Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

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166 HISTORICAL RECORDS OP THE1847. tenant-General Sir George Berkeley,in orders ofDecember 17th, 1847, at the close of the war.Atthe end of October the two companies above mentioned,under command of Captains Scott andCampbell, with Lieutenants Dickson and Metcalfe,marched to King William's Town to join the forceabout to proceed to the Kei Eiver, under thecommander-in-chief, Sir George Berkeley, Theywere attached to Colonel Somerset's division, andserved therewith until the end of December, whenpeace was concluded, and the detachment returnedto Fort Beaufort.The followingis a list of the officers of thereserve battalion who served during the wholeor part of the wars of 1846-47 :Lieutenant-Colonel J. F. G. Campbell Major D.;Forbes ; Captains W. G. Scott, C. Campbell, E. W.Wright, J. G. Bawstorne, J. C. Cahill, J. Brown ;Lieutenants T. M. Pennington, E. Dickson, B. H.Howard, J. Owgan, H. C. Metcalfe, G. W. Thorn ;Ensigns E. F. A. Lavers, A. Fitzgerald, J. F.Bethune, J. Macpherson ; Ensign and AdjutantJ. Gordon; Surgeon J. Power; and Assistant-Surgeon A. Barclay.IBIS. In January, 1848, the reserve battalion of the91st moved from Fort Beaufort toGrahamstown,

9 1ST ARGYLLSHIRE HIGHLANDERS. 167and nothing of note occurred till the month "ofJuly.In that month two companies, under commandof Captain Rawstorne, marched to Colesberg toco-operatewith a force under the immediatecommand of the governor, Lieutenant-General SirHarry Smith, againstnorth-east district.tothe rebel Boers in theThis detachment was orderedproceed as quickly as possible, but on arrivingat Botha's Drift, it was found that the GreatFish River was in full flood, and there was nomeans of conveying the men across ; so, afterwaiting two days, and finding it did not godown, Captain Rawstorne determined to try andford the river. He first allowed a sergeantnamed Grant (promoted ensign in 1858), whovolunteered to do it, to swim across and showthat it was feasible ;he then ordered the mento fall in and march down to the drift. Thethird man (Fraser) who entered the water wasswept away, but Sergeant Grant immediatelyjumped in, and succeeded in bringing him to thebank a long way down the river. Anothersoldier, Private J.Hillyard, seeing that Grantwas in difficulties, as Fraser was insensible, wentto the rescue ;but he no sooner reached them

9 1ST ARGYLLSHIRE HIGHLANDERS. 167and nothing <strong>of</strong> note occurred till <strong>the</strong> month "<strong>of</strong>July.In that month two companies, under command<strong>of</strong> Captain Rawstorne, marched to Colesberg toco-operatewith a force under <strong>the</strong> immediatecommand <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> governor, Lieutenant-General SirHarry Smith, againstnorth-east district.to<strong>the</strong> rebel Boers in <strong>the</strong>This detachment was orderedproceed as quickly as possible, but on arrivingat Botha's Drift, it was found that <strong>the</strong> GreatFish River was in full flood, and <strong>the</strong>re was nomeans <strong>of</strong> conveying <strong>the</strong> men across ; so, afterwaiting two days, and finding it did not godown, Captain Rawstorne determined to try andford <strong>the</strong> river. He first allowed a sergeantnamed Grant (promoted ensign in 1858), whovolunteered to do it, to swim across and showthat it was feasible ;he <strong>the</strong>n ordered <strong>the</strong> mento fall in and march down to <strong>the</strong> drift. Thethird man (Fraser) who entered <strong>the</strong> water wasswept away, but Sergeant Grant immediatelyjumped in, and succeeded in bringing him to <strong>the</strong>bank a long way down <strong>the</strong> river. Ano<strong>the</strong>rsoldier, Private J.Hillyard, seeing that Grantwas in difficulties, as Fraser was insensible, wentto <strong>the</strong> rescue ;but he no sooner reached <strong>the</strong>m

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