Thesis - ALHOSN University

Thesis - ALHOSN University

Thesis - ALHOSN University

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Issue 7 | December 2009<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong>, First Support Business Services jointlyoffer first-aid training and international certification<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> presentedcertificates to the first batch ofmembers who underwent training infirst aid on June 24, 2009. The firstaidtraining was conducted jointlyby the university's Training andContinuing Education Centre (TCEC)and First Support Business Services(FSBS). This follows a memorandumof understanding (MoU) signedbetween the parties to offer trainingand international certification in firstaid to citizens and residents. Theinitiative seeks to impart essentialknowledge and skills that willenable members of the communityto properly respond to variousemergency cases, particularly in theworkplace.The courses and certificationoffered are recognised by theAmerican Safety & Health Institute(ASHI), and the certificates are validfor two years.Dr Hassan Y. Al Samarrai, Director of TCEC at <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong>, stated:This new initiative is part of our ongoing efforts to promote the welfare ofsociety through various community-based programs. We will continue toleverage our world-class expertise, state-of-the-art facilities and networkof partners to establish programs that support the growth of our community,and ultimately strengthen TCEC's status as one of the top training providersin the UAE."Marianna James, Director of First Support Business Services and aregistered nurse, stated: In general, there is a lack of awareness for theneed for this type of training within the community at large, whether it is inpublic areas or in the workplace. Although some larger organisations mayhave health and safety standards in place, most people’ understanding ofwhat to do in an emergency situation is often very limited – and many do noteven know the emergency numbers to call.Alhosn News<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> conducts Time & Self-Managementtraining for workforceRecently, <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> heldtwo employee training sessionson Time & Self Management at theuniversity’s Male Campus.The two-day course is partof <strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s commitment inproviding continuous training anddevelopment to its workforce toimprove their skills and competence.Trainees were taught how to identifyand overcome work-related andpersonal time issues and understandand prioritize their goals in life andwork. They were also introducedto practical tools and importantguidelines to help them managetheir time wisely and develop a moreproactive approach to work.“At <strong>ALHOSN</strong> we recognize that ourworkforce is our greatest resource.This is why we constantly trainthem to achieve their full potentialand consequently enhance theircapabilities. At the same time, wewant our training courses to serve asan opportunity for self-growth, whichis why we incorporate elementsof personal development into oursessions. We highly value ouremployees as part of the <strong>ALHOSN</strong>family,” stated Maha Hamdi, HRManager, <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong>.3

Alhosn News<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> unveils worldclassIT services via upgradedwebsite and online portal<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> has announcedthe launching of the enhancedversion of its website and onlineportal as part of its commitment toproviding world-class IT services.Developed and owned by the<strong>University</strong>’s IT Department, the newwebsite features a user interface(UI) that is easier to navigate anda sleek modern design. Operatingon ASP.NET 3.5 and the latestrelease of the Microsoft SQL serverDatabase Engine, the current editionincorporates an enhanced and moreefficient search engine.Another enhanced feature is aweb-based Content ManagementSystem (CMS), which eliminatesthe need for using FTP uploadsand creating static web pages.The CMS module covers Security,News Administration and AcademicInformation Management. SiteContent, Site Map management anda dynamic RSS page integratedwith website news have alsobeen added. <strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s softwareengineering students contributedto development by assisting in datacollection, analysis and entry.and check their grades, revise theirstudy plan, adjust courses basedon their schedules and receive ofacademic updates anytime andanywhere. Parents can also use thewebsite to follow-up on students’academic performance andprogress.The Instructor’s Portal has a newUI as well and is linked to externalservices such as email and Moodle.The Administration Portal securesall channels used for data transferusing the more secure HTTPSprotocol. Security is enforced viaintegration with the Microsoft ActiveDirectory security model. Amongthis portal’s new componentsare Academic Scholarship andAcademic Change Student MajorPages, Administrative <strong>University</strong>Contacts Management Module,and an Administrative <strong>University</strong>Messaging Reference NumberManager.“As with our website, we havetaken extra steps to ensure thatour online portal meets the highestglobal standards. Our specificgoals were to minimize the stayingtime of students, reduce humanerrors during the online admissionprocess, and enhance securityagainst all types of system attacks.We have achieved all of these whilecreating a portal theme that reflects<strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s spirit of professionalismand creativity,” added Mr MohamedFarouk, Deputy IT Director,Information Technology Department.<strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s other web-based servicesinclude online library assistance; anonline course management system;Turnitin, a plagiarism preventionservice used by students, facultyin institutions worldwide. Theuniversity’s new online servicesreflects its strive in leveragingscience and engineering to supportthe Emirates’ transformation into adigital society.4<strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s upgraded OnlinePortal also runs on ASP.Net 3.5 inaddition with the Oracle DatabaseEngine. The new version of theStudent Portal features Home andCourse Registration pages with abetter UI and faster performance.Among its new modules are OnlineApplication, Academic Calendar,<strong>University</strong> and Instructors Schedule,and Scholarship Form. Through theportal, <strong>ALHOSN</strong> students can log on

