What Is Optimization Toolbox?

What Is Optimization Toolbox? What Is Optimization Toolbox?

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fgoalattainoutputupper Upper bounds ubineqlin Linear inequalitieseqlin Linear equalitiesineqnonlin Nonlinear inequalitieseqnonlin Nonlinear equalitiesStructure containing information about theoptimization. The fields of the structure areiterationsfuncCountalgorithmNumber of iterations takenNumber of function evaluationsAlgorithm usedOptionsOptimization options used by fgoalattain. Youcanuseoptimset toset or change the values of these fields in the options structure options.See “Optimization Options” on page 6-8 for detailed information.DerivativeCheckDiagnosticsDiffMaxChangeDiffMinChangeDisplayCompare user-supplied derivatives(gradients of objective or constraints) tofinite-differencing derivatives.Display diagnostic information aboutthe function to be minimized or solved.Maximum change in variables forfinite-difference gradients.Minimum change in variables forfinite-difference gradients.Level of display. 'off' displays nooutput; 'iter' displays output ateach iteration; 'notify' displaysoutput only if the function does notconverge;'final' (default) displaysjust the final output.8-20

fgoalattainFunValCheckGoalsExactAchieveGradConstrGradObjMaxFunEvalsMaxIterMaxSQPIterMeritFunctionOutputFcnCheck whether objective function andconstraints values are valid. 'on'displays an error when the objectivefunction or constraints return a valuethat is complex, Inf, orNaN. 'off'displays no error.Specifies the number of objectives forwhich it is required for the objective funto equal the goal goal. Suchobjectivesshould be partitioned into the first fewelements of F.Gradient for the constraints defined bythe user. See the preceding descriptionof nonlcon to see how to define thegradient in nonlcon.Gradient for the user-defined objectivefunction. See the preceding descriptionof fun to see how to define the gradientin fun.Maximum number of functionevaluations allowed.Maximum number of iterations allowed.Maximum number of SQP iterationsallowed.Use goal attainment/minimax meritfunction if set to 'multiobj'. Usefmincon meritfunctionifsetto'singleobj'.Specify one or more user-definedfunctions that an optimization functioncalls at each iteration. See “OutputFunction” on page 6-16.8-21

fgoalattainoutputupper Upper bounds ubineqlin Linear inequalitieseqlin Linear equalitiesineqnonlin Nonlinear inequalitieseqnonlin Nonlinear equalitiesStructure containing information about theoptimization. The fields of the structure areiterationsfuncCountalgorithmNumber of iterations takenNumber of function evaluationsAlgorithm usedOptions<strong>Optimization</strong> options used by fgoalattain. Youcanuseoptimset toset or change the values of these fields in the options structure options.See “<strong>Optimization</strong> Options” on page 6-8 for detailed information.DerivativeCheckDiagnosticsDiffMaxChangeDiffMinChangeDisplayCompare user-supplied derivatives(gradients of objective or constraints) tofinite-differencing derivatives.Display diagnostic information aboutthe function to be minimized or solved.Maximum change in variables forfinite-difference gradients.Minimum change in variables forfinite-difference gradients.Level of display. 'off' displays nooutput; 'iter' displays output ateach iteration; 'notify' displaysoutput only if the function does notconverge;'final' (default) displaysjust the final output.8-20

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