California Quick Reference Chart and Notes - ILRC

California Quick Reference Chart and Notes - ILRC California Quick Reference Chart and Notes - ILRC


Immigrant Legal Resource Center, www.ilrc.orgJanuary 2013Appendix 12-II: Selected Firearms Offenses Under Ninth Circuit Law:Deportable, Inadmissible, Aggravated Felony 1Su Yon Yi and Katherine Brady, Immigrant Legal Resource CenterOFFENSESummary ofImmigration EffectAGGRAVATED FELONY (AF)CONVICTION-Firearms Trafficking 2-State Analogue to FederalFirearms Offense 3- Crime of Violence (COV), whichis an AF only if sentence of atleast one year is imposed 4DEPORTABLE,INADMISSIBLECONVICTION-Firearms Offense 5-Crime of Domestic Violence(DV) 6-Crime of Child Abuse 7Conviction ofCRIMEINVOLVINGMORALTURPITUDE(CIMT) 8Note: Effect onAsylees, RefugeesFirearms offenses canaffect asylees andrefugees differently thanthey do otherimmigrants.This Chart does notdiscuss this areafurther, but for moreinformation see §N.17Relief. Try to get expertconsultation whenrepresenting an asyleeor refugee.An AF conviction is basis forremoval (deportation) for refugees.An AF conviction is a “particularlyserious crime” that is a bar togetting asylum, and a basis toterminate asylee status and have theperson put in removal proceedings.A non-aggravated felony also canbe a particularly serious crime,depending upon whether there was athreat to people versus property, thesentence imposed, and factualcircumstances.A refugee who is deportable canbe put in removal proceedings.A refugee or asylee, whether ornot in removal proceedings, canapply to adjust status to become alawful permanent resident. If theperson is inadmissible s/he mustobtain a special waiver in order toadjust. Absent extraordinaryhardship, waiver will be deniedfor conviction of a “violent ordangerous” offense. (A violentor dangerous crime also is a basisto deny asylum in the first place.)See column to leftregarding effect ofinadmissibility anddeportability.Exhibit weapon inrude or threateningmanner; useCalif. P.C. § 417(a)(1) Non-firearm(2) FirearmSummary: With carefulpleading, § 417(a) isnot deportable,inadmissible or AF.To avoid AF as COV, plead to:-A six-month misdo, and/or to-Rude rather than threateningconduct, and/or get 364 days or lesson each countTo avoid a deportable firearmoffense plead to 417(a)(1) (or to417(a) with a vague record, ifavoiding becoming deportable isthe only goal).- Exception: Antique firearms.If ROC shows the firearm was“an antique as defined at 18 USC921(a)(16)” the offense is not adeportable firearms offense. 9To avoid a deportable crime ofDV plead to rude not threateningconduct (which should avoid aCOV) and/or don’t let ROC showDV-type victim; see § 245.Exhibiting a weaponin a rude mannerought not to be helda CIMT. 10Even if it is, a firstsingle conviction ofa 6-month or 1-yrCIMT misdo mightnot cause CIMTconsequences. SeeNote: CIMTTo avoid a deportable crime ofchild abuse don’t let ROC showvictim under age 18264

