Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

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10 HISTORICAL RECORDS OF THE1796.parries were engaged in the operations againstthe expedition sent from Holland under AdmiralLucas, for the purpose of again obtaining possessionof the colony of the Cape of Good Hope.A fleet had been fitted out, consisting of theDordrecht, 68 ;Van Tromp, 64 ; Revolutionnaire,64 ; Castor, 40 ; Brave, 40 ; Syren, 24 ; Havre,24 ; Bellona, 24 ;and the Maria, transport.On board this fleet, 2000 soldiers, principallyGerman mercenaries, were embarked,this number being considered sufficient for thepurpose; as it was anticipatedthat before theirarrival the British fleet, with a large portion ofthe land forces, would have left for the EastIndies, and that the expedition would be joinedoff the Cape by a French squadron, with troopsfrom Mauritius and Java. It was expected alsothat the colonistswould join the Dutch army assoon as a landing was effected.The expeditionwas placed under the command of Admiral Lucas,who accepted the charge with reluctance, as hebelieved the force to be too small and too poorlyfitted out to accomplish the end in view. Soill-supplied was he, that his provisions werenearly exhausted before he reached the colony,and he therefore put into Saldanha Bay, with the

9 1ST ARGYLLSHIRE HIGHLANDERS. 11double purpose of procuring- supplies and arming 1795.the colonists.On an island lying in the entranceto the bay he landed his sick, and began toconstruct fortfications. Here he learned thatsuccess was hopeless unless the French fleetjoined him quickly for none of the colonists;came to his assistance, nor could he obtain thosestores, of food, of which he was so greatly in need.On the 5th of August, 1796, information reachedCape Town that a Dutch fleet had left Europe,and might be expected at any moment. Onreceipt of this intelligence, Admiral Elphinstone,who was then in Simon's Bay, put to sea with afleet, consisting of the Monarch, 74 ; Tremendous,74 ; America, 64 ;Ruby, 64 ; Stately, 64 ; Trident,64 ;Jupiter, 50 ; Crescent, 36 ; Moselle, 20 ;Sphinx, 20 ; Rattlesnake, 16 ;and Echo, 16. Aftercruising about some days without seeing theenemy, the British admiral put back to Simon'sBay, and was informed where the Dutch fleetwas. He again set sail on the 14th, and on the17th arrived at Saldanha Bay. The garrison ofCape Town at this time consisted of the 28thLight Dragoons, a corps of artillery, and thebattalion companies of the 78th, 84th, 95th, and98th Regiments of foot ;the grenadiers of these

9 1ST ARGYLLSHIRE HIGHLANDERS. 11double purpose <strong>of</strong> procuring- supplies and arming 1795.<strong>the</strong> colonists.On an island lying in <strong>the</strong> entranceto <strong>the</strong> bay he landed his sick, and began toconstruct fortfi<strong>ca</strong>tions. Here he learned thatsuccess was hopeless unless <strong>the</strong> French fleetjoined him quickly for none <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> colonists;<strong>ca</strong>me to his assistance, nor could he obtain thosestores, <strong>of</strong> food, <strong>of</strong> which he was so greatly in need.On <strong>the</strong> 5th <strong>of</strong> August, 1796, information reachedCape Town that a Dutch fleet had left Europe,and might be expected at any moment. Onreceipt <strong>of</strong> this intelligence, Admiral Elphinstone,who was <strong>the</strong>n in Simon's Bay, put to sea with afleet, consisting <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Monarch, 74 ; Tremendous,74 ; Ameri<strong>ca</strong>, 64 ;Ruby, 64 ; Stately, 64 ; Trident,64 ;Jupiter, 50 ; Crescent, 36 ; Moselle, 20 ;Sphinx, 20 ; Rattlesnake, 16 ;and Echo, 16. Aftercruising about some days without seeing <strong>the</strong>enemy, <strong>the</strong> British admiral put back to Simon'sBay, and was informed where <strong>the</strong> Dutch fleetwas. He again set sail on <strong>the</strong> 14th, and on <strong>the</strong>17th arrived at Saldanha Bay. The garrison <strong>of</strong>Cape Town at this time consisted <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 28thLight Dragoons, a corps <strong>of</strong> artillery, and <strong>the</strong>battalion companies <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 78th, 84th, 95th, and98th Regiments <strong>of</strong> foot ;<strong>the</strong> grenadiers <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se

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