What Is Optimization Toolbox?

What Is Optimization Toolbox? What Is Optimization Toolbox?

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lsqnonneg[x,resnorm,residual,exitflag,output] = lsqnonneg(...) returnsa structure output that contains information about the optimization.[x,resnorm,residual,exitflag,output,lambda] =lsqnonneg(...) returns the Lagrange multipliers in the vector lambda.InputArguments“Function Arguments” on page 6-2 contains general descriptionsof arguments passed into lsqnonneg. This section providesfunction-specific details for options:optionsUse optimset to set or change the values of thesefields in the options structure, options. See“Optimization Options” on page 6-8 for detailedinformation.DisplayLevel of display. 'off' displays nooutput; 'final' displays just the finaloutput; 'notify' (default) displaysoutput only if the function does notconverge.TolX Termination tolerance on x.OutputArguments“Function Arguments” on page 6-2 contains general descriptionsof arguments returned by lsqnonneg. This section providesfunction-specific details for exitflag, lambda, andoutput:exitflagInteger identifying the reasonthealgorithmterminated. The following lists the values ofexitflag and the corresponding reasons thealgorithm terminated.1 Function converged to asolution x.0 Number of iterations exceededoptions.MaxIter.8-180

lsqnonneglambdaoutputVector containing the Lagrange multipliers:lambda(i)0.Structure containing information about theoptimization. The fields areiterationsalgorithmNumber of iterations takenAlgorithm usedExamplesCompare the unconstrained least-squares solution to the lsqnonnegsolution for a 4-by-2 problem.C = [0.0372 0.28690.6861 0.70710.6233 0.62450.6344 0.6170];d = [0.85870.17810.07470.8405];[C\d, lsqnonneg(C,d)] =-2.5627 03.1108 0.6929[norm(C*(C\d)-d), norm(C*lsqnonneg(C,d)-d)] =0.6674 0.9118The solution from lsqnonneg does not fit as well as the least-squaressolution. However, the nonnegative least-squares solution has nonegative components.8-181

lsqnonneglambdaoutputVector containing the Lagrange multipliers:lambda(i)0.Structure containing information about theoptimization. The fields areiterationsalgorithmNumber of iterations takenAlgorithm usedExamplesCompare the unconstrained least-squares solution to the lsqnonnegsolution for a 4-by-2 problem.C = [0.0372 0.28690.6861 0.70710.6233 0.62450.6344 0.6170];d = [0.85870.17810.07470.8405];[C\d, lsqnonneg(C,d)] =-2.5627 03.1108 0.6929[norm(C*(C\d)-d), norm(C*lsqnonneg(C,d)-d)] =0.6674 0.9118The solution from lsqnonneg does not fit as well as the least-squaressolution. However, the nonnegative least-squares solution has nonegative components.8-181

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