Alhosn NewsLibrary NewsLibrary Awareness WeekThe <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> library organized a Library Awareness Week that lasted from November 8th to the 12th ,2009 to showcase its extensive information resources to students. Library orientation classes and workshops wereconducted throughout the period.Both faculty and students welcomed the initiative and invited the library team to their classrooms. Library staffeducated the students on library information resources and services through short motion clippings, library tours,handouts, and question & answer sessions, which the students thoroughly enjoyed. Students also appreciatedlearning how they could connect to the library’s electronic resources and catalog from their home.The Library Awareness Week successfully achieved its mission in raising awareness of the importance of thelibrary in academic life.Sharjah International Book Exhibition 2009In the effort of <strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s constant strive to broaden its already extensive book collection, the library took advantageof the 28th International Book Exhibition held in Sharjah on November 11th to the 21st , 2009 to visit internationalpublishers participating in the event and browse their publications.The library team interacted with various well-known publishers during the exhibition, and purchased around 800new titles covering several subjects and topics in both English and Arabic languages. The books will soon be madeavailable to students to check out from the library.UAE Book Exhibition at <strong>ALHOSN</strong>The <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> Library recently organized a ‘Book Exhibition’ to celebrate the UAE’s 38th National day.The library displayed number of illustrated books on the UAE’s rich history, culture and heritage. The exhibit tookplace at both the male and female campuses. Students welcomed the presentation and eagerly browsed thebooks, taking special interest in the historical photographs.6

AHU signs ‘TOMOOH’ training program inconjunction with The President Representativeof H.H. Sheikh Sultan bin Zayed AL Nahyan<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> recentlysigned a ‘TOMOOH’ (which whentranslated means ‘Aspirations’)training agreement with the Officeof H.H. Sheikh Sultan bin Zayed,the representative of H.H. thePresident of the UAE, reflecting thecontinued cooperation between thetwo parties. Under the terms of theagreement, <strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s Training andContinuing Education Center (TCEC)will deliver a program coveringthe areas of human resource andexecutive management intended forkey staff involved in these fields.The agreement was signed by Eng.Ahmed Al Mazrui, Chairman of theOffice of H.H. the representative of thePresident of the UAE, and Prof. AbdulRahim Sabouni, Vice Chancellor &CEO of <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> duringa simple ceremony attended by anumber of officials from both parties.Training will be delivered by highlyqualifiedcompetent and specializedprofessors to ensure excellenceof the programs to the highestscientific and technical levels. TCECoffers a variety of courses coveringmedia, public relations, managerialand educational programs, ICT,technology, and English languageIssue 7 | December 2009workshops. Sessions are scheduledto the trainee’s convenience andavailability, and can also be cateredto take place during weekends.TCEC has contracts and agreementswith companies, official and privatebodies, on the implementationof programs to either take placeon location of or at the <strong>ALHOSN</strong><strong>University</strong> campus.Dr Hassan Al-Samerrai, Director of<strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s Training and ContinuingEducation Centre, said: “In responseto global developments, labor marketrequirements and the need for a newgenerationof adaptable workerswith the scientific and technicalskills to keep pace with scientificand practical developments, aspecialized and promising programhas been developed which includeshuman resource and executivemanagement. It has been preparedaccording to international trainingand development standards and willconfer professional certificates. Theprogram will deliver administrative,technical, professional, culturaland organizational content overthe duration period of the trainingprogram.”“We commend the eagerness of therepresentative of the Office of thePresident and his full support for thetraining and development of locals.This agreement will be importantin helping nationals manage thetasks entrusted to them efficientlyand effectively. We look forward toworking more closely with <strong>ALHOSN</strong>in developing the workforce andmeeting the needs of society,”concluded Eng. Al Mazrui.Alhosn News7

