Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

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. 9 1ST ARGYLLSHIKE HIGHLANDERS. 293Mauritius detachment was composed of F, G, and 1879.H companies, under command of Major Grurney,and the companyselected for St. Helena was thatof Captain Mills.The head-quarters and remaining companies, onarrival at Durban, were embarked on the 30th onthe s.s.City of Venice, and were composed ofsixteen officers and 588 non-commissioned officersand men. The transport sailed the next day, andanchored in Table Bay, after a rough passage, onSunday, the 5th of October. The following daythe regiment was disembarked, and went into themain barracks at Cape Town, with the exceptionof the B and D companies, who were sent on toWynberg to be encamped, there being no roomfor^hem in Cape Town, as part pf the barrackswas occupied by a detachment of the 88thEegiment.In November, 1879, Lieutenant-Colonel Brucewas appointed a " Companion of the Bath."The detachment of three companies who weredetailed for Mauritius, embarked at Durban onboard H.M.S. Crocodile, on the 8th of October,and arrived at Port Louis on the 15th. Thetransport also had on board the 88th Eegiment,and 17th Lancers for India. The names of the

294 HISTORICAL EECORDS OP THE1879. officers who landed with the detachment atMauritius were as follows :Major W. Gurney(in command), Lieutenants MacDonald, Robbins,Fraser, and Wilson ;and with them were 250 nonisso.commissioned officers and men. On the 27th ofJanuary Major W. P. Gurney died of fever,contracted in the field during the Zulu campaign.He was buried with full military honours at BeaseBassin. A tablet to his memory was erected inStirling Church by his brother officers, as a tokenof their esteem and respect.The population of Mauritius, in 1880, numberedabout 370,000, composed principally of colouredpeople of mixed race, of which the importedIndian coolies brought over to work the sugarplantations were the most numerous. The influxof these people, who imported their diseases,spread fever over the island, and inthe great outbreak of fever occurred,1867, whenthe numberof deaths was enormous, the troops themselveslosing a great number. This fever, which iscalled " Mauritius fever," attacks every one livingon the low land, and as the barracks are situatedin the unhealthy part,the 91st suffered considerably,which necessitated frequent drafts being sentup to the Cureppe in the hills for changeof air.

. 9 1ST ARGYLLSHIKE HIGHLANDERS. 293Mauritius detachment was composed <strong>of</strong> F, G, and 1879.H companies, under command <strong>of</strong> Major Grurney,and <strong>the</strong> companyselected for St. Helena was that<strong>of</strong> Captain Mills.The head-quarters and remaining companies, onarrival at Durban, were embarked on <strong>the</strong> 30th on<strong>the</strong> s.s.City <strong>of</strong> Venice, and were composed <strong>of</strong>sixteen <strong>of</strong>ficers and 588 non-commissioned <strong>of</strong>ficersand men. The transport sailed <strong>the</strong> next day, andanchored in Table Bay, after a rough passage, onSunday, <strong>the</strong> 5th <strong>of</strong> October. The following day<strong>the</strong> regiment was disembarked, and went into <strong>the</strong>main barracks at Cape Town, with <strong>the</strong> exception<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> B and D companies, who were sent on toWynberg to be en<strong>ca</strong>mped, <strong>the</strong>re being no roomfor^hem in Cape Town, as part pf <strong>the</strong> barrackswas occupied by a detachment <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 88thEegiment.In November, 1879, Lieutenant-Colonel Brucewas appointed a " Companion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Bath."The detachment <strong>of</strong> three companies who weredetailed for Mauritius, embarked at Durban onboard H.M.S. Crocodile, on <strong>the</strong> 8th <strong>of</strong> October,and arrived at Port Louis on <strong>the</strong> 15th. Thetransport also had on board <strong>the</strong> 88th Eegiment,and 17th Lancers for India. The names <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>

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