What Is Optimization Toolbox?

What Is Optimization Toolbox?

What Is Optimization Toolbox?


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Large-Scale Examplesto zero (for fminunc, the first-order optimality is the infinity norm of thegradient of the function, which is zero at a local minimum):exitflag =1fval =7.4739e-017output.iterationsans =7output.cgiterationsans =7output.firstorderoptans =7.9822e-010Nonlinear Minimization with Bound Constraints andBanded PreconditionerThe goal in this problem is to minimize the nonlinear functionsuch that ,wheren is 800 (n should be a multiple of 4),,and .Step 1: Write an M-file tbroyfg.m that computes the objectivefunction and the gradient of the objectiveThe M-file function tbroyfg.m computes the function value and gradient.This file is long and is not included here. You can see the code for this functionusing the commandtype tbroyfg2-55

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