Academic News<strong>ALHOSN</strong> Launches Centre forResearch and Consultancy<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> launched inMay 2009 its Centre for Researchand Consultancy (CRC) whichincorporates the intellect andexpertise of professionals toprovide quality consultancy as wellas conducting scientific research invarious fields including engineering,business and informationtechnology. The engineeringdivision of the CRC is currentlydeveloping new branches namely:1. Structural and GeotechnicalEngineering2. Safety of NationalInfrastructures3. Systems Engineering andQuality Control Studies4. Thermo-fluid applications for oiland gas industry5. Advanced engineeringtechnologies in signalprocessing and wireless sensordevices.Professor Abdul Rahim Sabouni,the Vice Chancellor & CEO of theuniversity stated that the coremission of the centre is focused onproviding professional consultingservices to the industry in particularand to the community at large in theCapstone Project “MIRATH”United Arab Emirates and the Gulfregion.In the upcoming years, thegovernment of Abu Dhabi plans toundertake a major project initiativegeared to underpin the ongoingevolution of Abu Dhabi to becomea global capital city. The schemeinvolves a series of decisions andoutlines all formed recently in aproposal titled “Plan Abu Dhabi 2030:Urban Structure Framework Plan”that was created by an internationalplanning taskforce in conjunctionwith the government. Under the plan,the city is projected to increaseits population to over three millionpeople by 2030. It also incorporatesinitiatives for new roads, urbanliving villages, ecology, education,infrastructure and much more.<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> has manyadvantages in this initiative,according to Dr Hany ElNaggar, theVice President for Engineering at theCRC. First, the university’s location inthe center of Abu Dhabi, consideredthe powerful hub of the region, whichenables close professional contactwith governmental departmentsand companies. Secondly, <strong>ALHOSN</strong>possess an excellent, internationallyrespectedteam in several fields ofengineering, business and IT. Andfinally, its excellent relationship withseveral internationally-recognizedesteemed experts capable oftackling the required consultancytasks and projects.Dr Laouisset, the Vice President forBusiness and Professional Trainingat the CRC, added that the centrewill provide professional training toall levels in the fields of engineering,business and IT. Courses wouldinclude hands-on simulationexercises, and emergency-situationresponsedrills. In addition to thestandard courses, custom tailoredcourses would be developed andoffered periodically as well.8Last Spring, the MIRATH (Make use of Islamic Rules for Allocating estateof inheritance) capstone project was accepted to be presented in theUndergraduate Research Conference (http://www.zu.ac.ae/urc/2009/index.html) at Zayed <strong>University</strong>, Dubai Campus on May 5, 2009. Theproject was done by Mohammed Abu Ali, a student from the SoftwareEngineering Department of <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong>, and supervised by DrAdel Khelifi. The project is about web applications that allow any user tocalculate Inheritance according to the Islamic Shariia and Law. In orderto encourage students to participate in national conferences, Dr Khelifiorganized a trip to for students from the Software Engineering Department.They enjoyed the event, as well as, the experience of attending a nationalconference.

Issue 7 | December 2009<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s “Software Engineering Information Day”outlines innovative SE programs to government & industry leadersAcademic News<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> held its“Software Engineering InformationDay at its Male Campus on May13, 2009. The event’s goal wasintroducing innovative programsaimed at graduating highlycompetentsoftware engineeringprofessionals.Government officials, professionalsand managers from various fieldssuch as communication, energy,health, HR, and IT gathered to learnmore about the latest softwareengineering trends and thecompetencies required by the field.<strong>ALHOSN</strong> invited participants tojoin in the formation of its IndustryAdvisory Board (IAB) that wouldhelp the university’s SoftwareEngineering Department improve itscurriculum and thus produce highlycompetent graduates capable ofmeeting current industry needs.Dr Amin Haj-Ali, the Chair ofthe Department of SoftwareEngineering at <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong>,said: “The Gulf’s ICT sector is oneof the few industries that continueto perform strongly amidst today’sdifficult economic conditions. Evenmore growth is expected towards2012, as the region’s nations seekto transform themselves intoknowledge-based economies.Today’s activities will help us moveour software engineering programsARC Students @ NAJAH Exhibitioninto the right direction to fullysupport the expected expansion ofthis important industry. This event isan opportunity to discuss long termpartnerships with our guests.”<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s SoftwareEngineering program is designed toenable students to apply computerscience, design, engineering,management, mathematics andother related principles to solveengineering problems. It alsoaims to impart an equally strongunderstanding of the arts andsciences that will prepare candidatesfor leadership, service, and a lifelonglearning for experience.<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> architecture students impressed the attendees of the2009 NAJAH Education and Career Expo by showcasing their designs andmodels. Under the supervision of Dr Kashef, Studio II students preparedinnovative designs for bus stops. Studio II is one of the major coursesarchitecture students take midway through their university studies. Theproposed projects create visually pleasing, yet comfortable, waiting spacesfor bus travelers. Projects offered a combination of covered open-air waitingareas in addition to enclosed air-conditioned spaces that provide relieffrom the hot summer weather. The projects incorporated cutting-edge andultramodern architectural designs that match the new image of Abu Dhabi.9

