Pennsylvania FFA 2 00 -200 - Pa FFA

Pennsylvania FFA 2 00 -200 - Pa FFA Pennsylvania FFA 2 00 -200 - Pa FFA
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PA FFA SUPERVISED AGRICULTURALEXPERIENCE RECORD BOOK CONTESTA state FFA record book contest is held each February for records from the previous calendaryear. All records entered in the state contest are to have been judged previously on acounty or area level. Records are scored by enterprises, with the top records in each enterprisereceiving gold, silver or bronze awards.The top record in each county receives a monetary award from the PA FFA Foundation andthe state winners are awarded monetary awards at the State FFA Convention by Ag Choice FarmCredit. Pennsylvania Farm Credit and the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau.Wildlife records must be signed by the District Wildlife Conservation Officer. Topwildlife records receive awards from the Pennsylvania Game Commission.OWNERSHIP REQUIREMENTSA minimum ownership is required for Agriculture Production Projects entered in the StateProject Evaluation Program. Ownership requirements do not apply to Improvement Projects,Practicum Skills, Agricultural Research, Wildlife Projects, and Agricultural Employment.Special consideration will be given to unusually large projects. Full ownership is encouraged.RECORD YEARAll supervised occupational experience records shall be kept on a calendar basis, January 1thru December 31. Second year Agricultural Education students are permitted to enter recordsnot exceeding 16 months in duration. Records will be accepted on enterprises having a normalproduction cycle of less than one year.All record books must be summarized. Only those recommended by area evaluations, will beforwarded to states, which is held in February.Only the Pennsylvania Approved Agricultural Education Supervised Experience RecordBook will be allowed in any Competitions.WHEN YOU LOOK GOOD…PROPER USE OF THE FFA JACKET1. The jacket should only be worn by members.2. It should be kept neat and clean.3. The jacket should have only a large emblem on the back and a small emblemon the front; the name of the State Association and the name of the localchapter on the back; and the name of the individual and one office or honor onthe front.4. The jacket should be worn on official occasions with the zipper fastened to thetop. The collar should be turned down and the cuffs buttoned.5. The jacket should be worn by officers and members on all official FFAoccasions, as well as other occasions where the chapter or State Association isrepresented. It may be worn to school and other appropriate places.22

6. The jacket should only be worn to places that are appropriate for members tovisit.7. School letter and insignia of other organizations should not be attached to orworn on the jacket.8. When the jacket becomes faded and worn, it should be discarded or theemblems and lettering removed.9. The emblems and lettering should be removed if the jacket is given or sold toa nonmember.10. A member always acts like a lady or gentlemen when wearing the jacket.11. Members must refrain from use of tobacco and alcohol while wearing the FFAJacket or officially representing the organization.12. All chapter degree, officer, and award medals should be worn beneath thename on the right side of the jacket, with the exception that a single Statedegree charm and American degree key should be worn above the name orattached to a standard key chain. No more than three medals should be wornon the Jacket. These should represent the highest degree earned, the highestoffice held, and the highest award earned by the member.THE FFA CODE OF ETHICS(Adopted by the Delegates at the 1952 National Convention)We will conduct ourselves at all times in order to be a credit to our organization, chapter,school and community by:1. Dressing neatly and appropriately for the occasion.2. Showing respect for the rights of others and being courteous at all times.3. Being honest and not taking unfair advantage of others.4. Respecting property of others.5. Refraining from loud, boisterous talk, swearing and other unbecomingconduct.6. Demonstrating sportsmanship in the show ring, judging contest and meetings.7. Attending meetings promptly and respecting the opinion of others indiscussion.8. Taking pride in our organization; in our activities; in our supervisedagricultural experience programs; in our exhibits and in the occupation ofagriculture. Sharing with others experience and knowledge gained byattending National and State meetings.OFFICIAL DRESS(Adopted by delegates at the 1976 National Convention)The official dress for female members is to be a black skirt, white blouse with officialFFA scarf, black shoes and the official FFA Jacket zipped to the top. Black slacks may beworn for outdoor activities, such as judging, excessive traveling and camping.The official dress for male members is to be black slacks, white shirt, blue FFA tie, blackshoes and socks, and the official FFA Jacket zipped to the top.23

PA <strong>FFA</strong> SUPERVISED AGRICULTURALEXPERIENCE RECORD BOOK CONTESTA state <strong>FFA</strong> record book contest is held each February for records from the previous calendaryear. All records entered in the state contest are to have been judged previously on acounty or area level. Records are scored by enterprises, with the top records in each enterprisereceiving gold, silver or bronze awards.The top record in each county receives a monetary award from the PA <strong>FFA</strong> Foundation andthe state winners are awarded monetary awards at the State <strong>FFA</strong> Convention by Ag Choice FarmCredit. <strong>Pennsylvania</strong> Farm Credit and the <strong>Pennsylvania</strong> Farm Bureau.Wildlife records must be signed by the District Wildlife Conservation Officer. Topwildlife records receive awards from the <strong>Pennsylvania</strong> Game Commission.OWNERSHIP REQUIREMENTSA minimum ownership is required for Agriculture Production Projects entered in the StateProject Evaluation Program. Ownership requirements do not apply to Improvement Projects,Practicum Skills, Agricultural Research, Wildlife Projects, and Agricultural Employment.Special consideration will be given to unusually large projects. Full ownership is encouraged.RECORD YEARAll supervised occupational experience records shall be kept on a calendar basis, January 1thru December 31. Second year Agricultural Education students are permitted to enter recordsnot exceeding 16 months in duration. Records will be accepted on enterprises having a normalproduction cycle of less than one year.All record books must be summarized. Only those recommended by area evaluations, will beforwarded to states, which is held in February.Only the <strong>Pennsylvania</strong> Approved Agricultural Education Supervised Experience RecordBook will be allowed in any Competitions.WHEN YOU LOOK GOOD…PROPER USE OF THE <strong>FFA</strong> JACKET1. The jacket should only be worn by members.2. It should be kept neat and clean.3. The jacket should have only a large emblem on the back and a small emblemon the front; the name of the State Association and the name of the localchapter on the back; and the name of the individual and one office or honor onthe front.4. The jacket should be worn on official occasions with the zipper fastened to thetop. The collar should be turned down and the cuffs buttoned.5. The jacket should be worn by officers and members on all official <strong>FFA</strong>occasions, as well as other occasions where the chapter or State Association isrepresented. It may be worn to school and other appropriate places.22

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