Pages 24-32 - Nimbin Good Times

Pages 24-32 - Nimbin Good Times

Pages 24-32 - Nimbin Good Times


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Ironically YoursTravel diary of the irreverentby Dionne MayAccording to the ancientIndian Time Circle of Lifeknown as Kall Chakar, weare now in the final periodknown as Kali Yug. The Endof the World phase. Theeternal cycle of life and death.Creation. Destruction. Thebalance of the Universe. Sothe good passes and the badpasses. Sadly too, it seems isthe passing of the reign of theHoly Babas of India. Losingcredibility and respect in theface of the booming age oftechnology, corruption andterrorism.The Government here isslowly ‘restoring’ temples,removing Babas andrecreating their own ‘clean’holy. With India’s paranoiaabout neighbouring Pakistanand China invading,they have also decided tocatalogue the Holy menand create a ‘Baba’ identitycard that must be carriedat all times. Without thiscard they are at the mercy ofevery corrupt policeman inIndia. On the streets, Babasare watched and searched.Harassed, jailed or bribedof their few possessionsor limited money. Hash isalways highly prized.Predictably, the publicfollow this tide of harassmentas hapless sheep often do.With God as big businessnow in India and ‘terrorismfever’ rife, the new wealthyflock to the temples to purifythemselves of bad karma.Unable to meet the eyes ofthe Babas camped around thetemples, they carefully steparound them. The humanfaces of God too hard toglimpse into when a stonedeity offers no reflections ofthe soul. Happy for the policeto purify this nuisance –these unpredictable spiritualmen, many smoking hashish.Wanting instead conformityand rigid rules from theirHoly leaders. Babas don’tChangingIndiaconform. In fact it is thediversity of characters thatblows you away. Young,old, cheeky or intimidating,their teachings and how theytransform this into a lifestyleis complex and spellbinding.In a world verging onshort-term ecologicaldoom where consumption,labour, economic growthand competition prevail,the Babas are messengersof a kind of freedom andmoderation that ourcommercial civilisation hasforgotten. Except by theHippies, of course!So just who are theseBabas dressed in rags,not cloaked in riches andadorned with jewels? Theyare Holy men accessible toeveryone on the streets, livinghumbly and making theirown choices on the path toGod. They have been calledwanderers, mystics, roamingphilosophers, healers, blackmagic devils, beggars, monks,warriors, hashish smokersand now even possiblyterrorists! And there aremillions of them. For everypub in Australia there is anAshram and resident Baba.Many more however, pursue alife of liberation and wanderbetween ashrams on constantholy pilgrimages. Theironly clothing is a piece ofpredominately orange cloth, alungi, and underneath a stripof white cloth folded intowhat is known as a nagfani(snake tail) and is worn as akind of holy g-string! Theironly meagre possessions arecarried in their individuallyhand made Baba bags.So with the rolling wavesof change pounding uponthe shores of this proud andancient land, I am pleasedat least to have experiencedsome of the mystery andmagic that is the true Babaworld. With my Naga Babafriend and guide AmritI have been privileged toexperience a glimpse into itsglory, spending time in thirtynine traditional ashrams. Ihave witnessed such love anddevotion in it’s true spiritof giving that I am deeplysaddened by a world thathas no time or place for thisany more. One Baba evendeclared, “I want the British toreturn! They have good politics.The Indian Government is toocorrupt. They want to finishBabas.”After the time of KaliYug will come Sati Yug,the beginning. The time ofTruth. Truth speakers willsurvive. The Great Life Cycleturns and the Holy Babasof India will rise once again.Meanwhile, my two Babafriends will be released fromjail any day now and as Ileave the company of thesespiritual warriors, I realisethat a little piece of my heartremains with them.