What Is Optimization Toolbox?

What Is Optimization Toolbox?

What Is Optimization Toolbox?


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6 Argument and Options Reference<strong>Optimization</strong> Options (Continued)Option Name Description L, M, B Used by FunctionsFunValCheckCheck whether objective functionand constraints values are valid.'on' displays an error when theobjective function or constraintsreturn a value that is complex,NaN, orInf.Note FunValCheck does notreturn an error for Inf whenused with fminbnd, fminsearch,or fzero, which handle Infappropriately.Bfgoalattain,fminbnd, fmincon,fminimax,fminsearch,fminunc, fseminf,fsolve, fzero,lsqcurvefit,lsqnonlin'off' displays no error.GoalsExactAchieveSpecify the number of objectivesrequired for the objective fun toequal the goal goal. Objectivesshould be partitioned into the firstfew elements of F.MfgoalattainGradConstrUser-defined gradients for thenonlinear constraints.Mfgoalattain,fmincon, fminimaxGradObjUser-defined gradients for theobjective functions.Bfgoalattain,fmincon, fminimax,fminunc, fseminfHessianIf 'on', functionusesuser-definedHessian or Hessian information(when using HessMult), for theobjective function. If 'off',function approximates the Hessianusing finite differences.Lfmincon, fminunc6-10

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