Immigrant Legal Resource Center, www.ilrc.orgJanuary 2013Battery -- PossibleAlternative PleaCalif. P.C. §§243(d) (with seriousbodily injury)243(e) (spousalbattery)Summary: Withcareful pleading§ 243(e) and probably§ 243(d) are notdeportable,inadmissible or AF.To avoid an AF as COV for 243(e)or misdemeanor 243(d) 11-Have ROC show offensivetouching and/or-Avoid sentence of 1 yr or more onany single count (this is always themost secure option).To avoid an AF as COV for felony243(d), get 364 days or less on eachcount. While felony 243(d) shd notbe held a COV if the record showsan offensive touching, 12 avoid anyfight by avoiding 1 yr sentence.NOTE: Designating or reducing awobbler offense to a misdemeanorper PC §§ 17, 19 creates a misdo forimmigration purposes. 13 .To avoid deportable firearmsoffense do not let ROC showfirearm involved, or show anantique firearm (see §417)To avoid deportable crime ofchild abuse keep minor age ofvictim out of ROC.To avoid deportable crime of DV:-Avoid a COV conviction bypleading to a misdemeanor wherethe ROC shows (or if DVdeportability is the only issue, atleast does not disprove) conductwas offensive touching, and/or-Create a record that does notshow DV-type victim; see §245.To avoid CIMT,ROC shd showoffense committedonly by offensivetouching. 14Assault (2012 version)To avoid deportable firearmsoffense plead to (1) or (4) with nofirearm in ROC or (2) with ROCspecifying antique (see §417).Calif. P.C. § 245(a)(1) Non-Firearm(2) Firearm(3) Machine gun(4) Force likely tocause great bodilyharmSummary: Withcareful pleading aCIMT may be the onlyconsequence.To avoid firearms AF: avoid pleadto (3) which might be charged AF.See PC 32625.To avoid AF as COV, obtainsentence of 364 days or less foreach § 245 convictionTo avoid deportable crime ofchild abuse or of DV: To avoidchild abuse, keep minor age ofvictim out of ROC. To avoiddeportable DV, (1) avoid a COV,or (2) don’t let ROC show thedomestic relationship: eitherdesignate a non-DV-type victim(e.g., new boyfriend, neighbor,even police officer) or, lesssecure, keep the ROC clear of allevidence of a victim with adomestic relationship.See endnote 6 and see Note:Violence, Child Abuse.Assume yes CIMT,with possibleexception if ROCindicates person wasintoxicated/incapacitated andintended no harm. 15265

Immigrant Legal Resource Center, www.ilrc.orgJanuary 2013Battery -- PossibleAlternative PleaCalif. P.C. §§243(d) (with seriousbodily injury)243(e) (spousalbattery)Summary: Withcareful pleading§ 243(e) <strong>and</strong> probably§ 243(d) are notdeportable,inadmissible or AF.To avoid an AF as COV for 243(e)or misdemeanor 243(d) 11-Have ROC show offensivetouching <strong>and</strong>/or-Avoid sentence of 1 yr or more onany single count (this is always themost secure option).To avoid an AF as COV for felony243(d), get 364 days or less on eachcount. While felony 243(d) shd notbe held a COV if the record showsan offensive touching, 12 avoid anyfight by avoiding 1 yr sentence.NOTE: Designating or reducing awobbler offense to a misdemeanorper PC §§ 17, 19 creates a misdo forimmigration purposes. 13 .To avoid deportable firearmsoffense do not let ROC showfirearm involved, or show anantique firearm (see §417)To avoid deportable crime ofchild abuse keep minor age ofvictim out of ROC.To avoid deportable crime of DV:-Avoid a COV conviction bypleading to a misdemeanor wherethe ROC shows (or if DVdeportability is the only issue, atleast does not disprove) conductwas offensive touching, <strong>and</strong>/or-Create a record that does notshow DV-type victim; see §245.To avoid CIMT,ROC shd showoffense committedonly by offensivetouching. 14Assault (2012 version)To avoid deportable firearmsoffense plead to (1) or (4) with nofirearm in ROC or (2) with ROCspecifying antique (see §417).Calif. P.C. § 245(a)(1) Non-Firearm(2) Firearm(3) Machine gun(4) Force likely tocause great bodilyharmSummary: Withcareful pleading aCIMT may be the onlyconsequence.To avoid firearms AF: avoid pleadto (3) which might be charged AF.See PC 32625.To avoid AF as COV, obtainsentence of 364 days or less foreach § 245 convictionTo avoid deportable crime ofchild abuse or of DV: To avoidchild abuse, keep minor age ofvictim out of ROC. To avoiddeportable DV, (1) avoid a COV,or (2) don’t let ROC show thedomestic relationship: eitherdesignate a non-DV-type victim(e.g., new boyfriend, neighbor,even police officer) or, lesssecure, keep the ROC clear of allevidence of a victim with adomestic relationship.See endnote 6 <strong>and</strong> see Note:Violence, Child Abuse.Assume yes CIMT,with possibleexception if ROCindicates person wasintoxicated/incapacitated <strong>and</strong>intended no harm. 15265

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