What Is Optimization Toolbox?

What Is Optimization Toolbox?

What Is Optimization Toolbox?


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fminsearchInputArguments“Function Arguments” on page 6-2 contains general descriptionsof arguments passed into fminsearch. This section providesfunction-specific details for fun and options:funThe function to be minimized. fun is a functionhandle for a function that accepts a vector x andreturns a scalar f, the objective function evaluatedat x. Thefunctionfun can be specified as a functionhandle for an M-file functionx = fminsearch(@myfun,x0)where myfun is a MATLAB function such asfunction f = myfun(x)f = ...% Compute function value at xfun can also be a function handle for an anonymousfunction, such asx = fminsearch(@(x)norm(x)^2,x0,A,b);options“Options” on page 8-70 provides the function-specificdetails for the options values.OutputArguments“Function Arguments” on page 6-2 contains general descriptionsof arguments returned by fminsearch. This section providesfunction-specific details for exitflag and output:exitflagInteger identifying the reason the algorithmterminated. The following lists the values ofexitflag and the corresponding reasons thealgorithm terminated.1 The function converged to a solution x.8-69

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