What Is Optimization Toolbox?

What Is Optimization Toolbox?

What Is Optimization Toolbox?


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6 Argument and Options Reference<strong>Optimization</strong> Options (Continued)Option Name Description L, M, B Used by FunctionsTolRLPFunTermination tolerance on thefunction value of a linearprogramming relaxation problem.MbintprogTolX Termination tolerance on x. B All functions exceptthe medium-scalealgorithms forlinprog, lsqlin,and quadprogTolXIntegerTolerance within which bintprogconsiders the value of a variable tobe an integer.MbintprogTypicalXArray that specifies typicalmagnitudeofarrayofparametersx. The size of the array is equal tothesizeofx0,thestartingpoint.Bfgoalattain,fmincon,fminunc, fsolve,lsqcurvefit,lsqlin, lsqnonlin,quadprogOutput FunctionThe Outputfcn field of the options structure specifies one or more functionsthat an optimization function calls at each iteration. Typically, you might usean output function to plot points at each iteration or to display optimizationquantities from the algorithm. To set up an output function, do the following:1 Write the output function as an M-file function or subfunction.2 Use optimset to set the value of Outputfcn to be a function handle, that is,the name of the function preceded by the @ sign. For example, if the outputfunction is outfun.m, the commandoptions = optimset('OutputFcn', @outfun);6-16

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