Thesis - ALHOSN University

Thesis - ALHOSN University Thesis - ALHOSN University


Alhosn NewsLibrary NewsLibrary Awareness WeekThe ALHOSN University library organized a Library Awareness Week that lasted from November 8th to the 12th ,2009 to showcase its extensive information resources to students. Library orientation classes and workshops wereconducted throughout the period.Both faculty and students welcomed the initiative and invited the library team to their classrooms. Library staffeducated the students on library information resources and services through short motion clippings, library tours,handouts, and question & answer sessions, which the students thoroughly enjoyed. Students also appreciatedlearning how they could connect to the library’s electronic resources and catalog from their home.The Library Awareness Week successfully achieved its mission in raising awareness of the importance of thelibrary in academic life.Sharjah International Book Exhibition 2009In the effort of ALHOSN’s constant strive to broaden its already extensive book collection, the library took advantageof the 28th International Book Exhibition held in Sharjah on November 11th to the 21st , 2009 to visit internationalpublishers participating in the event and browse their publications.The library team interacted with various well-known publishers during the exhibition, and purchased around 800new titles covering several subjects and topics in both English and Arabic languages. The books will soon be madeavailable to students to check out from the library.UAE Book Exhibition at ALHOSNThe ALHOSN University Library recently organized a ‘Book Exhibition’ to celebrate the UAE’s 38th National day.The library displayed number of illustrated books on the UAE’s rich history, culture and heritage. The exhibit tookplace at both the male and female campuses. Students welcomed the presentation and eagerly browsed thebooks, taking special interest in the historical photographs.6

AHU signs ‘TOMOOH’ training program inconjunction with The President Representativeof H.H. Sheikh Sultan bin Zayed AL NahyanALHOSN University recentlysigned a ‘TOMOOH’ (which whentranslated means ‘Aspirations’)training agreement with the Officeof H.H. Sheikh Sultan bin Zayed,the representative of H.H. thePresident of the UAE, reflecting thecontinued cooperation between thetwo parties. Under the terms of theagreement, ALHOSN’s Training andContinuing Education Center (TCEC)will deliver a program coveringthe areas of human resource andexecutive management intended forkey staff involved in these fields.The agreement was signed by Eng.Ahmed Al Mazrui, Chairman of theOffice of H.H. the representative of thePresident of the UAE, and Prof. AbdulRahim Sabouni, Vice Chancellor &CEO of ALHOSN University duringa simple ceremony attended by anumber of officials from both parties.Training will be delivered by highlyqualifiedcompetent and specializedprofessors to ensure excellenceof the programs to the highestscientific and technical levels. TCECoffers a variety of courses coveringmedia, public relations, managerialand educational programs, ICT,technology, and English languageIssue 7 | December 2009workshops. Sessions are scheduledto the trainee’s convenience andavailability, and can also be cateredto take place during weekends.TCEC has contracts and agreementswith companies, official and privatebodies, on the implementationof programs to either take placeon location of or at the ALHOSNUniversity campus.Dr Hassan Al-Samerrai, Director ofALHOSN’s Training and ContinuingEducation Centre, said: “In responseto global developments, labor marketrequirements and the need for a newgenerationof adaptable workerswith the scientific and technicalskills to keep pace with scientificand practical developments, aspecialized and promising programhas been developed which includeshuman resource and executivemanagement. It has been preparedaccording to international trainingand development standards and willconfer professional certificates. Theprogram will deliver administrative,technical, professional, culturaland organizational content overthe duration period of the trainingprogram.”“We commend the eagerness of therepresentative of the Office of thePresident and his full support for thetraining and development of locals.This agreement will be importantin helping nationals manage thetasks entrusted to them efficientlyand effectively. We look forward toworking more closely with ALHOSNin developing the workforce andmeeting the needs of society,”concluded Eng. Al Mazrui.Alhosn News7

Alhosn NewsLibrary NewsLibrary Awareness WeekThe <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> library organized a Library Awareness Week that lasted from November 8th to the 12th ,2009 to showcase its extensive information resources to students. Library orientation classes and workshops wereconducted throughout the period.Both faculty and students welcomed the initiative and invited the library team to their classrooms. Library staffeducated the students on library information resources and services through short motion clippings, library tours,handouts, and question & answer sessions, which the students thoroughly enjoyed. Students also appreciatedlearning how they could connect to the library’s electronic resources and catalog from their home.The Library Awareness Week successfully achieved its mission in raising awareness of the importance of thelibrary in academic life.Sharjah International Book Exhibition 2009In the effort of <strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s constant strive to broaden its already extensive book collection, the library took advantageof the 28th International Book Exhibition held in Sharjah on November 11th to the 21st , 2009 to visit internationalpublishers participating in the event and browse their publications.The library team interacted with various well-known publishers during the exhibition, and purchased around 800new titles covering several subjects and topics in both English and Arabic languages. The books will soon be madeavailable to students to check out from the library.UAE Book Exhibition at <strong>ALHOSN</strong>The <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> Library recently organized a ‘Book Exhibition’ to celebrate the UAE’s 38th National day.The library displayed number of illustrated books on the UAE’s rich history, culture and heritage. The exhibit tookplace at both the male and female campuses. Students welcomed the presentation and eagerly browsed thebooks, taking special interest in the historical photographs.6

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