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Pages 24-32 - Nimbin Good Times

Pages 24-32 - Nimbin Good Times


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Senior July GamesMatch reports by PACMen’s Fourth DivisionRound 10, Saturday 13th JulyCasino Cobras 0 <strong>Nimbin</strong>Headers 8Headers are all over theCobras from the start, andGary Whisker crosses andPhil Courtney is on handto score: 1-0. 2 mins laterPhil again turns a couple ofdefenders and slams it in: 2-0. 16 mins in Max smacksone in: 3-0.A long throw in by Philfinds Geri Price-Jones in thebox and he does not miss. 4-0. On 35 mins, Stone picksup the ball from some niceplay by the mid-field, heshoots past the keeper: 5-0.39 mins in, Chris gets onein: 6-0. And that’s how thefirst half finishes.In the second half, PhilCourtney goes past onedefender, another defendertackles him, but he’s toostrong and keeps his feet tostab the ball past the keeper:7-0. And with that goal Philgets his hat trick.Casino were in the game alot more in the second half,but their efforts were etherwide, high or comfortablysaved by the Headers keeper.Well done the Headersdefence.The last goal for theHeaders came on the73rd minute. A defensiveclearance by Casino hit theirown post and floated overa defender and the keeperand fell to the Headers goalpoacher Peter Mitchell, whocalmly volleyed it in at thefar post.Round 11, Saturday 20th July<strong>Nimbin</strong> Headers 6 WoodburnWolves 0On 25 minutes, theHeaders left wing man GaryWhisker receives a throughball that catches the defenceout, and he hits a lovely shotwhich goes under the divingkeeper: 1-0.The game settles down intoa rhythm with both teamsattacking and defending,but on the 40th minute theHeaders mid-fielder licensedto roam, Steve Wadingtonreceives the ball in the box,turns and shoots. TheWolves keeper gets downto it and saves it but can’thold it, and the ball comesstraight back to Steve whomakes no mistake with hissecond effort: 2- 0. And thusthe first half ends.Two minutes into thesecond half, some lovelypassing by the Headersmid-field to forwards. MarkWright on the ball, has a runand passes to Gary Whiskerwho slots the ball through toStone who scores with a niceStone’s goal at Casinoshot: 3-0.Two minutes on, Headersscore with cross from Stoneto Gary who heads it in: 4-0.Seven mins in, a long throwby Phil Courtney right intothe penalty box and there’sGary with a header: 5-0.Gary did say after the matchthat one was off his faceand the other was off hisshoulder giving him a hattrick.17 minutes in, Phil’s offdown the right hand side, adefender is jockeying, Philputs on the speed and leaveshim in his wake and crossesthe ball. Gary picks up thecross and shoots past adefender and the keeper: 6-0, giving Gary four goals.Round 12, Sunday 21st July<strong>Nimbin</strong> Headers 4 Italo Stars 1This game was a battle forsecond spot on the table.The game started furiously,with play moving all over thepark. 19 minutes in, a greatpass finds Chris who takesthe ball to the goal line andcuts the ball back, to Philwho slots it past the keeper:1-0. <strong>24</strong> mins in, a Headersdefender crosses, Phil picksit up, turns his man, and it’sPiXiE the BUiLDERGrant Holding Lic No. 30119NEW HOMESRENOVATIONSALTERATIONSDECKSPhone 6689-17282-0. And that’s half time.Three minutes into thesecond half, a great passfrom Phil to Gary who chipsover the keeper: 3-0.Ten minutes in, Gary getsthe ball and with a great shotmakes it 4-0.Well the jubilation didn’tlast long, as a minute laterStars got a great goal of theirown, with a stinging shotwhich the Headers keeperhad no chance 4-1. A fewmore shots for each side andthe referee blows for fulltime.Round 13, Saturday 27th July<strong>Nimbin</strong> Headers 7 Kyogle 2Kyogle came to town withonly ten players, so theywere on the back foot fromthe start. On 13 minutesHeader left wing strikerGary Whisker scores tomake it 1-0.20 mins in, Kyogle equalisewith a good goal. 37 mins in,Headers forward Gary W.is tackled in the box and theball spills out to a Headersplayer Steve Wadington,who slots it in 2-1. Twominutes later Steve’s secondgoal makes it 3-1. Oneminute on, Gary W. smacksa shot past two defendersand the keeper to make it4-1. The very next minuteKyogle get one back. Well,what a frenetic period: 4goals in 4 minutes.With the first half comingto a close, Gary for theHeaders gets a pass, whichtakes him wide (in the box)dragging the Kyogle keeperout of his goal area. Garyturns and chips the ballover the stranded keeperto centre forward Phil whoheads it in. Half time score:Headers 5 Kyogle 2.Headers defender NigelHayes replaces Geri Price-Jones in goal for the start ofthe second half.On 15 mins a lovely onetwomove by Headersforwards Phil to Gary andback to Phil who beltsit past the keeper: 6-2.The Headers were nowdominating their oppositionwith lovely passing andGeri Price-Jones heads just over against Italo Starstriangle moves, and even