 1st July, 1819.Barnes, George Adam. Ensign, 12th December, 1822; lieutenant,23rd September, 1824. Joined <strong>the</strong> St. Helena Regiment, 6thNovember, 1835, on <strong>the</strong> staff as town-major. Captain, 30th October,1840 (1842).Barney, John Edward. From 58th Foot. Lieutenant, 29thSeptember, 1825 ; <strong>ca</strong>ptain, 7th January, 1842. Served through <strong>the</strong>Kaffir War <strong>of</strong> 1846-47. Retired, 8th January, 1847.Barrington, Henry. From 87th Foot. Major, 1st April, 1819.To half-pay, 100th Foot, 4th October, 1822.Barton, Henry Charles Benyon. Ensign, 12th July, 1839.Retired, 1842.Battiscombe, William Benjamin. Ensign, 15th March,1850; lieutenant, 21st May, 1852; <strong>ca</strong>ptain, 10th November, 1854.Served in Malta, Greece, Ionian Islands, and India with <strong>the</strong> regiment.Major, 12th November, 1860. To half-pay, 27th July, 1869.Baumgardt, John. Ensign, 1st August, 1798 ; lieutenant, 20thMarch, 1801. To 8th Light Dragoons, 9th September, 1801.Bayley, Frederick. Ensign, 30th October, 1838; lieutenant,

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