Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

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154 HISTORICAL RECORDS OF THE1846. Thorn, and Sergeants Snodgrass and Clarke, ofthe 91st.The head-quarters of the reserve battalionremained at Block Drift until July, 1847. Onthe 12th of May, 1846, it was attacked by theKaffirs, who were repulsed with the loss of achief and sixty men killed, whilst the 91st hadone man mortally wounded. The followingisthe official report by Major Campbell, who wasin command of the 91st at the post:"Block Drift, May 13th, 1846. I have thehonour to acquaint you, for the information of hishonour the colonel commanding, that yesterday,about 2 p.m., a bodyof 150 mounted Kaffirswas seen approaching the cattle-slaughter guard(twelve men of the 91st Regiment), which wason theabout 400 yards above Fort Thompsonslope of the hill, and immediately commencedfiring upon them. Considering this to be onlya ruse on the part of the Kaffirs to draw the forceout of the building, I merely sent a party consistingof one officer and twenty men, to supportthe cattle-guard, who were retiring on the camp,and got the rest of the men and the gun intoposition.I then opened a fire with the gun, andafter a few discharges, which seem to have been

9 1ST ARGYLLSHIRE HIGHLANDERS. 155effective, as several Kaffirs were seen to fall from 1846.their horses and were afterwards picked up bythe others and carried off, the bodyof Kaffirsretired up the hill out of range ;and immediately,as I anticipated, a largeforce of Kaffirs on footmade a rush from the top and from each side ofthe wooded hill, about 800 yards in rear of thebuilding, and made directly for it. Bythis timeI had the gun brought to the other flank, so asto fire on the hill, and opened a fire of musketryfrom the top windows and roof on them as theyadvanced, which checked them and made themchangetheir directionto the thick bush on ourright rear. The gun was then brought to bearon this point, when theKaffirs retired in variousdirections behind the hill to our rear. It isimpossible to say what mayhave been the lossof the enemy on this occasion, but on that partof the hill where the gun and musketryfire weredirected, there were distinctly seen eight bodiescarried away. Our casualty was one man of thecattle-guard severely and dangerously wounded.Whilst these operations were going on, anotherlarge body of Kaffirs, both mounted and on foot,carried off the whole of the slaughtered cattleand sheep. This party kept along the ridge to

9 1ST ARGYLLSHIRE HIGHLANDERS. 155effective, as several Kaffirs were seen to fall from 1846.<strong>the</strong>ir horses and were afterwards picked up by<strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs and <strong>ca</strong>rried <strong>of</strong>f, <strong>the</strong> body<strong>of</strong> Kaffirsretired up <strong>the</strong> hill out <strong>of</strong> range ;and immediately,as I anticipated, a largeforce <strong>of</strong> Kaffirs on footmade a rush from <strong>the</strong> top and from each side <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> wooded hill, about 800 yards in rear <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>building, and made directly for it. Bythis timeI had <strong>the</strong> gun brought to <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r flank, so asto fire on <strong>the</strong> hill, and opened a fire <strong>of</strong> musketryfrom <strong>the</strong> top windows and ro<strong>of</strong> on <strong>the</strong>m as <strong>the</strong>yadvanced, which checked <strong>the</strong>m and made <strong>the</strong>mchange<strong>the</strong>ir directionto <strong>the</strong> thick bush on ourright rear. The gun was <strong>the</strong>n brought to bearon this point, when <strong>the</strong>Kaffirs retired in variousdirections behind <strong>the</strong> hill to our rear. It isimpossible to say what mayhave been <strong>the</strong> loss<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> enemy on this oc<strong>ca</strong>sion, but on that part<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> hill where <strong>the</strong> gun and musketryfire weredirected, <strong>the</strong>re were distinctly seen eight bodies<strong>ca</strong>rried away. Our <strong>ca</strong>sualty was one man <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>ca</strong>ttle-guard severely and dangerously wounded.Whilst <strong>the</strong>se operations were going on, ano<strong>the</strong>rlarge body <strong>of</strong> Kaffirs, both mounted and on foot,<strong>ca</strong>rried <strong>of</strong>f <strong>the</strong> whole <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> slaughtered <strong>ca</strong>ttleand sheep. This party kept along <strong>the</strong> ridge to

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