*Winter 2001 Magazine CR - Webpages at SCU - Santa Clara ...

*Winter 2001 Magazine CR - Webpages at SCU - Santa Clara ...

*Winter 2001 Magazine CR - Webpages at SCU - Santa Clara ...


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MissionM<strong>at</strong>tersUniversity to endsupport of fr<strong>at</strong>ernitiesand sororitiesAfter a five-month review, theUniversity announced th<strong>at</strong> itwould phase out fr<strong>at</strong>ernities andsororities on campus, ending supportfor them altogether by 2003. Italso pledged expanded social andrecre<strong>at</strong>ional facilities for all students.The decision, announced inMarch by President Paul Loc<strong>at</strong>elli,S.J., followed the study of the Greeksystem by a committee of faculty,staff, and students.The committee recommendedkeeping the system with tighter controlsand increased staff resources,while expanding social and recre<strong>at</strong>ionalprograms for the University’s7,350 students.Loc<strong>at</strong>elli chose to embrace thecommittee’s recommend<strong>at</strong>ion toinvolve students in the cre<strong>at</strong>ion ofgre<strong>at</strong>ly enhanced on-campus socialprograms, and to establish longerhours for food service and recre<strong>at</strong>ionalfacilities.His decision to elimin<strong>at</strong>e theGreek system on campus allows the239 sophomores and juniors whoare members of four fr<strong>at</strong>ernitiesand four sororities to retain theiraffili<strong>at</strong>ions, but makes permanenta suspension instituted last fall of“rushing”—recruiting—of newfr<strong>at</strong>ernity and sorority members <strong>at</strong>the University.In a letter to parents, Loc<strong>at</strong>ellisaid, “I understood when I madethis decision th<strong>at</strong> it was not goingto be a comfortable one, especiallyfor those students directly affected,and th<strong>at</strong> some students, parents,alumni, and friends would notshare my perspective ...Wh<strong>at</strong> struckme, however, as I reviewed theoptions with many informed people,was the reiter<strong>at</strong>ed concern for awider, more welcoming, and livelierset of social opportunities th<strong>at</strong>would benefit all students.”David Forsythe, vice president ofthe IGC, told the San Jose Mercury Newsth<strong>at</strong> “Greek organiz<strong>at</strong>ions havecaused public rel<strong>at</strong>ions problems foruniversities, and I think th<strong>at</strong>’s thebasis behind this decision.”Loc<strong>at</strong>elli said it was “a tough decision,in large measure because thevast majority of our fr<strong>at</strong>ernity andsorority members are terrific individuals—realcampus leaders.”“But I had to think,” he said,“about the longer-term issue: puttingour efforts and resources behinda determined effort to add to thesocial opportunities for the gre<strong>at</strong>estnumber of <strong>Santa</strong> <strong>Clara</strong> students.”The University’s first fr<strong>at</strong>ernitywas formed in 1935; its first sororityin 1946. Membership in <strong>SCU</strong> Greekorganiz<strong>at</strong>ions peaked <strong>at</strong> nearly 19percent in 1993, and is currently <strong>at</strong>388 (240 women and 148 men),which is less than 10 percent ofundergradu<strong>at</strong>es.The <strong>SCU</strong> decision mirrors n<strong>at</strong>ionaltrends. Fr<strong>at</strong>ernity and sororitymembership n<strong>at</strong>ionwide declinedabout 30 percent in the last decade,according to The Chronicle of HigherEduc<strong>at</strong>ion.The full text of the University committee report,and a copy of Loc<strong>at</strong>elli’s letter announcing thedecision, can be found <strong>at</strong> www.scu.edu/provost/docs/greek-review.Eastside Project renamed to honor ArrupeCOURTESY OF WWW.JESUIT.ORGPedro Arrupe, S.J. (1907-1991)The Eastside Project, which provides opportunities forstudents and faculty to work to understand the livesof the marginalized and the poor, changed its name tohonor the former Superior General of the Society of Jesus.The program was renamed The Pedro Arrupe, S.J.Center for Community-Based Learning on Feb. 5, whichmarked the 10th anniversary of the de<strong>at</strong>h of Arrupe,head of the Jesuits from 1965 to 1983.“In renaming the Eastside Project, <strong>Santa</strong> <strong>Clara</strong>University honors the memory of this remarkable man,whose leadership of the Society of Jesus inspired thefound<strong>at</strong>ion of the Eastside Project,” said C<strong>at</strong>herine Wolff,the program’s director. “It is our hope th<strong>at</strong> the work of the[center] will be a worthy expression of his teachings—advancing the Jesuit tradition of the service of faith andthe promotion of justice.”Loc<strong>at</strong>ed in the new Sobr<strong>at</strong>o Residential LearningComplex, the Arrupe Center works with the BannanInstitute for Jesuit Educ<strong>at</strong>ion and Christian Values tooffer community-based learning experiences for studentsand faculty. The center sponsors “immersionexperiences” for faculty, staff, and students, providingopportunities to learn from diverse cultures locallyand abroad.SANTA CLARA MAGAZINE/SUMMER <strong>2001</strong> 7

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