What Is Optimization Toolbox?

What Is Optimization Toolbox?

What Is Optimization Toolbox?


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quadproglambdaoutput3 Change in the objectivefunction value wassmaller than the specifiedtolerance.4 Local minimizer wasfound.0 Number ofiterations exceededoptions.MaxIter.-2 Problem is infeasible.-3 Problem is unbounded.-4 Current search directionwas not a direction ofdescent. No furtherprogress could be made.-7 Magnitude of searchdirection became toosmall. No furtherprogress could be made.Structure containing the Lagrange multipliersat the solution x (separated by constrainttype). The fields arelowerLower bounds lbupperUpper bounds ubineqlinLinear inequalitieseqlinLinear equalitiesStructure containing information about theoptimization. The fields areiterationsNumber of iterationstaken8-193

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