Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

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218 HISTORICAL RECORDS OF THE1853. rifle were received by the battalion ;at this timethe men were armed with percussion muskets.In March the regiment marched to Dublin bydetachments, and was quartered in the RichmondBarracks. During its stay there, the Queenvisited Ireland and held a review in the PhoenixPark, which was witnessed by an enormous crowd.Nothing else of specialinterest is to be recordedof the remainder of the stay of the 91st in Dublin,1854. which was left in April for Cork.Although the regiment did not take part in theCrimean War, it furnished a great number of mento the Highland regimentswho took such a distinguishedpart in the contest, and also to the 50thRegiment, by250 of its best men.which means itpartedwith someIn December the 91st received orders to holdthemselves in readiness to go to Malta, and on the15th they were embarked on H.M.S. Saint George,Captain Henry Eyres. The regiment on thisoccasion was composed of the following officers :Colonel Campbell (in command) ; Majors Gordonand Scott; Captains Patterson, Howard, Mackenzie,and Battiscombe ;Lieutenants Sweny, Macqueen,Dewell, Bruce, Wood, and Dobie ; Ensigns D'Eye,Blackall, Gurney, Wade, Glass, Burton, and

9 1ST ARGYLLSHIRE HIGHLANDERS. 219Green ;Lieutenant and Adjutant Boehmer ; Pay-1854master Dalrymple, Quarter-Master Blackburne,Surgeon Murphy, and Assistant-Surgeon Watson ;together with 649 non-commissioned officers andmen, 30 women, and 51 children. The regimentwas distributed on this old three-decker asfollows : The troops on the third deck, thewomen and children on the after-part of themiddle deck, and the officers on the poop. Theship sailed the next day, and passed Gibraltar onthe 23rd, after which she was becalmed for sixdays, and it was found that she was drifting on tothe dangerous coast of Northern Africa. On the1st of January it was found the ship was withinten miles of the shore.For nine days hardly anyprogress was made, and it was found the SaintGeorge was then off the island of Pentelarie, whenfortunately H.M.S. Malacca was sighted,and wassignalled to come and tow the transport, whichwas done, and the ship arrived at Yaletta on thellth, the regiment being landed that afternoon,and sent to occupy the St. Elmo Barracks, theofficers being placedat the Baviere. Here the91st remained for more than a month, when theywere embarked on board the s.s. Emen to be conveyedto the Piraeus, in Greece, arriving there

218 HISTORICAL RECORDS OF THE1853. rifle were received by <strong>the</strong> battalion ;at this time<strong>the</strong> men were armed with percussion muskets.In March <strong>the</strong> regiment marched to Dublin bydetachments, and was quartered in <strong>the</strong> RichmondBarracks. During its stay <strong>the</strong>re, <strong>the</strong> Queenvisited Ireland and held a review in <strong>the</strong> PhoenixPark, which was witnessed by an enormous crowd.Nothing else <strong>of</strong> specialinterest is to be recorded<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> remainder <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> stay <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>91st</strong> in Dublin,1854. which was left in April for Cork.Although <strong>the</strong> regiment did not take part in <strong>the</strong>Crimean War, it furnished a great number <strong>of</strong> mento <strong>the</strong> Highland regimentswho took such a distinguishedpart in <strong>the</strong> contest, and also to <strong>the</strong> 50thRegiment, by250 <strong>of</strong> its best men.which means itpartedwith someIn December <strong>the</strong> <strong>91st</strong> received orders to hold<strong>the</strong>mselves in readiness to go to Malta, and on <strong>the</strong>15th <strong>the</strong>y were embarked on H.M.S. Saint George,Captain Henry Eyres. The regiment on thisoc<strong>ca</strong>sion was composed <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> following <strong>of</strong>ficers :Colonel Campbell (in command) ; Majors Gordonand Scott; Captains Patterson, Howard, Mackenzie,and Battiscombe ;Lieutenants Sweny, Macqueen,Dewell, Bruce, Wood, and Dobie ; Ensigns D'Eye,Blackall, Gurney, Wade, Glass, Burton, and

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