What Is Optimization Toolbox?

What Is Optimization Toolbox?

What Is Optimization Toolbox?


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fminconOutputArguments“Function Arguments” on page 6-2 contains general descriptions ofarguments returned by fmincon. This section provides function-specificdetails for exitflag, lambda, andoutput:exitflagInteger identifying the reason the algorithmterminated. The following lists the values ofexitflag and the corresponding reasons thealgorithm terminated.1 First-order optimality conditionswere satisfied to the specifiedtolerance.2 Change in x was less than thespecified tolerance.3 Change in the objective functionvalue was less than the specifiedtolerance.4 Magnitude of the search directionwaslessthanthespecifiedtolerance and constraint violationwaslessthanoptions.TolCon.5 Magnitude of directionalderivative was less thanthe specified tolerance andconstraint violation was less thanoptions.TolCon.0 Number of iterations exceededoptions.MaxIter or number offunction evaluations exceededoptions.FunEvals.-1 Algorithm was terminated by theoutput function.-2 No feasible point was found.8-40

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