<strong>Nimbin</strong> GardenClub Notesby Gillian JonesClub visit in July, Eternity Springs artfarm is one of those eclectic <strong>Nimbin</strong> valleyicons which is worthy of friends and familystaying for a night or two. Located on theback road from <strong>Nimbin</strong> to The Channon,the accommodation provides a welcomeretreat from the hectic life style of manypeople, both local and visitors.20 members and friends of the <strong>Nimbin</strong>Garden Club arrived in the rain, howeverhalf way through the visit the sun came outand we enjoyed the various spaces that havebeen created in this 20-acre valley.Amanda’s dwellings are surrounded bymature gardens with dams and pondsdesigned to make use of the natural waterflow. Beautiful palms, figs and otherrainforest trees provide canopies for smallerrobust perennials to flourish in this diversegarden. Mosaics and sculptures, steps andarches create spaces of variety and harmony.Art workshops and spaces including ahexagonal music studio as well as old bales,are surrounded by food producing gardens.Amanda has developed the space virtuallyon her own, with help comprising friendsand wwoofers.A waterfall and a cool rocky creek flowsdown one boundary of the property, witha 4-5 acre native bush regeneration projectHave you ever seen aninteresting house and wishedyou could have a peek inside?Are you about to buildand looking for ideas andinspiration? Do you lovegardening, or just wanderingaround them? Are youinterested in sustainable living?If so, there’s a treat in store.On the weekend of 28thand 29th September, someof <strong>Nimbin</strong>’s most interestinghouses and gardens will beopen to the public.Each house showcasesdifferent aspects of all thatis best about creating ahome, including interestingarchitecture, energy-efficientdesign, renewable energytechnologies and creative andfunky interiors.The gardens are diverse insize and style and range frompark-like and ornamental tointensive food-productiongardens. The weekend alsooffers an opportunity tolearn about sustainableforestry, wild foods,beekeeping and cheesemaking.If you are interested incommunity living, onehouse and garden is on asmall multiple occupancycommunity, and twohouses and gardens atJarlanbah Community willbe included in a tour thatbegins at Djanbung GardensPermaculture EducationCentre.Refreshments and picnicswill be offered at some of thegardens.The weekend is a fundraiserfor the 7 Sibley StreetSustainable Living Hub,a social enterprise projectwhich, among other things,will promote affordable andsustainable housing, enhanceproviding a healthy canopy for smallershrubs growing along the creek. Clearpaddocks, which are kept under control by ahorse as well as mowing, provide a sense ofspaciousness within the valley.Chickens and ducks abound in thispermaculture space.The dwelling “heaven” provided hugeviews of the sky to the north south andwest, with its asymmetrical roof line andparty space. It looked over the fishpond,which is full of perch that are around oneyear old.The property has been developed over 20years, and many people have passed throughAmanda’s welcoming doors. The creativespaces both inside and out provided a greatspace for socialising for the garden club.The next visit is to Nana and Hendriksgarden which is at 694 Stony Chute Roadon Saturday 17th August at 2pm. Everyonewelcome, look for the <strong>Nimbin</strong> Garden Clubsigns.<strong>Nimbin</strong> House, Farm & Garden– Have a sticky beak!Robyn and Tien’s gardenlocal food security and createjobs.For more information goto: www.nnic.org.au It’s aninspiring project to support,so mark this event on yourcalendars, and check out nextmonth’s <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Times</strong> fordetails.Volunteers are needed forsmall tasks. Anyone interestedis asked to contact CatAnderson on 0429-194-<strong>24</strong>8.Tutti Fruitti FarmMandie and Steve’s solar passive house<strong>Nimbin</strong> MillGas Supplies50 Gungas Road, <strong>Nimbin</strong>Supplying the local community with all their LPG needs45kg, 18kg and 13.5kg exchange bottles – pickedup or delivered – and we also refill smaller bottlesPhone 6689-1207 to orderOpen Mon – Fri 8am–4pm; Sat 8am–12pmPage 30 The <strong>Nimbin</strong> <strong>Good</strong><strong>Times</strong>August 2013Open 7 days8am - 5pm weekdays11am - 4pm weekendsPh: 6689-1010 fax: 6689-1210 email: nimcand@bigpond.net.aunimbin.goodtimes@gmail.com

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