Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

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184 HISTORICAL RECORDS OF THE1851. master- General A. J. Cloete,in which the commander-in-chiefrecorded his high opinionof theconspicuous gallantry and enterprise displayed onthe part of the officers and soldiers. The fatigueof the operations, which continued from daytoday with little intermission, was endured withthat spirit that animates the soldier and leads himon to victory. Every Kaffir in Kaffirland andupon its borders believing the positions held bythem to be impregnable, the enemy fought eachday with the most determined bravery, yieldingthe ground he fought on to physical force alone.Such an enemy, the order continued, could not befought day after day without loss on our side,while that of the enemy, from the superiority andrapidity of the firing of the troops,was knownto be very great. The country recently held byMacomo's force, and comprising a mountain rangeof twenty square miles a mountainous countryintersected by almost impassableravinesforestsandafforded shelter for an innumerable force,protected by immense ridges and rocks, every oneof which afforded a strong position. In thisorder his Excellency specially noticed the gallantconduct of Colonel Yarborough amongst otherofficers of the force.

9 1ST ARGYLLSHIRE HIGHLANDERS. 185On the 30th of December, Lieutenant Mackenzieissi.and one sergeant and seventy rank and file joineda patrolunder Major Wilmot, R.A., which proceededfrom Fort Peddie to the Goga,where itarrived at daylight on the following morning.The patrol lay concealed in the bush until themorning of the 1st January, and then proceededto the Kamnegana, scouring the bush anddestroying a number of huts. On entering apath lined on both sides with huts, the patrolcommenced to destroy them, and was vigorouslyopposed by the Kaffirs, who commenced a heavyfire on its advance. Here Major Wilmot was1852.killed by a musket-ball fired from one of the huts.Lieutenant Mackenzie immediately assumed commandof the patrol,which was between threecamps occupied by the enemy,when he found itnecessary to retreat to Fort Peddie, carryingMajor Wilmot's body with him. On the 26th ofJanuary, 1852, a detachment of 416 of all ranks ofthe 91st, under Lieutenant-Colonel Yarboroughwho had the following officers of the regimentwith him :Captain Middlemore, LieutenantsMainwaring, Borthwick, Pickwick, Ensigns Bondand Hibbert, Lieutenant and Adjutant W. Gordon,Assistant-Surgeon Barclay, and Quarter-Master

9 1ST ARGYLLSHIRE HIGHLANDERS. 185On <strong>the</strong> 30th <strong>of</strong> December, Lieutenant Mackenzieissi.and one sergeant and seventy rank and file joineda patrolunder Major Wilmot, R.A., which proceededfrom Fort Peddie to <strong>the</strong> Goga,where itarrived at daylight on <strong>the</strong> following morning.The patrol lay concealed in <strong>the</strong> bush until <strong>the</strong>morning <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 1st January, and <strong>the</strong>n proceededto <strong>the</strong> Kamnegana, scouring <strong>the</strong> bush anddestroying a number <strong>of</strong> huts. On entering apath lined on both sides with huts, <strong>the</strong> patrolcommenced to destroy <strong>the</strong>m, and was vigorouslyopposed by <strong>the</strong> Kaffirs, who commenced a heavyfire on its advance. Here Major Wilmot was1852.killed by a musket-ball fired from one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> huts.Lieutenant Mackenzie immediately assumed command<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> patrol,which was between three<strong>ca</strong>mps occupied by <strong>the</strong> enemy,when he found itnecessary to retreat to Fort Peddie, <strong>ca</strong>rryingMajor Wilmot's body with him. On <strong>the</strong> 26th <strong>of</strong>January, 1852, a detachment <strong>of</strong> 416 <strong>of</strong> all ranks <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> <strong>91st</strong>, under Lieutenant-Colonel Yarboroughwho had <strong>the</strong> following <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> regimentwith him :Captain Middlemore, LieutenantsMainwaring, Borthwick, Pickwick, Ensigns Bondand Hibbert, Lieutenant and Adjutant W. Gordon,Assistant-Surgeon Barclay, and Quarter-Master

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