Origlio's Online Ordering Technology Fix - Origlio Beverage

Origlio's Online Ordering Technology Fix - Origlio Beverage Origlio's Online Ordering Technology Fix - Origlio Beverage


Stone 12th Anniversary Ale:Bitter Chocolate Oatmeal StoutThis year, Stone’s Anniversary Ale stems from 2 pilot beersthat were brewed by members of Team Stone. The first isan incredibly delicious Oatmeal Stout, and the second isan amazing homebrewed Imperial Stout made withauthentic Oaxacan chocolate added to the boil. Both beerswere loved so much that Stone decided to combine therecipes to make this year’s Anniversary offering-- Stone12th Anniversary Bitter Chocolate Oatmeal Stout. Thisbeer pours deep black with a rich brown head of foam.The aroma is dominated by roast malt and cocoa. Thecocoa (unsweetened, unprocessed cacao sourced throughChuao Chocolatier) really comes through with a deepchocolate flavor and a long lasting bitter finish. Theroasted grains add coffee and licorice accents. It is a thickbeer, but not sweet. The addition of oatmeal in the mashprovides a rich, silky mouthfeel that adds to thecreamy texture.Weyerbacher Harvest AleWith the overwhelming hopsconcerns; worldwideshortages, unavailablevariety, substitutions,and price increases,brewers everywhereare scratching theirheads, wonderingwhat to do. DanWeirback, owner ofWeyerbacher BrewingCo., took matters into hisown hands and decided togrow his own hops! Dan nowlooks out his backwindow at 1500 hopsplants and a trellissystem that looksstraight out ofBelgium. Havingjust moved a yearago to a farm with24 acres, Dan had the available land for such anundertaking. After several months of research, Dan andhis wife, Sue, found a lot of good material on growinghops commercially, organically, and on a small scale.Turns out most hop farms in Europe are only 30 or 40acres. The Weirbacks met with several people from theAgriculture department at Rutgers University who hadrun an in depth study on growing hops. They discussedwith them the costs of putting in a hops field as well asthe obstacles they faced while running the project. Afterseveral discussions and viewing a video of WashingtonState Hops production, the Weirbacks were hooked! Aftercountless hours of hard labor with the help of somefriends, the hops have grown to lengths that haveexceeded expectations and they look great! Now comesthe test…the beer! Available in limited quantities thisfall, Weyerbacher Harvest Ale!10 Origlio Beverage • www.origlio.com HeadyTimes v.50

A New Brew from Dock Street: Sudan GrasSudan Grass is an American take on traditionalfermented sorghum beverages found in Africa. Thesesorghum “beers” play an important role in Africanculture. They provide nutritional sustenance, helpprotect against disease and infection and are used inceremonial practice. Traditionally, these beers were notonly fermented with cultured yeast but also with souringmicro-organisms such as Lactobacillus,although commercial examples tend tobe made with just yeast to avoidcontamination of other products.Sorghum is now producedcommercially all over the world,but is believed to have beenoriginally cultivated in Sub-Saharan Africa around the timeof 100 CE. This is the only areawhere it still grows wildly today.Also, sorghum is one of a few grainsthat can be used to produce “gluten-free”beer. Sudan Grass is brewed with a combination ofsorghum and house-toasted organic buckwheat. Slightlytart and fruity, the flavor of Sudan Grass Ale isreminiscent of a cider. All Centennial hops were used foran added American twist.Dock Street Brewery will be celebratingtheir one year anniversary on August 22,2008! Celebrate with them duringmonth of September!Samuel Smith’s Organic CiderMerchant Du Vin is proud to announce the newest addition to their family—Samuel Smith’sOrganic Cider. This Cider is high in antioxidants and is naturally gluten-free. Bright straw-goldwith excellent clarity, Samuel Smith’s Organic Cider has a light body, with brilliantconditioning, a crisp clean flavor, and a dry finish. The bouquet is fresh apples, with a softfloral note. The apple juice used to produce this cider contains a mix of apple varietiesselected to balance fresh apple flavor with tartness, acidity, andsweetness. Samuel Smith uses a wine yeaststrain to ferment their cider, providing aclean finish and allowing pure appleflavor to shine through. This cidertastes great with cream soups,rich dishes or salad withvinaigrette dressing. It workswonderfully to clear the palatewhen served with concentratedor spicy foods; a classiccompanion to pork dishes.HeadyTimes v.50 Origlio Beverage • www.origlio.com 11

Stone 12th Anniversary Ale:Bitter Chocolate Oatmeal StoutThis year, Stone’s Anniversary Ale stems from 2 pilot beersthat were brewed by members of Team Stone. The first isan incredibly delicious Oatmeal Stout, and the second isan amazing homebrewed Imperial Stout made withauthentic Oaxacan chocolate added to the boil. Both beerswere loved so much that Stone decided to combine therecipes to make this year’s Anniversary offering-- Stone12th Anniversary Bitter Chocolate Oatmeal Stout. Thisbeer pours deep black with a rich brown head of foam.The aroma is dominated by roast malt and cocoa. Thecocoa (unsweetened, unprocessed cacao sourced throughChuao Chocolatier) really comes through with a deepchocolate flavor and a long lasting bitter finish. Theroasted grains add coffee and licorice accents. It is a thickbeer, but not sweet. The addition of oatmeal in the mashprovides a rich, silky mouthfeel that adds to thecreamy texture.Weyerbacher Harvest AleWith the overwhelming hopsconcerns; worldwideshortages, unavailablevariety, substitutions,and price increases,brewers everywhereare scratching theirheads, wonderingwhat to do. DanWeirback, owner ofWeyerbacher BrewingCo., took matters into hisown hands and decided togrow his own hops! Dan nowlooks out his backwindow at 1500 hopsplants and a trellissystem that looksstraight out ofBelgium. Havingjust moved a yearago to a farm with24 acres, Dan had the available land for such anundertaking. After several months of research, Dan andhis wife, Sue, found a lot of good material on growinghops commercially, organically, and on a small scale.Turns out most hop farms in Europe are only 30 or 40acres. The Weirbacks met with several people from theAgriculture department at Rutgers University who hadrun an in depth study on growing hops. They discussedwith them the costs of putting in a hops field as well asthe obstacles they faced while running the project. Afterseveral discussions and viewing a video of WashingtonState Hops production, the Weirbacks were hooked! Aftercountless hours of hard labor with the help of somefriends, the hops have grown to lengths that haveexceeded expectations and they look great! Now comesthe test…the beer! Available in limited quantities thisfall, Weyerbacher Harvest Ale!10 <strong>Origlio</strong> <strong>Beverage</strong> • www.origlio.com HeadyTimes v.50

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