Academic NewsNew AppointmentsProf. Djamel Eddine LaouissetProfessor/ Faculty of BusinessPhD in International Business, 1983, USA<strong>University</strong> of Miami, Miami, USA<strong>Thesis</strong>: The Growth of the Algerian iron and steel industryProf. Raymond TennantProfessor/ Faculty of Engineering & Applied SciencesHead of Effectiveness and Accreditation CenterPhD in Mathematics, 1988, USAState <strong>University</strong> of New York at Albany, USA<strong>Thesis</strong>: “Relation Space Groups and Swap Equivalence of Presentations”Dr Hassane BouzahirAssociate Professor/ Faculty of Engineering & Applied SciencesPhD in Applied Mathematics Science, 2001, Morocco<strong>University</strong> Cadi Ayyad in Marrakech, Morocco<strong>Thesis</strong>: Contribution to the Qualitative and Quantitative Aspects of Study for a Classof Partial Functional Differential Equations with Infinite DelayDr Mustapha TajdinAssistant Professor/ Faculty of Arts & Social SciencesActing DeanPhD in Arabic language and Islamic Studies, 2000, MorrocoAl-karawiyyin <strong>University</strong>, Morocco<strong>Thesis</strong>: Rhetorical thought in the works of Qur’an commentators with special reference toAbu Hayyan AL-Andalousi and Azzamahkshari; a comparative study (First class)Dr Alexander SoldatAssistant Professor/ Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences10Ph.D. in Psychology, 2001, Canada<strong>University</strong> of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada<strong>Thesis</strong>: Colors, smiles, and frowns: External affective cues can directly affect responsesto persuasive communications in a mood-like manner without affecting mood

New AppointmentsDr Mohamed KashefIssue 7 | December 2009Assistant Professor/ Architectural Engineering Department/ Faculty of Engineering &Applied SciencesPhD in Urban Planning and Design, 2003, Canada<strong>University</strong> of Waterloo, ON, Canada<strong>Thesis</strong>: Architects & Planners’ approaches to Urban from and Design: A ComparativeAnalysisAcademic NewsDr Hassan BelhiahAssistant Professor/ Education Department/ Faculty of Arts & Social SciencesPhD in English Language and Linguistics, 2005, USA<strong>University</strong> of Wisconsin-Madison, USA<strong>Thesis</strong>: The partnership between vocal and non-vocal aspects of language use in esltutorials: a conversation analytical approachEng. Mehdi ShemiraniInstructor/ Faculty of Engineering & Applied SciencesMSC in Mechanical Engineering, 1983, CanadaRyerson <strong>University</strong>, Toronto, CanadaMr Richard BaltusEnglish Instructor/ Faculty of Arts and Social SciencesMaster of Arts in Applied Linguistics, 2007, CanadaYork <strong>University</strong>, Toronto, CanadaMs Amanda TinninESL Instructor/ English Language CenterMasters in Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language,2005, USASt. Michael’s College, Colchester, Vermont, USA11

