What Is Optimization Toolbox?

What Is Optimization Toolbox?

What Is Optimization Toolbox?


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fminimaxMeritFunctionMinAbsMaxOutputFcnPlotFcnsRelLineSrchBndUse the goal attainment/minimax meritfunction if set to 'multiobj'. Usethe fmincon meritfunctionifsetto'singleobj'.Number of F(x) to minimize the worstcase absolute values.Specify one or more user-definedfunctions that are called after eachiteration of an optimization (mediumscale algorithm only). See “OutputFunction” on page 6-16.Plots various measures of progresswhile the algorithm executes, selectfrom predefined plots or write yourown. Specifying @optimplotx plots thecurrent point; @optimplotfunccountplots the function count;@optimplotfval plots the functionvalue; @optimplotconstrviolationplots the maximum constraint violation;@optimplotstepsize plots the step size;@optimplotfirstorderopt plots thefirst-order of optimality.Relative bound (a real nonnegativescalar value) on the line searchstep length such that the totaldisplacement in x satisfiesThis option provides control over themagnitude of the displacements in x forcases in which the solver takes stepsthat are considered too large..8-63

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