What Is Optimization Toolbox?

What Is Optimization Toolbox? What Is Optimization Toolbox?

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optimsetPurposeSyntaxDescriptionOptionsCreate or edit optimization options structureoptions = optimset('param1',value1,'param2',value2,...)optimsetoptions = optimsetoptions = optimset(optimfun)options = optimset(oldopts,'param1',value1,...)options = optimset(oldopts,newopts)options = optimset('param1',value1,'param2',value2,...)creates an optimization options structure called options, inwhichthespecified options (param) have specified values. Any unspecified optionsare set to [] (options with value [] indicate to use the default value forthat option when you pass options to the optimization function). It issufficient to type only enough leading characters to define the optionname uniquely. Case is ignored for option names.optimset with no input or output arguments displays a complete listof options with their valid values.options = optimset (with no input arguments) creates an optionsstructure options where all fields are set to [].options = optimset(optimfun) creates an options structure optionswith all option names and default values relevant to the optimizationfunction optimfun.options = optimset(oldopts,'param1',value1,...) creates a copyof oldopts, modifying the specified options with the specified values.options = optimset(oldopts,newopts) combines an existing optionsstructure, oldopts, with a new options structure, newopts. Any optionsin newopts with nonempty values overwrite the corresponding oldoptions in oldopts.For more information about individual options, see the reference pagesfor the optimization functions that use these options. “OptimizationOptions” on page 6-8 provides descriptions of these options and whichfunctions use them.8-184

optimsetIn the following lists, values in { } denote the default value; some optionshave different defaults for different optimization functions and so novalues are shown in { }.You can also view the optimization options and defaults by typingoptimset at the command line.Optimization options used by both large-scale and medium-scalealgorithms:DerivativeCheckDiagnosticsDisplayFunValCheckGradObjJacobianLargeScaleMaxFunEvalsMaxIterOutputFcnPlotFcnsTolCon'on' |{'off'}'on' |{'off'}'off' | 'iter' |'final' |'notify'{'off'} |'on''on' |{'off'}'on' |{'off'}'on' |'off'. The default for fsolve is'off'. The default for all other functionsthat provide a large-scale algorithm is 'on'.Positive integerPositive integerfunction_handle | {[]}. Specifyoneormore (using a cell array of function handles)user-defined functions that an optimizationfunction calls at each iteration. See “OutputFunction” on page 6-16.function_handle | {[]}. Specifyoneormore (using a cell array of function handles)pre- or user-defined plot functions that anoptimization function calls at each iteration.See “Plot Functions” on page 6-25.Positive scalar8-185

optimsetIn the following lists, values in { } denote the default value; some optionshave different defaults for different optimization functions and so novalues are shown in { }.You can also view the optimization options and defaults by typingoptimset at the command line.<strong>Optimization</strong> options used by both large-scale and medium-scalealgorithms:DerivativeCheckDiagnosticsDisplayFunValCheckGradObjJacobianLargeScaleMaxFunEvalsMaxIterOutputFcnPlotFcnsTolCon'on' |{'off'}'on' |{'off'}'off' | 'iter' |'final' |'notify'{'off'} |'on''on' |{'off'}'on' |{'off'}'on' |'off'. The default for fsolve is'off'. The default for all other functionsthat provide a large-scale algorithm is 'on'.Positive integerPositive integerfunction_handle | {[]}. Specifyoneormore (using a cell array of function handles)user-defined functions that an optimizationfunction calls at each iteration. See “OutputFunction” on page 6-16.function_handle | {[]}. Specifyoneormore (using a cell array of function handles)pre- or user-defined plot functions that anoptimization function calls at each iteration.See “Plot Functions” on page 6-25.Positive scalar8-185

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