Thesis - ALHOSN University

Thesis - ALHOSN University

Thesis - ALHOSN University

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Academic News<strong>ALHOSN</strong> Launches Centre forResearch and Consultancy<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> launched inMay 2009 its Centre for Researchand Consultancy (CRC) whichincorporates the intellect andexpertise of professionals toprovide quality consultancy as wellas conducting scientific research invarious fields including engineering,business and informationtechnology. The engineeringdivision of the CRC is currentlydeveloping new branches namely:1. Structural and GeotechnicalEngineering2. Safety of NationalInfrastructures3. Systems Engineering andQuality Control Studies4. Thermo-fluid applications for oiland gas industry5. Advanced engineeringtechnologies in signalprocessing and wireless sensordevices.Professor Abdul Rahim Sabouni,the Vice Chancellor & CEO of theuniversity stated that the coremission of the centre is focused onproviding professional consultingservices to the industry in particularand to the community at large in theCapstone Project “MIRATH”United Arab Emirates and the Gulfregion.In the upcoming years, thegovernment of Abu Dhabi plans toundertake a major project initiativegeared to underpin the ongoingevolution of Abu Dhabi to becomea global capital city. The schemeinvolves a series of decisions andoutlines all formed recently in aproposal titled “Plan Abu Dhabi 2030:Urban Structure Framework Plan”that was created by an internationalplanning taskforce in conjunctionwith the government. Under the plan,the city is projected to increaseits population to over three millionpeople by 2030. It also incorporatesinitiatives for new roads, urbanliving villages, ecology, education,infrastructure and much more.<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> has manyadvantages in this initiative,according to Dr Hany ElNaggar, theVice President for Engineering at theCRC. First, the university’s location inthe center of Abu Dhabi, consideredthe powerful hub of the region, whichenables close professional contactwith governmental departmentsand companies. Secondly, <strong>ALHOSN</strong>possess an excellent, internationallyrespectedteam in several fields ofengineering, business and IT. Andfinally, its excellent relationship withseveral internationally-recognizedesteemed experts capable oftackling the required consultancytasks and projects.Dr Laouisset, the Vice President forBusiness and Professional Trainingat the CRC, added that the centrewill provide professional training toall levels in the fields of engineering,business and IT. Courses wouldinclude hands-on simulationexercises, and emergency-situationresponsedrills. In addition to thestandard courses, custom tailoredcourses would be developed andoffered periodically as well.8Last Spring, the MIRATH (Make use of Islamic Rules for Allocating estateof inheritance) capstone project was accepted to be presented in theUndergraduate Research Conference (http://www.zu.ac.ae/urc/2009/index.html) at Zayed <strong>University</strong>, Dubai Campus on May 5, 2009. Theproject was done by Mohammed Abu Ali, a student from the SoftwareEngineering Department of <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong>, and supervised by DrAdel Khelifi. The project is about web applications that allow any user tocalculate Inheritance according to the Islamic Shariia and Law. In orderto encourage students to participate in national conferences, Dr Khelifiorganized a trip to for students from the Software Engineering Department.They enjoyed the event, as well as, the experience of attending a nationalconference.

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