Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

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228 HISTORICAL RECORDS OF THE1857.unexampled in the history of occupations. It isan instructive exampleand lesson to all withinits influence."But, as we are now soon about to part, Icannot take leave of you without pain as well aspleasure. I have only to add my sincere wishesthat you may continue to add to the honours youhave already acquired, and maintain everywhere,as here, the highest boast of the British soldier,respect for law and consideration for others.May you ever be united as you now are " (AdmiralWillaumez, M. Mercier, and others of the Frenchmilitary and naval service and the French Legationwere"present), and as you have been allthis time, but one camp, as we of the civil servicehave been one legation.May you keep for yearsto come the union, so fortunate for all, indissoluble.You came here arm-in-arm, and arm-in-arm Iam glad to see both officers and men, men andofficers, now departing. Expressing anew myown personal acknowledgments, and, Imayventure to add, those of our Governments, I wisheach and all, with allmy heart, a happy journeyto your new destination, and all manner ofprosperity."t- Orders were received to embark in February.

9 1ST ARGYLLSHIKE HIGHLANDERS. 229During its stay in Greece, the regimenthad 1857.to deplore the loss of one officer, PaymasterDalrymple, who was killed bythe fall of hishouse.His remains were buried in the plain justoutside the town of Piraeus, to the right of theroad to Athens, in the same placeas nineteennon-commissioned officers and men, who had diedsince the regiment landed. The graves weremarked by marble slabs and monuments ; and, onleaving, the place was committed to the care ofthe local authorities.On the 18th of the month head-quarters andthe right wing embarked on board H.M.S. Majestic,the leftwing on H.M.S. Cressy. The Frenchtroops had left the previous evening on Frenchwar-steamers, so that the evacuation of Greecewas completed on that date.On arrival in the Ionian Islands, the headquartersand partof thebattalion were stationedat Corfu,while the remainder were detached toVido, and other detachments were formed in Aprilat Zante and Ithaca.The followingis a list of the officers wholanded in the Ionian Islands with the regiment :Colonel Campbell (in command) ; Major Patterson ;Captains John Bruce, Battiscombe, Hibbert, and

228 HISTORICAL RECORDS OF THE1857.unexampled in <strong>the</strong> history <strong>of</strong> occupations. It isan instructive exampleand lesson to all withinits influence."But, as we are now soon about to part, I<strong>ca</strong>nnot take leave <strong>of</strong> you without pain as well aspleasure. I have only to add my sincere wishesthat you may continue to add to <strong>the</strong> honours youhave already acquired, and maintain everywhere,as here, <strong>the</strong> highest boast <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> British soldier,respect for law and consideration for o<strong>the</strong>rs.May you ever be united as you now are " (AdmiralWillaumez, M. Mercier, and o<strong>the</strong>rs <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Frenchmilitary and naval service and <strong>the</strong> French Legationwere"present), and as you have been allthis time, but one <strong>ca</strong>mp, as we <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> civil servicehave been one legation.May you keep for yearsto come <strong>the</strong> union, so fortunate for all, indissoluble.You <strong>ca</strong>me here arm-in-arm, and arm-in-arm Iam glad to see both <strong>of</strong>ficers and men, men and<strong>of</strong>ficers, now departing. Expressing anew myown personal acknowledgments, and, Imayventure to add, those <strong>of</strong> our Governments, I wisheach and all, with allmy heart, a happy journeyto your new destination, and all manner <strong>of</strong>prosperity."t- Orders were received to embark in February.

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