Thesis - ALHOSN University

Thesis - ALHOSN University Thesis - ALHOSN University


Academic NewsUrban Planning Students tackle importantenvironmental issues at the 9 th IntercollegiatePublic Speaking CompetitionStudents from the Department of Urban Planning at ALHOSNUniversity recently participated in the 9th IntercollegiatePublic Speaking Competition hosted by the EmiratesEnvironmental Group (EEG) last November 19, 2009 at theKnowledge Village in Dubai. It marked the fourth consecutiveyear of ALHOSN’s participation in the event. Two teamsrepresented the university under the guidance of Dr AdnanHusnéin.Team “ALHOSN 1” tackled the topic of “Economy vs. Ecology:Keeping the Ecosystem in Balance” with members:»»Maitha Salmeen Al Nyadi (speaker)»»Lubna Falah Mustafa»»Fatima El Zahra El Rayah OsmanWhile team “ALHOSN 2” comprising of students: debated thetopic of “Carbon Trading: Offsetting or Cheating?”»»Hala Walid El Said (speaker)»»Gada Awni Dhalil»»Enas H. HerzallahBashaer Al-Matroushi chosen for BritishCouncil’s Middle East InternationalClimate Champion 2009-2010Bashaer Al-Matroushi, an Engineering student from the Department of Urban Planning, has been included amongthe UAE candidates to the British Council’s Middle East International Climate Champions (ICC) for 2009 to 2010.The ICC programme is implemented in 60 countries across the globe through the assistance of over 1,300 youthswho are actively involved in climate change initiatives. Al-Matroushi is proposing a community environmentalprogramme that will rally individuals, concerned groups and businesses to protect and maintain threatened ecosystemsthrough various activities such as tree planting, donations, recycling, competitions, and environmentallythemedcelebrations.12Al-Matroushi has been participating in several environmental campaigns sponsored by organizations suchas ADNOC, ERWDA and ALHOSN University. Last year, she represented ALHOSN at an inter-collegiate publicspeaking contest hosted by the Emirates Environmental Group.

ALHSON University hosts Salama® Road Safety Initiativesession with Guest Speaker Formula 3 driver Basil ShaabanOn Sunday, November 15, 2009 AHU hosted a majorstudent session on road safety with Formula 3 driverand UN Road Safety Youth Ambassador Basil Shaaban.The event was organized by Salama® - For RoadSafety Public Awareness, an initiative of the EmiratesFoundation for Philanthropy. Salama is supported byShell, the Emirates Driving Company, and the UAEMinistry of Interior.The session was held at the university’s campus, whereShaaban promoted safe driving in the UAE, and sharedwith students the tangible reasons that will help themunderstand the importance of enforcing road safetylaws.Basil commented: “Driving is my passion, so is promotingroad safety. I take this as a real responsibility, especiallysince I was brought up in the UAE. I feel it is my duty tohelp raise the awareness of youth about the dangers ofthe roads."Salama demonstrated the use of the “seat belt convincer”a device that shows the importance of using seatbeltsto secure vehicle occupants. The device simulates anabrupt stop between 8 to 12 km/h. This same devicemade a big impression recently at the F1 FANZONEROAD SAFETY event on the Abu Dhabi Corniche as well.ALHOSN students also learned practical facts about theIssue 7 | December 2009traffic situation in the UAE. The lecturers emphasizedthe importance of responsible driving in preventingroad-related injuries and deaths.Mahasen Al Mahasneh, Students Activities Coordinatorsat ALHOSN University, said: “The young are oftenunaware of the terrible consequences of recklessdriving. Our partnership with Salama enables us to takepart in the education of tomorrow’s drivers and helpprevent road accidents. Our students were genuinelyconcerned about the effects of irresponsible driving andthe simple safety measures and driving attitudes theycould adopt.”ALHOSN students watched Salama’s public service TVannouncement of an emotional testimonial by a youngEmirati , breaking his silence about a car crash of aloved one and how it had affected him.Maytha Al Habsi, Director of Communications and PublicAwareness at the Emirates Foundation for Philanthropy,concluded: “We believe that direct interaction with theyoung in universities is essential. It allows us to convincedrivers, especially the younger ones, the importance ofroad and driving safety.”Student Activities13

ALHSON <strong>University</strong> hosts Salama® Road Safety Initiativesession with Guest Speaker Formula 3 driver Basil ShaabanOn Sunday, November 15, 2009 AHU hosted a majorstudent session on road safety with Formula 3 driverand UN Road Safety Youth Ambassador Basil Shaaban.The event was organized by Salama® - For RoadSafety Public Awareness, an initiative of the EmiratesFoundation for Philanthropy. Salama is supported byShell, the Emirates Driving Company, and the UAEMinistry of Interior.The session was held at the university’s campus, whereShaaban promoted safe driving in the UAE, and sharedwith students the tangible reasons that will help themunderstand the importance of enforcing road safetylaws.Basil commented: “Driving is my passion, so is promotingroad safety. I take this as a real responsibility, especiallysince I was brought up in the UAE. I feel it is my duty tohelp raise the awareness of youth about the dangers ofthe roads."Salama demonstrated the use of the “seat belt convincer”a device that shows the importance of using seatbeltsto secure vehicle occupants. The device simulates anabrupt stop between 8 to 12 km/h. This same devicemade a big impression recently at the F1 FANZONEROAD SAFETY event on the Abu Dhabi Corniche as well.<strong>ALHOSN</strong> students also learned practical facts about theIssue 7 | December 2009traffic situation in the UAE. The lecturers emphasizedthe importance of responsible driving in preventingroad-related injuries and deaths.Mahasen Al Mahasneh, Students Activities Coordinatorsat <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong>, said: “The young are oftenunaware of the terrible consequences of recklessdriving. Our partnership with Salama enables us to takepart in the education of tomorrow’s drivers and helpprevent road accidents. Our students were genuinelyconcerned about the effects of irresponsible driving andthe simple safety measures and driving attitudes theycould adopt.”<strong>ALHOSN</strong> students watched Salama’s public service TVannouncement of an emotional testimonial by a youngEmirati , breaking his silence about a car crash of aloved one and how it had affected him.Maytha Al Habsi, Director of Communications and PublicAwareness at the Emirates Foundation for Philanthropy,concluded: “We believe that direct interaction with theyoung in universities is essential. It allows us to convincedrivers, especially the younger ones, the importance ofroad and driving safety.”Student Activities13

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