What Is Optimization Toolbox?

What Is Optimization Toolbox?

What Is Optimization Toolbox?


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fsolveNonlEqnAlgorithmSpecify one of the following algorithms forsolving nonlinear equations:• 'dogleg' — Trust-region dogleg algorithm(default)• 'lm' — Levenberg-MarquardtLineSearchType• 'gn' — Gauss-NewtonLine search algorithm choice. This optionapplies to the 'lm' (Levenberg-Marquardt)and 'gn' (Gauss-Netwton) algorithms.Examples Example 1This example finds a zero of the system of two equations and twounknowns:You want to solve the following system for xstarting at x0 = [-5 -5].First, write an M-file that computes F, the values of the equations at x.function F = myfun(x)F = [2*x(1) - x(2) - exp(-x(1));-x(1) + 2*x(2) - exp(-x(2))];Next, call an optimization routine.x0 = [-5; -5];% Make a starting guess at the solutionoptions=optimset('Display','iter'); % Option to display output8-116

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