Academic NewsUrban Planning Students tackle importantenvironmental issues at the 9 th IntercollegiatePublic Speaking CompetitionStudents from the Department of Urban Planning at <strong>ALHOSN</strong><strong>University</strong> recently participated in the 9th IntercollegiatePublic Speaking Competition hosted by the EmiratesEnvironmental Group (EEG) last November 19, 2009 at theKnowledge Village in Dubai. It marked the fourth consecutiveyear of <strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s participation in the event. Two teamsrepresented the university under the guidance of Dr AdnanHusnéin.Team “<strong>ALHOSN</strong> 1” tackled the topic of “Economy vs. Ecology:Keeping the Ecosystem in Balance” with members:»»Maitha Salmeen Al Nyadi (speaker)»»Lubna Falah Mustafa»»Fatima El Zahra El Rayah OsmanWhile team “<strong>ALHOSN</strong> 2” comprising of students: debated thetopic of “Carbon Trading: Offsetting or Cheating?”»»Hala Walid El Said (speaker)»»Gada Awni Dhalil»»Enas H. HerzallahBashaer Al-Matroushi chosen for BritishCouncil’s Middle East InternationalClimate Champion 2009-2010Bashaer Al-Matroushi, an Engineering student from the Department of Urban Planning, has been included amongthe UAE candidates to the British Council’s Middle East International Climate Champions (ICC) for 2009 to 2010.The ICC programme is implemented in 60 countries across the globe through the assistance of over 1,300 youthswho are actively involved in climate change initiatives. Al-Matroushi is proposing a community environmentalprogramme that will rally individuals, concerned groups and businesses to protect and maintain threatened ecosystemsthrough various activities such as tree planting, donations, recycling, competitions, and environmentallythemedcelebrations.12Al-Matroushi has been participating in several environmental campaigns sponsored by organizations suchas ADNOC, ERWDA and <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong>. Last year, she represented <strong>ALHOSN</strong> at an inter-collegiate publicspeaking contest hosted by the Emirates Environmental Group.

ALHSON <strong>University</strong> hosts Salama® Road Safety Initiativesession with Guest Speaker Formula 3 driver Basil ShaabanOn Sunday, November 15, 2009 AHU hosted a majorstudent session on road safety with Formula 3 driverand UN Road Safety Youth Ambassador Basil Shaaban.The event was organized by Salama® - For RoadSafety Public Awareness, an initiative of the EmiratesFoundation for Philanthropy. Salama is supported byShell, the Emirates Driving Company, and the UAEMinistry of Interior.The session was held at the university’s campus, whereShaaban promoted safe driving in the UAE, and sharedwith students the tangible reasons that will help themunderstand the importance of enforcing road safetylaws.Basil commented: “Driving is my passion, so is promotingroad safety. I take this as a real responsibility, especiallysince I was brought up in the UAE. I feel it is my duty tohelp raise the awareness of youth about the dangers ofthe roads."Salama demonstrated the use of the “seat belt convincer”a device that shows the importance of using seatbeltsto secure vehicle occupants. The device simulates anabrupt stop between 8 to 12 km/h. This same devicemade a big impression recently at the F1 FANZONEROAD SAFETY event on the Abu Dhabi Corniche as well.<strong>ALHOSN</strong> students also learned practical facts about theIssue 7 | December 2009traffic situation in the UAE. The lecturers emphasizedthe importance of responsible driving in preventingroad-related injuries and deaths.Mahasen Al Mahasneh, Students Activities Coordinatorsat <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong>, said: “The young are oftenunaware of the terrible consequences of recklessdriving. Our partnership with Salama enables us to takepart in the education of tomorrow’s drivers and helpprevent road accidents. Our students were genuinelyconcerned about the effects of irresponsible driving andthe simple safety measures and driving attitudes theycould adopt.”<strong>ALHOSN</strong> students watched Salama’s public service TVannouncement of an emotional testimonial by a youngEmirati , breaking his silence about a car crash of aloved one and how it had affected him.Maytha Al Habsi, Director of Communications and PublicAwareness at the Emirates Foundation for Philanthropy,concluded: “We believe that direct interaction with theyoung in universities is essential. It allows us to convincedrivers, especially the younger ones, the importance ofroad and driving safety.”Student Activities13

Student Activities<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> organizes competitions & culturalactivities to celebrate 38 th UAE National Day<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> held a series ofcultural events and competitions tocelebrate the UAE’s 38th NationalDay.Festivities took place in both themale and female campuses withmany activities including drawingcontests, organized poetry readings,a play, and a children’s dancing andsinging routine. A special Emiratitent (Emirati Khaimah) was set up oneach site which created a patrioticatmosphere.“The UAE has achieved much as anation despite its relatively youngage. We always exert extra effortto make National Day a very specialoccasion where we honor the visionof our founding fathers and presentrulers. Social development is anintegral part of <strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s overallmission, and we believe that a deeplove for country and respect fornational identity are foundations forthe success of our society. We alsoacknowledge the contributions ofexpatriates to the socio-economicgrowth and the loyalty and respectthey have shown to the nation,” saidGhada Qabha, Director of StudentAffairs, <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong>.14

