Origlio's Online Ordering Technology Fix - Origlio Beverage

Origlio's Online Ordering Technology Fix - Origlio Beverage Origlio's Online Ordering Technology Fix - Origlio Beverage


Off-premise Spotlight:Limerick BeverageBrad Dubicki, owner of LimerickBeverage, graduated from Penn StateUniversity with a degree in RestaurantManagement. After working inbrewpubs across the country,including Sly Fox, BackcountryBrewery in Frisco, Colorado andvarious Rock Bottom Restaurant andBreweries, he quickly gained anappreciation for micro brews.Following the guidance of his twomentors, his older brother, who ownsa beer distributor in East Stroudsburgand Matt Guyer, owner of TheBeer Yard in Wayne, Braddecided that the time wasright to invest in acompany of his own. In thefall of 2007, after anxiouslywaiting 19 months for theliquor license to transfer,Dubicki was finally able to openthe doors of Limerick Beverage.As corporate America moved into thearea that was once farmland, henoticed a higher demand for craftbeers. He seized the opportunity toprovide an outlet for people to trydifferent beers. Dubicki sparked localinterest in these beers and realized itwas important to further his, and hiscustomers’ knowledge of craft andspecialty beers. He became an activemember of BeerAdvocate.com, beganresearching every product andconducted store samplings to getcustomer feedback. He quickly passedon his love for micro brews to hiscustomers and encouraged them tovisit local micro breweries. Dubickisaid, “Many have come back withmore knowledge and a better idea ofwhat they’re looking for. It providedthem with a stepping stone intodrinking better beer.” He added, “Iwant people to drink nicer beers. Wehave tastings frequently, which havegone very well in broadening people’shorizons and educating them ondifferent products and eventuallyhelps them in their decision making.”Owner of Limerick Beverage, Brad Dubicki.Dubicki feels that there are manyfactors that distinguish LimerickBeverage from otherdistributors. Heconsiders thelarge selectionand availability,convenience,extended hoursof operation andthe website toname a few. He alsonoted, “The website has been in theworks since January and was up andrunning by May. It has made thisbusiness available to people at theirfingertips.” Dubicki also mentionedthat many of his customers arecomputer savvy, which has enabledhim to interact with a whole newgroup of people that many otherdistributors aren’t able to reach.Customers are able to check out thewebsite at www.limerickbeverage.comand find a complete listing ofinventory that is in stock. They can202 West Ridge Pike, Limerick, PA.also find a list of products that can bespecial ordered. Although there aren’tcases of each product on the shelves,customers are able to call in or emailtheir requests. “We choose to usetechnology to our advantage whenordering these products to ensure thefreshest selection of beer around,”added Dubicki.Limerick Beverage is less than a yearold, but changes are already beingcontemplated. He plans to add freshhops to the front of the store and mayeven offer them to local homebrewers. Dubicki plans to make thewebsite more interactive just likeBeerAdvocate.com, with a user login,beer ratings, food pairings and acalendar of events. He also wants toinstall draught lines, allowingcustomers to sample products beforepurchasing them. Dubicki hopes thatthese investments will help educatepeople about beer and allow for amore enjoyable experience whenvisiting Limerick Beverage.4 Origlio Beverage • www.origlio.com HeadyTimes v.50

Off-premise Spotlight:Limerick <strong>Beverage</strong>Brad Dubicki, owner of Limerick<strong>Beverage</strong>, graduated from Penn StateUniversity with a degree in RestaurantManagement. After working inbrewpubs across the country,including Sly Fox, BackcountryBrewery in Frisco, Colorado andvarious Rock Bottom Restaurant andBreweries, he quickly gained anappreciation for micro brews.Following the guidance of his twomentors, his older brother, who ownsa beer distributor in East Stroudsburgand Matt Guyer, owner of TheBeer Yard in Wayne, Braddecided that the time wasright to invest in acompany of his own. In thefall of 2007, after anxiouslywaiting 19 months for theliquor license to transfer,Dubicki was finally able to openthe doors of Limerick <strong>Beverage</strong>.As corporate America moved into thearea that was once farmland, henoticed a higher demand for craftbeers. He seized the opportunity toprovide an outlet for people to trydifferent beers. Dubicki sparked localinterest in these beers and realized itwas important to further his, and hiscustomers’ knowledge of craft andspecialty beers. He became an activemember of BeerAdvocate.com, beganresearching every product andconducted store samplings to getcustomer feedback. He quickly passedon his love for micro brews to hiscustomers and encouraged them tovisit local micro breweries. Dubickisaid, “Many have come back withmore knowledge and a better idea ofwhat they’re looking for. It providedthem with a stepping stone intodrinking better beer.” He added, “Iwant people to drink nicer beers. Wehave tastings frequently, which havegone very well in broadening people’shorizons and educating them ondifferent products and eventuallyhelps them in their decision making.”Owner of Limerick <strong>Beverage</strong>, Brad Dubicki.Dubicki feels that there are manyfactors that distinguish Limerick<strong>Beverage</strong> from otherdistributors. Heconsiders thelarge selectionand availability,convenience,extended hoursof operation andthe website toname a few. He alsonoted, “The website has been in theworks since January and was up andrunning by May. It has made thisbusiness available to people at theirfingertips.” Dubicki also mentionedthat many of his customers arecomputer savvy, which has enabledhim to interact with a whole newgroup of people that many otherdistributors aren’t able to reach.Customers are able to check out thewebsite at www.limerickbeverage.comand find a complete listing ofinventory that is in stock. They can202 West Ridge Pike, Limerick, PA.also find a list of products that can bespecial ordered. Although there aren’tcases of each product on the shelves,customers are able to call in or emailtheir requests. “We choose to usetechnology to our advantage whenordering these products to ensure thefreshest selection of beer around,”added Dubicki.Limerick <strong>Beverage</strong> is less than a yearold, but changes are already beingcontemplated. He plans to add freshhops to the front of the store and mayeven offer them to local homebrewers. Dubicki plans to make thewebsite more interactive just likeBeerAdvocate.com, with a user login,beer ratings, food pairings and acalendar of events. He also wants toinstall draught lines, allowingcustomers to sample products beforepurchasing them. Dubicki hopes thatthese investments will help educatepeople about beer and allow for amore enjoyable experience whenvisiting Limerick <strong>Beverage</strong>.4 <strong>Origlio</strong> <strong>Beverage</strong> • www.origlio.com HeadyTimes v.50

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