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Comparing AWIFS and MERIS images for land use-land cover mapping in Spainreference cartographies. The lower cost of MERIS-FR imagery has to be taken into account as well.CONCLUSIONSThe results reached so far suggest that AWiFS imagesas a good source of information for land covermapping. Nevertheless, although accuracies obtainedfor AWIFS classifications are higher, MERISdata may be more a<strong>de</strong>quate for some types of surfaces.If a forest map is to be <strong>de</strong>veloped at Europeanscale, the characteristics of each country’s land covertypes have to be carefully analyzed to <strong>de</strong>terminewhether it is worth assuming the higher cost andmore laborious process of using AWIFS instead ofMERIS-FR to reach the proposed goals.Important differences appear when comparing theclassification product with the reference data, mainlydue to the conflict land use vs land cover classes andthe difficulty to achieve compatible legends. Itwould be useful to reach an agreement for the use ofa global land use and land cover legend. Classesshould be adaptable to the specific characteristics ofthe different countries involved in global scale projects.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe authors would like to thank ESA for free dataprovision through the approved Category-1 projectentitled “An Assessment on the potential of Spanishforests as carbon sinks using remote sensing techniques”.This work was also possible thanks to anagreement between the Spanish Ministry of Environmentand the INIA – Ministry of Education andScience. Special thanks to the Spanish National GeographicInstitute (IGN) for helping us in the use ofthe CORINE Land Cover product and to Banco <strong>de</strong>Datos <strong>de</strong> la Naturaleza for supplying NFI data andcartography.REFERENCESromap.<strong>de</strong>/docs/doc_005.html (accessed 15-03-2006)ESA, 2006, Envisat instruments. Available onlineat: http://envisat.esa.int/instruments/meris/(accessed 15-03-2006)INSTITUTO GEOGRÁFICO NACIONAL, 2002.Corine 2000. Descripción <strong>de</strong> la nomenclatura<strong>de</strong>l Corine Land Cover al nivel 5º. Ministerio<strong>de</strong>l Fomento.INSTITUTO GEOGRÁFICO NACIONAL,Nov.2004. Actualización <strong>de</strong> la base <strong>de</strong> datos<strong>de</strong> Corine Land Cover, ProyectoI&CLC2000, Informe Final. Ministerio <strong>de</strong>Fomento (Madrid).JOINT RESEARCH CENTER, 2006, IES. Onlineat: http://ies.jrc.cec.eu.int/31.html (accessed28-04-2006)JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE – TERRESTRIALECOSYSTEM MONITORING, 2006. Availableonline at: http://www-tem.jrc.it/Mapping_land_cover/activities/globcover2005.htm (accessed 30-04-2006)MAPA - Ministerio <strong>de</strong> Agricultura, Pesca y alimentación,2006, Sigpac Visor. Available onlineat: http://sigpac.mapa.es/fega/visor/ (accessed04-2006)MINISTERIO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE, 2004. TercerInventario Forestal Nacional, 1997-2007,Comunidad <strong>de</strong> Madrid. Ministerio <strong>de</strong> MedioAmbiente (Madrid).NATIONAL REMOTE SENSING AGENCY, 2006,IRS–P6 / RESOURCESAT–1. Available onlineat:http://www.nrsa.gov.in/engnrsa/p6book/system/system<strong>de</strong>script.htm (accessed 15-03-2006)GARCÍA-GIGORRO, S., GONZÁLEZ-ALONSO,F., MERINO DE MIGUEL, S., ROLDAN-ZAMARRON, A., CUEVAS, J.M. 2005.MERIS-FR potential for land use – landcover mapping in Spain. International Journalof Remote Sensing, 28(6): 1405-1412.CORINE, 1993. CORINE land cover – Gui<strong>de</strong> technique.(Bruxelles: Comission <strong>de</strong>s CommunautéesEuropéennes).DUP-ESA, 2006, Globcover. Available online at:http://dup.esrin.esa.it/projects/summaryp68.asp (accessed 28-04-2006)EUROMAP, 2006, Indian Remote Sensing Satellite,IRS-P6. Available online at: http://www.eu-Revista <strong>de</strong> Tele<strong>de</strong>tección. ISSN: 1988-8740. 2008. 30: 85-91 91

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