Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

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176 HISTORICAL RECORDS OF THE1850.nearly every case were caused by the assegais.The lossof the enemywas over two hundred leftdead on the field.Lieutenant Gordon, who lefta widow and fivechildren, met his death in the following manner.It appearsthat when Lieutenant Borthwick waswounded in the cheek, and began to feel faintfrom lossof blood, so that he was unable to keepup with his men, the adjutant (Gordon) dismountedand put the wounded officer on hishorse, and afterwards he himself from fatigue felltoo much to the rear and was assegaied, severalof the men who attempted to recover his bodybeingkilled. Six months afterwards a detachmentof the 74th Highlanders passed the spot,and an officer of that regiment, in describing the" place, says, The ground, a thorny valley, stillbore marks of the struggle of the 29th ofDecemberrags of uniform and old forage caps,with bones of Kaffirs scattered about, while fromthe graves of the soldiers bones were protruding,scratched up by jackals and hyenas, which wecarefully buried again in the best way we could."1851. On the 5th of January the following orderwas issued from head-quarters, King William'sTown :" The Commander-in-Chief desires to ex-

91ST ARGYLLSHIRE HIGHLANDERS. 177press his admiration of the gallant conduct of the issi.detachment of 150 men of the 91st Regiment,under Lieutenant - Colonel Yarborough, on the29th ultimo, led by the gallant veteran Major-G-eneral Somerset, in action with a very superiorforce of the enemy. The steadiness of the troopsunder the disadvantages of theground,the heatof the weather, and the vast numerical superiorityof the enemy, shows well the effect of disciplinecombined with bravery and his; Excellencyassures Lieutenant-Colonel Yarborough and theofficersand soldiers respectively, that he will notfail to submit to his Grace the Duke of Wellington,to be laid before her Majesty, the gallantand meritorious conduct displayed by them on the29th.Major Forbes, 91st Regiment, moving thedetachment to meet Major-General Somerset, wasa soldier-like and judicious act."On the 7th of January Fort Beaufort, in whichwas a small detachment of the 91st under CaptainPennington, was attacked by a numerous force ofKaffirs under the chief, Hermanus. On the 10ththe following order was issued from head-quarters,King William's Town " The Commander-in-:Chief congratulates the whole colony on thesignal victoryobtained over the numerous rebels12

176 HISTORICAL RECORDS OF THE1850.nearly every <strong>ca</strong>se were <strong>ca</strong>used by <strong>the</strong> assegais.The loss<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> enemywas over two hundred leftdead on <strong>the</strong> field.Lieutenant Gordon, who lefta widow and fivechildren, met his death in <strong>the</strong> following manner.It appearsthat when Lieutenant Borthwick waswounded in <strong>the</strong> cheek, and began to feel faintfrom loss<strong>of</strong> blood, so that he was unable to keepup with his men, <strong>the</strong> adjutant (Gordon) dismountedand put <strong>the</strong> wounded <strong>of</strong>ficer on hishorse, and afterwards he himself from fatigue felltoo much to <strong>the</strong> rear and was assegaied, several<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> men who attempted to recover his bodybeingkilled. Six months afterwards a detachment<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 74th Highlanders passed <strong>the</strong> spot,and an <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> that regiment, in describing <strong>the</strong>" place, says, The ground, a thorny valley, stillbore marks <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> struggle <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 29th <strong>of</strong>Decemberrags <strong>of</strong> uniform and old forage <strong>ca</strong>ps,with bones <strong>of</strong> Kaffirs s<strong>ca</strong>ttered about, while from<strong>the</strong> graves <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> soldiers bones were protruding,scratched up by jackals and hyenas, which we<strong>ca</strong>refully buried again in <strong>the</strong> best way we could."1851. On <strong>the</strong> 5th <strong>of</strong> January <strong>the</strong> following orderwas issued from head-quarters, King William'sTown :" The Commander-in-Chief desires to ex-

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