Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

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142 HISTORICAL RECORDS OP THE1846.may be described as a precipitous range of hills,having kloofs of rocky gullies running down fromtheir heights, which served as channels for thedelugesof rain which came with the thunderstormsthat are so frequentin these districts.The countryitself was very wild and picturesqueto look upon, and can hardly be likened to anyplace in the British Isles ; for thoughit had therugged appearance of the hills of Scotland, it wasat the same time covered with rank vegetation,which is met with in semi-tropical climates. Thesides of the hills are bold and precipitous, beingintersected with ravines and clothed with foresttrees of immense size, and apparently of greatage.The valleys in the kloofs are of considerableextent, and thickly covered with bushy underwood.The infantry consisted of 200 of the 1stbattalion of the 9 1 st, with the following officers :Captain Scott, reserve battalion ;Captain Wardand Lieutenant Cochrane, of the grenadiercompany, 1st battalion ;Lieutenants Howard andOwgan, and Ensigns Fitzgerald and McPherson,reserve battalion, with Assistant-Surgeon Barclay ;and 180 Kat River burghers, who had joined theprevious day ;and were placed under the command

9 1ST ARGYLLSHIRE HIGHLANDERS. 143of Major Campbell, of the 91st, who was directed 1846.to scour the valley of the Amatola. Starting atdaybreak for that purpose, the cavalry, upwardsof 300 strong, with two guns, making a detourto the left, searched the kloofs and sweptaway the cattle from the open grounds at thefoot of the mountains. Towards evening thetroops came into contact with the enemy, and theaccount of the engagement is given in the followingofficial report by Major Campbell to ColonelSomerset :" Block Drift, 19th April. I have the honourto acquaint you that in compliance with yourorder of the 16th inst., I proceededfrom thecamp at Burn's Hill, with 200 rank and file ofthe 91st Regiment and 180 burgher Hottentots,across the Keiskamma, and up the Amatola Hoek.The principal part of the way was by a narrowpath through a densely wooded valley. Afterproceeding for about five or six miles withoutany molestation, the country became more open,and I halted here for a short time.During thetime of our halt, I perceived numbers of Kaffirscollecting on the heights all round, but moreespecially at the only outlet which leads to thewhere I expected to meet with your division.flats,

9 1ST ARGYLLSHIRE HIGHLANDERS. 143<strong>of</strong> Major Campbell, <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>91st</strong>, who was directed 1846.to scour <strong>the</strong> valley <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Amatola. Starting atdaybreak for that purpose, <strong>the</strong> <strong>ca</strong>valry, upwards<strong>of</strong> 300 strong, with two guns, making a detourto <strong>the</strong> left, searched <strong>the</strong> klo<strong>of</strong>s and sweptaway <strong>the</strong> <strong>ca</strong>ttle from <strong>the</strong> open grounds at <strong>the</strong>foot <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> mountains. Towards evening <strong>the</strong>troops <strong>ca</strong>me into contact with <strong>the</strong> enemy, and <strong>the</strong>account <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> engagement is given in <strong>the</strong> following<strong>of</strong>ficial report by Major Campbell to ColonelSomerset :" Block Drift, 19th April. I have <strong>the</strong> honourto acquaint you that in compliance with yourorder <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 16th inst., I proceededfrom <strong>the</strong><strong>ca</strong>mp at Burn's Hill, with 200 rank and file <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> <strong>91st</strong> Regiment and 180 burgher Hottentots,across <strong>the</strong> Keiskamma, and up <strong>the</strong> Amatola Hoek.The principal part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> way was by a narrowpath through a densely wooded valley. Afterproceeding for about five or six miles withoutany molestation, <strong>the</strong> country be<strong>ca</strong>me more open,and I halted here for a short time.During <strong>the</strong>time <strong>of</strong> our halt, I perceived numbers <strong>of</strong> Kaffirscollecting on <strong>the</strong> heights all round, but moreespecially at <strong>the</strong> only outlet which leads to <strong>the</strong>where I expected to meet with your division.flats,

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