What Is Optimization Toolbox?

What Is Optimization Toolbox? What Is Optimization Toolbox?

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fsolveOutputArguments“Function Arguments” on page 6-2 contains general descriptions ofarguments returned by fsolve. For more information on the outputheadings for fsolve, see “Function-Specific Output Headings” on page2-82.This section provides function-specific details for exitflag and output:exitflagoutputInteger identifying the reason the algorithmterminated. The following lists the values ofexitflag and the corresponding reasons thealgorithm terminated.1 Function converged to a solution x.2 Change in x was smaller than thespecified tolerance.3 Change in the residual was smallerthan the specified tolerance.4 Magnitude of search direction wassmaller than the specified tolerance.0 Number of iterations exceededoptions.MaxIter or number offunction evaluations exceededoptions.FunEvals.-1 Algorithm was terminated by theoutput function.-2 Algorithm appears to be convergingto a point that is not a root.-3 Trust radius became too small.-4 Line search cannot sufficientlydecrease the residual along thecurrent search direction.Structure containing information about theoptimization. The fields of the structure areiterationsNumber of iterations taken8-110

fsolvefuncCountalgorithmcgiterationsstepsizeNumber of function evaluationsAlgorithm used.Number of PCG iterations (large-scalealgorithm only)Final step size taken (medium-scalealgorithm only)firstorderopt Measure of first-order optimality(large-scale algorithm only)For large-scale problems, thefirst-order optimality is the infinitynorm of the gradient g = J T F (see“Nonlinear Least-Squares” on page4-12).OptionsOptimization options used by fsolve. Some options apply to allalgorithms, some are only relevant when using the large-scalealgorithm, and others are only relevant when using the medium-scalealgorithm. You can use optimset to set or change the values of thesefields in the options structure, options. See “Optimization Options” onpage 6-8 for detailed information.The LargeScale option specifies a preference for which algorithm touse. It is only a preference because certain conditions must be metto use the large-scale algorithm. For fsolve, the nonlinear system ofequations cannot be underdetermined; that is, the number of equations(the number of elements of F returned by fun) mustbeatleastasmanyas the length of x or else the medium-scale algorithm is used:LargeScaleUse large-scale algorithm if possible when set to'on'. Use medium-scale algorithm when set to'off'. The default for fsolve is 'off'.8-111

fsolvefuncCountalgorithmcgiterationsstepsizeNumber of function evaluationsAlgorithm used.Number of PCG iterations (large-scalealgorithm only)Final step size taken (medium-scalealgorithm only)firstorderopt Measure of first-order optimality(large-scale algorithm only)For large-scale problems, thefirst-order optimality is the infinitynorm of the gradient g = J T F (see“Nonlinear Least-Squares” on page4-12).Options<strong>Optimization</strong> options used by fsolve. Some options apply to allalgorithms, some are only relevant when using the large-scalealgorithm, and others are only relevant when using the medium-scalealgorithm. You can use optimset to set or change the values of thesefields in the options structure, options. See “<strong>Optimization</strong> Options” onpage 6-8 for detailed information.The LargeScale option specifies a preference for which algorithm touse. It is only a preference because certain conditions must be metto use the large-scale algorithm. For fsolve, the nonlinear system ofequations cannot be underdetermined; that is, the number of equations(the number of elements of F returned by fun) mustbeatleastasmanyas the length of x or else the medium-scale algorithm is used:LargeScaleUse large-scale algorithm if possible when set to'on'. Use medium-scale algorithm when set to'off'. The default for fsolve is 'off'.8-111

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