What Is Optimization Toolbox?

What Is Optimization Toolbox?

What Is Optimization Toolbox?


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fminbndPlotFcnsPlots various measures of progress while thealgorithm executes, select from predefined plotsor write your own. Specifying @optimplotx plotsthe current point; @optimplotfunccount plots thefunction count; @optimplotfval plots the functionvalue.TolX Termination tolerance on x.ExamplesA minimum of sin(x) occurs atx = fminbnd(@sin,0,2*pi)x =4.7124The value of the function at the minimum isy = sin(x)y =-1.0000To find the minimum of the functionon the interval (0,5), first write an M-file.function f = myfun(x)f = (x-3)^2 - 1;Next, call an optimization routine.x = fminbnd(@myfun,0,5)This generates the solutionx =38-31

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