themid-fielders were findingtheir way up front with somegreat runs and shots, whichwas very much appreciatedby the home crowd.The ball finds Headerscentre forward Phil whoplaces the ball into thecorner of the net giving hima hat trick. And at full timethe score is <strong>Nimbin</strong> Headers7 Kyogle 2.We have to congratulatethe Kyogle boys who putup a good fight. They wereundermanned, while theHeaders had a full benchand Kyogle could havestayed at home and lost 3-0.Women’s Fourth DivisionRound 9, Friday 19th JulyLennox Head 1 Headers 1Round 10, Sunday 21st July<strong>Nimbin</strong> Headers 1 Uki Pythons 0This was a see-sawinggame, as the last time theHeaders played Uki, theHeaders won 6-1 but theUki Pythons have improvedout of sight since then,and even before half time Ithought one goal was goingto win this.The Headers were not onsongwith their shootinggame, as they created a lotmore chances than Uki didup the other end, but Ukihad a brilliant defender, ayoung girl (no. 6) who couldkeep pace with the bestof them, as she proved onthree occasions, shuttingdown the Headers centreforward Ruby Grabovski,but in the second half Rubyturns the tables as the Ukidefender takes her wide andtackles, Ruby keeps her feetand shoots past the keeperand into the net: 1-0 to theHeaders and that’s how itends.Round 11, Friday 26th JulyLismore Thistles 1 Headers 5Round 12, Sunday 28th July<strong>Nimbin</strong> Headers 1 Pottsville 5The <strong>Nimbin</strong> Headers werevery short on players, relyingon some junior girls tobolster the team. Even then,they only had one player onthe bench and the regularkeeper was out. Not a timeto be taking on a team whowere in second spot and whohad four on the bench.Headers missed thereseasoned players that wereout, and Pottsville madethem pay by scoring twogoals in ten minutes.28 mins in, a couple ofdefensive errors in theHeaders ranks gave theball away and a Pottsvilleforward stabs the ball in thenet 3-0.Ruby’s goal against UkiOn 23 into the second half,Pottsville get a corner andthe ball is kicked right intothe middle of the box and aforward volleys it in: 4-0.33 mins in, Headers midfieldwinger Lowie gets alovely pass and goes pastone defender in the box andcuts the ball square. RubyGrabovski, the Headerscentre forward runs throughthe middle of two defendersand slots it past the keeper.The crowd loved it, it meanta lot to score in a game likethis: Headers 1 Pottsville 4.With about 5 minutesto go with Pottsville onthe attack, a player hasspeculative shot from wayoutside the box and low andbehold it flies over everyoneand into the net: Headers 1Pottsville 5. To be fair to theHeaders team, they nevergave up and tried hard to getsome goals right to the end.Normal Mon-Fri WeekUpdate on the Juniorsby RainbowUnfortunately due to the wetweather, there weren’t manygames for the little ones. AtAlstoneville and we got rainedout and covered in red mud.The kids had fun.The 14’s team had a gamein Uki and that was thefirst time they wore the newteam shirts sponsored by the<strong>Nimbin</strong> Bakery. They won3-0, their first win for theseason. Their coach Andrewlooked like he was having aheart attack, followed by allthe parents who almost fell offthe grandstand.A couple of the 14’s teamplayers who have been playingfor years together formed thewhole team through schooland friends coming along, andthey are still a pretty freshteam.The 14’s had two games in aweekend and won another oneagainst Lennox 4-2 watch outHeaders the 14’s are on a ball.The 12’a have beensponsored by Dr Dan Oxleyand look pretty schmick intheir new strip. Mark and histeam have been having greatsuccess in winning.Go you Mighty Headers.www.nimbingoodtimes.com August 2013 The <strong>Nimbin</strong> <strong>Good</strong><strong>Times</strong> Page 31Grade 12Grade 14<strong>Nimbin</strong> CrosswordSolutionFrom Page 27LISMORE – NIMBINNIMBIN – LISMOREBUS SERVICEPh: 02) 66226266 Fax: 02) 66226682Phone for a very competitive quote on quality seat-belted coaches,capacity 18 to 59 including wheelchair accessibilityFull timetable on-line at: www.wallersbus.comSchool HolidaysLeavingArrivingLeavingArrivingLismore Transit Centre <strong>Nimbin</strong> – Main St. (Park) Lismore Transit Centre <strong>Nimbin</strong> – Main St. (Park)7.00am7.45am8.00am8.30am8.00am8.45am12.00pm 12.35pm *12.00pm 12.35pm *2.35pm3.10pm2.35pm3.10pm5.30pm6.00pm3.20pm4.15pm5.30pm6.00pm LeavingArriving<strong>Nimbin</strong> – Main St. (Park) Lismore Transit CentreLeavingArriving9.00am9.35am<strong>Nimbin</strong> – Main St. (Park) Lismore Transit Centre12.45pm 1.15pm *7.52am8.50am3.25pm4.10pm9.00am9.35am6.05pm6.35pm12.45pm 1.15pm *3.25pm4.10pmNo Public Holiday Service4.25pm5.00pmTown Service - Wheelchair access available upon6.05pm6.35pmrequest, <strong>24</strong> Hour notice requiredSome Buses connect in <strong>Nimbin</strong> for Operators to* Mondays & Thursdays OnlyMurwillumbah

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