Issue 7 | December 2009Student ActivitiesEducation Department traineescelebrate National Day atAl-Nahda National SchoolFemale students of the EducationDepartment undergoing fieldtraining at Al-Nahda National Schoolparticipated in the school’s NationalDay celebrations. They joinedfestivities held in a traditional tentbuilt to reflect a historic period in theUAE. The tent featured popular food,traditional clothing, handicrafts,furniture and other unique items.Dr Mohamed Moussa, Head of theEducation Department, and DrMohammed Saeed Hassab El Nabi,faculty member and supervisorof practical training for students,attended the event.15

Alhosn Events<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> establishesSociety of Women in EngineeringOn Tuesday, June 16, 2009 theSociety of Women in Engineering(SOWIE) was established followingthe signing of the organisation’sbylaws during a special ceremony.SOWIE, founded by active andhighly skilled women engineersfrom <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> and otherinstitutions, attests the university'scommitment to enhance the role ofwomen in all engineering and alliedfields.SOWIE's members consist ofwomen engineers, scientists andtechnologists in the UAE and the restof the region, who will collaborateand share their expertise inorganising various programs thatempower women to prosper andlead in their fields. The foundingofficers of the SOWIE include H.E.Fatima Obaid Al Jaber, President;Dr Reem Sabouni, Vice President;and members Dr Naima Benkari, DrNoha Hassan, Dr Samia Loucif, Eng.Muna Ali Al Dhaheri, Arch. RaniaAkkad, Eng. Alia Awni Mohammadand Ms Amal Aboaziza.Dr Reem Sabouni, AssistantProfessor, <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong>,said, “There has been an excellentresponse to this groundbreakinginitiative and we believe that withthe dynamism and dedication of itsfounding members, SOWIE will playan important role in fully harnessingthe potential of women to beleaders, innovators and role modelsof society”.SOWIE's primary objectives includepromoting the achievements ofwomen engineers and raising publicawareness of their accomplishments;constituting a forum for the exchangeof opinions and experiencesregarding education, researchand employment for women withinterests in engineering; assistingwomen engineers in findingappropriate training and jobopportunities by providing them witha reliable database and networkingavenues; offering programs thatfacilitate young women to pursue acareer in engineering and developtheir technical and communicationskills; and finally, collaborate withother women organisations andengineering societies.The group is now seeking fundsand sponsors for its planned annualawards that will be given to femalestudents pursuing degrees invarious engineering fields. SOWIEwill also organise competitionsand institute awards to raise theprofile and effectiveness of womenin engineering, and will alsoinitiate several outreach activitiesand facilitate social engagementprograms, which include creating adedicated online social networkingplatform.Other projects set to be undertakenby SOWIE include publishing abi-annual newsletter; organisingregular workshops, seminarsand conferences in all fields ofengineering; and establishing astudent chapter for the SOWIE<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> to assist futureengineers in all aspects of theirstudies and career.16

Issue 7 | December 2009<strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s academic programs and student projects impress2009 NAJAH education, training and career expo attendees<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> attracted hugecrowds during the 2009 NAJAHeducation, training and career expowhich opened October 20, 2009 atthe Abu Dhabi National ExhibitionCentre.Numerous attendees gatheredat <strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s special booth tolearn more about the university’sadvanced academic programs.Most were impressed by twoprojects showcasing the talents of<strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s software engineering andarchitecture students: a weatherstation with a web interface thatsends weather information to mobilesubscribers via SMS, and a uniquedesign concept for a bus shelter. Dr.Hamdi Sheibani, <strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s Provost,led representatives in disseminatingfaculties, programs and services.As the most comprehensive annualeducation, training and careersevent in the UAE, NAJAH serves asan excellent platform for <strong>ALHOSN</strong>to affirm its growing prominenceas a respected higher educationinstitution.“NAJAH was very productive as itallowed us to introduce <strong>ALHOSN</strong>’svision to a broader audience. It alsoserved as a perfect opportunity forus to emphasize the importanceof quality education, such as thatoffered by our university, in providingfuture leaders with the right skillsand attitude. We look forward tomaintaining our presence in thismajor educational event,” stated DrSheibani.Supported by the Abu DhabiEducation Council, NAJAH gathersa diverse audience of leadingacademic institutions, businesses,school leaders, university studentsand professionals. The event wasofficially opened by H.H. SheikhNahyan Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan,UAE Minister of Higher Educationand Scientific Research. It featuredan Education and Careers Forum,an Assessment Centre deliveredby AIESEC (the largest studentorganization in the world) andan Education and Career AdviceLounge.Alhosn Events17

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