Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

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204 HISTORICAL RECORDS OF THE1855. allow you to leave this place without expressingour regret at your being removed.The harassingand extremely arduous dutiesduringimposed upon youthe last two most obstinate wars whichhave vexed this country, and the intrepidaridinflexible manner in which those duties haveinvariably been performed by your braveregiment,have been suchas will ever lead us torefer to them with feelings of extreme gratitude.We would also specially refer with thankfulnessto the very great kindness and considerationevinced by your regiment in providingfor thesafety of our wives and families, by voluntarilyrelinquishing all your quarters to be appropriatedas a place of refuge for them at a period whenthis town was threatened with a combined attackby our traitorous enemies. These and manyother benevolent acts to which it would be needlessfor us to more especially allude, and whichare too numerous to be embodied in this briefaddress, induce us to tender you our warmestacknowledgments, and trust that Divine Providencemay protect you and your gallant regimentwherever duty maycall you. We beg tosubscribe ourselves, etc., etc."(Signed by nearlyall the inhabitants of Fort Beaufort.)

9 1ST ARGYLLSHIRE HIGHLANDERS. 205In replying to this address, Major Wright1855." returned sincere thanks for the honour done tothe regiment." He stated" that it was aboutfifteen years since the 91st Regimentfirst madeits appearance in Fort Beaufort, and it was noslight gratificationto find that all their exertionshad been appreciated and acknowledged in sograteful a manner. He trusted the daywas fardistant when their peaceful occupations would beagain interrupted by their border neighbours and;the 91st Regiment, which was now leaving,would always be glad to hearof the welfare andprosperity of the inhabitants of Fort Beaufort,amongst whom they had passed so many pleasantyearsof their lives."In marching through Grrahamstown,the battalionreceived a perfect ovation from the inhabitants,and from the other regiments stationed there.About themiddle of the pass,which leads out ofthe town, a sumptuous luncheon had beenprepared for officers and men by the residents,before partaking of which, however, the regimentwas presented with an address in the name of theinhabitants. This was presented by Mr. Gr. Woodand Mr. R. Godlonton, members of the LegislativeCouncil, and it expressed the highsense enter-

204 HISTORICAL RECORDS OF THE1855. allow you to leave this place without expressingour regret at your being removed.The harassingand extremely arduous dutiesduringimposed upon you<strong>the</strong> last two most obstinate wars whichhave vexed this country, and <strong>the</strong> intrepidaridinflexible manner in which those duties haveinvariably been performed by your braveregiment,have been suchas will ever lead us torefer to <strong>the</strong>m with feelings <strong>of</strong> extreme gratitude.We would also specially refer with thankfulnessto <strong>the</strong> very great kindness and considerationevinced by your regiment in providingfor <strong>the</strong>safety <strong>of</strong> our wives and families, by voluntarilyrelinquishing all your quarters to be appropriatedas a place <strong>of</strong> refuge for <strong>the</strong>m at a period whenthis town was threatened with a combined attackby our traitorous enemies. These and manyo<strong>the</strong>r benevolent acts to which it would be needlessfor us to more especially allude, and whichare too numerous to be embodied in this briefaddress, induce us to tender you our warmestacknowledgments, and trust that Divine Providencemay protect you and your gallant regimentwherever duty may<strong>ca</strong>ll you. We beg tosubscribe ourselves, etc., etc."(Signed by nearlyall <strong>the</strong> inhabitants <strong>of</strong> Fort Beaufort.)

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