What Is Optimization Toolbox?

What Is Optimization Toolbox?

What Is Optimization Toolbox?


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intprogx = bintprog(f,A,b,Aeq,Beq,x0,options) minimizes with thedefault optimization options replaced by values in the structureoptions, which you can create using the function optimset.[x, fval] = bintprog(...) returns fval, the value of the objectivefunction at x.[x,fval,exitflag] = bintprog(...) returns exitflag thatdescribes the exit condition of bintprog. See “Output Arguments” onpage 8-3.[x,fval,exitflag,output] = bintprog(...) returns a structureoutput that contains information about the optimization. See “OutputArguments” on page 8-3.InputArgumentsThe following table lists the input arguments for bintprog. “FunctionArguments” on page 6-2 contains general descriptions of inputarguments for optimization functions.fAbAeqbeqx0optionsVector containing the coefficients of the linear objectivefunction.Matrix containing the coefficients of the linear inequalityconstraints .Vector corresponding to the right-hand side of the linearinequality constraints.Matrix containing the coefficients of the linear equalityconstraints .Vector containing the constants of the linear equalityconstraints.Initial point for the algorithm.Options structure containing options for the algorithm.OutputArguments“Function Arguments” on page 6-2 contains general descriptions ofarguments returned by bintprog. This section provides specific detailsfor the arguments exitflag and output:8-3

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