Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire ... - waughfamily.ca

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120 HISTORICAL RECORDS OF THE1845. have the high honour to belong, you may proveyour devotion to your sovereign and yourcountry as though you died fighting in defenceof those very colours. Owingto the blessedinterval of peace long enjoyed by our nativecountry, there are none here who have foughtunder the banners from which you are about topart. Should, however, the God of armies callyou forth to battle, let the memory of the honoursearned by those who long since bore your numberon their caps stimulate you to keep the bravename for which the 91st Regiment has ever beendistinguished. To the minister who has consecratedthese colours our united thanks are due.For many years youhave received the benefit ofhis kind and able ministry, and I am well awareof the interest he has in your spiritual welfare.Maythe wholesome effects of his ministrybe feltlong after you shall be parted from him and eachother ! His address has left me little to say onthe subject of consecration, but,in reminding youof your duty to these standards and yourselves,bear in mind that the sovereign whom you serveis the delegate of that God to whom,as Christiansoldiers, yourfirst obedience is due. Nextto God, then, and your Queen, remember that

9 1ST ARGYLLSHIRE HIGHLANDERS. 121these colours claim yourmost devoted affection 1845.and allegiance."On the conclusion of Colonel Lindsay's addressthe band struck up," Should auld acquaintance be"forgot ?At the end of the year orders were receivedfrom England to hold the first battalion of the91st in readiness to return to England,relieved by the 45th Regiment,to bewhose arrivalthey were to await. This latter regiment, however,was detained in Monte Video, assisting theauthorities there to quell an insurrection, inconsequence of which the 91st were still at Grrahamstownwhen the Kaffir War of 1846-47 brokeout.The men of the regiment at this time, afterten years abroad, were according toall accountsa very fine body. Munro, who was then one ofthe surgeons, says in hisbook, " Service inManyLands," that their average height was five feet eightinches, and that they were well-set-up, powerfulfellows, with great powers of endurance, althoughthey had a great capacity for strong drink ahabit which had grown on them from, havingnothing elseto do when they were quartered atSt. Helena. They were quiteaware of the fact

120 HISTORICAL RECORDS OF THE1845. have <strong>the</strong> high honour to belong, you may proveyour devotion to your sovereign and yourcountry as though you died fighting in defence<strong>of</strong> those very colours. Owingto <strong>the</strong> blessedinterval <strong>of</strong> peace long enjoyed by our nativecountry, <strong>the</strong>re are none here who have foughtunder <strong>the</strong> banners from which you are about topart. Should, however, <strong>the</strong> God <strong>of</strong> armies <strong>ca</strong>llyou forth to battle, let <strong>the</strong> memory <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> honoursearned by those who long since bore your numberon <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>ca</strong>ps stimulate you to keep <strong>the</strong> bravename for which <strong>the</strong> <strong>91st</strong> Regiment has ever beendistinguished. To <strong>the</strong> minister who has consecrated<strong>the</strong>se colours our united thanks are due.For many years youhave received <strong>the</strong> benefit <strong>of</strong>his kind and able ministry, and I am well aware<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> interest he has in your spiritual welfare.May<strong>the</strong> wholesome effects <strong>of</strong> his ministrybe feltlong after you shall be parted from him and eacho<strong>the</strong>r ! His address has left me little to say on<strong>the</strong> subject <strong>of</strong> consecration, but,in reminding you<strong>of</strong> your duty to <strong>the</strong>se standards and yourselves,bear in mind that <strong>the</strong> sovereign whom you serveis <strong>the</strong> delegate <strong>of</strong> that God to whom,as Christiansoldiers, yourfirst obedience is due. Nextto God, <strong>the</strong>n, and your Queen, remember that

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