Make the World a Better Place Neva Gould Graceful Aging Worry Is ...

Make the World a Better Place Neva Gould Graceful Aging Worry Is ...

Make the World a Better Place Neva Gould Graceful Aging Worry Is ...

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Participants are supportingplayers who have chosento gain by osmosis and growthrough observation. Theycreate a circle of energy andhold <strong>the</strong> space for <strong>the</strong> work tobe done.Representatives serve as“stand ins” for family members.They gain an evenmore visceral understandingof <strong>the</strong> impact and import ofwhat happens to members ofa family system. Note: <strong>the</strong>ymay not be family members.Constellation ProcessSummaryThe Client places Representatives(Reps) of variousfamily members inside <strong>the</strong>circle. The layout describes<strong>the</strong> dynamics currentlyoperating within <strong>the</strong> familysystem from <strong>the</strong> Client’sperspective.Reps are <strong>the</strong>n askedwhat’s going on for <strong>the</strong>m.New relationship patternsare explored until familymembers are reconnected inhealthier, more supportiveways that enable <strong>the</strong> familysystem to achieve greaterwholeness, loving andbalance.As we said at <strong>the</strong> beginning,do not expect to understandfrom <strong>the</strong> descriptionI’ve just given. You need tosee <strong>the</strong> process at work forall this to make good sense.Sometimes seeing <strong>the</strong> finallayout and experiencing <strong>the</strong>re-configured family systemis enough to bring immediateresolution. More often ittakes a bit of time for newunderstandings to take rootand become fully integrated.Occasionally people findit difficult to absorb <strong>the</strong> newknowledge and act on <strong>the</strong>possibilities presented, yetlater report having clearlybenefited.Origins of ConstellationsWhile not <strong>the</strong> originator ofFamily Constellations, BertHellinger, from Germany,is credited with developing<strong>the</strong> concept into its currentform, and taking <strong>the</strong> processworld wide. His insightfulunderstanding of humanentanglements and how tobring about rapid resolutionis now being taught inover 25 countries. Hellingerbegan his career as a priest,was a missionary to <strong>the</strong> Zuluin Africa, became a psycho<strong>the</strong>rapist,and studied familysystems and group dynamics.What’s most significantabout Hellinger’s Constellationwork is that it is basedon years of observation, seeingwhat is and how thingswork. He steadfastly avoidsintellectual <strong>the</strong>ories, beliefsand assumptions. It is thisrevelatory approach that hasled to numerous surprisingdiscoveries about how toestablish healthy, supportiverelationships and releasehistorical disruptions thathave long been reverberatingthroughout your familysystem.Benefits to Client—<strong>the</strong> Focusof a Particular Constellation• Discover root causes forundermining patternsof thinking, feeling andbehaving.•Access information andstimulate deep, permanen<strong>the</strong>aling in ways nopsycho<strong>the</strong>rapeutic systemcan provide, because <strong>the</strong>method goes beyond intellectand mind, relying onSoul to guide.• Know you are healingmore than yourself. Minimally,you are positivelyimpacting your entirefamily system, going backseveral generations, andthrough your children aswell.Benefits to Participants—Supporting Players•Deepen your understandingof, and connectionwith, <strong>the</strong> person you havecome to support and o<strong>the</strong>rparticipating players• Learn from someoneelse’s experience. You mayrecognize yourself or yoursituation in <strong>the</strong> work thatis unfolding, possibly seeingsomething you’ve notpreviously considered.• Participate in a fascinatingprocess. Enjoy sharinga powerfully meaningfulexperience with peacefullyloving people.• Know you are contributingto healing <strong>the</strong> world.Benefits to RepresentativesIn addition to all you gainas a Supporting Player, youalso:• Experience Soul speakingto you and through you.• May simultaneously healsomething similar withinyour own self or familysystem.• Savor <strong>the</strong> joy of being ofservice.<strong>Is</strong> this for you? Do youfeel called? If not, this maynot be <strong>the</strong> right time. If yes,what else do you need toknow?For more information about ConstellationsPlus—Healing to WholenessMutual Support Ga<strong>the</strong>rings, contactAnn McGill: 703-262-0620 or DianeHe<strong>the</strong>rington: 202- 257-8300.For Women, To Women, About Women13

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