Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

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178 HISTORICAL RECORDS OF THEi85i. under the traitor Hermanns, bythe efforts of theunited burghers and regular forces.The detachmentof the 91st Regiment was, however, veryjudiciously kept in reserve. Hermanus was killedin the square of Fort Beaufort. The importanceof the victory at a moment when the rebels andthe coloured classeshad gained some ascendencyis incalculable, and demands our gratitude toAlmighty God."Signed, W. Gr. Maydwell, militarysecretary.On the 24th of February Lieutenant-ColonelYarborough, Brevet-Major Forbes, Captain Campbell,Lieutenant Mainwaring, Ensigns Borthwick,Squirl, and Bruce, Surgeon Hand, Quarter-MasterPaterson, sixteen sergeants, nine drummers, and345 rank and file, were present at Fort Harewhen the enemy in force, from 5000 to 7000,endeavoured to capture the Fingoes' cattle.Ensign Squirl and 100 men were sent to repelthe enemy's advance, a duty which was successfullyperformed.For the next few months the regiment furnishedfrequent detachments for the performance ofpatrol duty, which required considerable tact,and was attended with great danger. It was onone of these occasions, June the 27th, when a

9 1ST AEGYLLSHIRE HIGHLANDERS. 179detachment of the91st, commanded by CaptainMiddlemore, was with Colonel Eyre's division,that Ensign Pickwick and one private werewounded.A detachment under command of Major Forbes,accompanied by Lieutenants Mainwaring andCrampton, Ensign Bruce, and Assistant-SurgeonBarclay, nineteen sergeants, three drummers, and100 rank and file, went to the Amatola Mountainson the 24th of June, under command of Major-General Somerset, and was engaged with theenemy on the 26th, 27th, and 28th, and on the2nd of July. A general order was issued onthe 3rd of July, in which the commander-in-chiefspoke in high terms of the conduct of the troopson this occasion, when the operations werecrowned with signal success, and the completediscomfiture of the enemy ; 2200 head of cattleand fifty horses fellinto the hands of the troops,while the enemy were driven with considerableloss from every one of the strong and insurmountablepasses they attempted to defend. " Theaccuracy and energy with which Major-GeneralSomerset carriedinto effect with the 1st division(to which the 91st belonged) the part assignedto him in the complicated and combined move--

9 1ST AEGYLLSHIRE HIGHLANDERS. 179detachment <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>91st</strong>, commanded by CaptainMiddlemore, was with Colonel Eyre's division,that Ensign Pickwick and one private werewounded.A detachment under command <strong>of</strong> Major Forbes,accompanied by Lieutenants Mainwaring andCrampton, Ensign Bruce, and Assistant-SurgeonBarclay, nineteen sergeants, three drummers, and100 rank and file, went to <strong>the</strong> Amatola Mountainson <strong>the</strong> 24th <strong>of</strong> June, under command <strong>of</strong> Major-General Somerset, and was engaged with <strong>the</strong>enemy on <strong>the</strong> 26th, 27th, and 28th, and on <strong>the</strong>2nd <strong>of</strong> July. A general order was issued on<strong>the</strong> 3rd <strong>of</strong> July, in which <strong>the</strong> commander-in-chiefspoke in high terms <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> conduct <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> troopson this oc<strong>ca</strong>sion, when <strong>the</strong> operations werecrowned with signal success, and <strong>the</strong> completediscomfiture <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> enemy ; 2200 head <strong>of</strong> <strong>ca</strong>ttleand fifty horses fellinto <strong>the</strong> hands <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> troops,while <strong>the</strong> enemy were driven with considerableloss from every one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> strong and insurmountablepasses <strong>the</strong>y attempted to defend. " Theaccuracy and energy with which Major-GeneralSomerset <strong>ca</strong>rriedinto effect with <strong>the</strong> 1st division(to which <strong>the</strong> <strong>91st</strong> belonged) <strong>the</strong> part assignedto him in <strong>the</strong> compli<strong>ca</strong>ted and combined move--

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