2012 WASCA Annual Education Agenda.pub - STERIS University

2012 WASCA Annual Education Agenda.pub - STERIS University

2012 WASCA Annual Education Agenda.pub - STERIS University


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<strong>2012</strong> <strong>WASCA</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Education</strong> Conference <strong>Agenda</strong>T h ur s day, Oc to ber 4, <strong>2012</strong>8:00 am - 8:15 am Opening Remarks8:15 am - 9:30 amGeneral Session9:30 am - 10:30 amGeneral SessionThe Secret Sauce: It’s All About Leadership PresenceKimberly McNally, MN, RN, BCC, President - McNally & AssociatesTown Hall with ASC Association CEOWilliam Prentice, CEO ASC Association10:30 am -11:00 am Break With Exhibitors11:00 am -12:00 amGeneral Session12:00am –12:15 pmGeneral SessionWashington ASC Legal UpdateEmily Studebaker, JD, <strong>WASCA</strong> Legal Counsel, Garvey Schubert Barer<strong>WASCA</strong> Membership MeetingSusan Simons, RN, BSN, CASC, <strong>WASCA</strong> President12:15 pm -1:30 pm Lunch with ExhibitorsBreak Out Sessions Administrative Clinical1:30 pm - 2:30 pmBreakout SessionsUnclaimed Property BasicsTonya Boren, Unclaimed PropertyAuditorWashington State Department ofRevenue, Unclaimed PropertyWashington State Medicaid/<strong>WASCA</strong>ASC Pilot ProjectDavid Fitzgerald, CEO, Proliance Surgeons,Josh Billstein, Practice Manager, Polyclinic.Wendy Taylor, ED, Overlake Surgery CenterASC Hot Topics in AnesthesiaJames M. Burkman, MD,Physicians Anesthesia Service2:30 pm - 3:00 pm Break With Exhibitors Break With Exhibitors3:00 pm - 4:00 pmBreakout Sessions4:00 pm - 5:00 pmBreakout SessionsASC Governing BoardResponsibilitiesHiroshi Nakano, MBA, AdministratorSouth Sound NeurosurgeryPayor Trends: National vs. Local &How Can You Position Your ASC toContract with ACOsTom Flory, MS, Senior Associate & MichaelJ McClain, MHS, MS, PA-C, SeniorAssociateEveia Health Consulting & Management5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Reception with ExhibitorsWhy Do I Keep Throwing My MoneyAway?Ken Diebner, Vice President,Reprocessing Sales,Medline IndustriesCoaching for Accountability -Helping Create a Cohesive TeamKimberly McNally, MN, RN -McNally & Associates

7:15 am -8:10 amBreakfast withExhibitors andSpecialtyBreakoutNetworking8:10am - 8:15 am8:15 am - 9:15 amGeneral Session9:15 am - 10:15 amGeneral SessionFriday, Octob e r 5, 2 012Networking Breakfast by Specialty including ExhibitorsOrtho- April Gibson, MHA, CMPE, Administrator, Lakewood Surgery,GI-Josh Billstein, Practice Manager, Polyclinic, Multispecialty-Wendy Taylor, Executive Director, Overlake Surgery Center,Eye- Kathleen Brown, The Spokane Eye Surgery Center, Pain & Spine-Hiroshi Nakano, South Sound Neurosurgery, Cosmetic Surgery - Bill Portuese, MD,Seattle Plastic & Facial Surgery, Urology - Eric Rudd, Yakima Urology AssociatesOpening RemarksThree Years of ASC Surveys Changes and ResultsLinda Foss, PhD, RN, Executive Director, Inspections and Investigations - ClinicalCare Facilities, Health Systems Quality Assurance, Department of HealthHealth Care Reform & Health Insurance Exchanges in Washington StateKathryn "Katie" Kolan, JD, Washington State Medical Association10:15 am - 10:45 am Break with Exhibitors10:45 am - 11:45 amGeneral SessionCritical Code and Design Elements for ASF'sSteve Pennington, CPE, Department of HealthMike Wager, RA, The Wager Group11:45 pm - 12:30 pm Lunch with Exhibitors (Prize Drawings)12:30 pm - 1:30 pmBreakout Sessions1:30 pm - 2:30 pmBreakout Sessions2:30 pm - 3:30 pmBreakout SessionsAdjournWorkplace Violence: Risk Factors andPrevention StrategiesRon Knox, JD, Garvey Schubert BarerMeasuring Patient Satisfaction Usingthe AHRQ CAHPS SurveyDan Simonson, CRNA, MHPA,The Spokane Eye Surgery CenterWorkers’ Compensation Update-Reform overview, billing practices, andthe employer impact in reducing claimcosts.Janet Peterson, Program Manager,Health Services Analysis,Department of Labor & IndustriesThank you for coming!Legal Trends in Infection ControlDotty Bollinger, RN, JD, CPHRM,Laser Spine InstituteImmediate-Use Steam SterilizationArthur Henderson, RN, BA, CNORSenior Clinical <strong>Education</strong> SpecialistSteris CorporationSurveillance for Outpatient FacilitiesSheelagh Whitaker, RN,Clinical Educator, Infection Prevention,Pacific Surgery CenterPrizes will be Awarded. Win the new iPAD !How it works:Each exhibitor will have a container at their booth for you to put your business card into. Yourbusiness card is your "entry ticket" into the drawing.• You will need to visit each booth and drop your card into the bag to increase your chances ofwinning.• <strong>WASCA</strong> will collect a business card from every exhibitor and when it is time for the drawing<strong>WASCA</strong> will select one of the exhibitor cards from the bag.• The booth drawn by <strong>WASCA</strong> will then draw a name from the bag at their booth. Make sure youvisit every booth to increase your odds and chances of winning.The attendee drawn wins an iPAD! You must be present to win.DO NOT FORGET YOUR BUSINESS CARDS. We estimate you will need 100 cards. They don't have to be fancy they justneed your name, title, contact information, e-mail and where you work.<strong>2012</strong> <strong>WASCA</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Education</strong> Conference <strong>Agenda</strong>

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